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1. Gather all the materials needed.

2. Put about an inch(1”) of gravel on the bottom of the pot/container

3. Add charcoal (5-6 pcs. Medium size depending also on the size of
your container.

4. Put garden soil almost half of the pot.

5. Select your plants. (3-5 plants in any kind/color)

6.Set your plants on the position you wish to so that the garden will
look like a complete environment.

7. Once everything is set, water the dish using enough water to fill
your pot/dish.

8. Decorate your garden. (rock, pebbles, driftwood, shells, corals,

twigs etc.

9. Spray your plants with water; wipe off excess dirt from your pot.

10. Put your dish garden in a desirable place.

-dish pot, gravel/charcoal, garden soil, hand shovel, plants
(2-3 kinds), moss or stones, hand gloves, apron, water,

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