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Smacking children might be suitable way for some people to educate about discipline.

These parents
believe that physical harshness is necessary to discipline children. This essay will argue why smacking
children is absolutely mistaken to form of discipline to children.

Some parents choose violence to be their way to training discipline to their children. They believe
punishment is the best way to create good behavior for child’s future. In addition, parents will easier to
controlled them if they have fear to their parents. For example, mother punishes their child for their
misbehave to others and scare them to don’t do that again. Therefore, these parents are scaring
children by punishing them and decreasingly potentially of being rude to any situations.

Despite smacking children can make children to be disciplined, that idea they smacking children are
necessary and right way is completely absurd. Childhood is important period of their growth, it is
essential times to what will they be in the future. It will build their mental and manner to face the
society, the good touches from parents with smooth and appropriate effort to teach children will be
affected their to become a good person. Non-violence parenting will be impacted children and they will
act that way to others. However, it is more wisely way to do and potentially lead children to become
wisely and kindly person in the future.

This essay argued why parenting is the most important things to do while children in growth period. It is
about how they will grow up and how they will treat others. In my opinion, smacking children is
generously unacceptable to do. Because it will lead children to act violent to others. My conclusion,
good teaching about love and care to others in proper way to children is right thing to do for their future
to be a good mannered person.

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