Unemployment John Paul

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Unemployment is a situation able bodied people who are looking for a job but cannot find a job.
Unemployment is the unutilized part of the economically active population of the country.
Unemployed as all persons above a specified age during the reference period were without work
last currently available for work and seeking work. In the Philippines unemployment includes a
person in the labor force who has no jobs/businesses during the reference week but one reported
actively looking for work. Unemployment in recognition of its appropriateness to the
measurement of the economically active population depending in the eagerness to search for
work. Unemployed is classified into actively looking for work for valid reasons or the inactive
unemployed. A time of high unemployment short for unemployment benefit.
Unemployment is a key economic indicator because it signals the (in) ability of workers to
readily obtain gainful work to contribute the productive output of the economy. More
unemployed workers now less total economic production will take place then might have
otherwise. And unlike idle capital, unemployed workers will still need to maintain at least
subsistence consumption during their period of unemployment. This means the economy with
high unemployment has lower output without a proportional decline in the need for basic
consumption. High, persistent unemployment can signal serious distress in an economy and even
lead to social and political upheaval. Unemployment is a serious social and economic issue
results in a tremendous impact on everything but is often overlooked. A stronger system of
assessing unemployment should be put in place in order to dates mine its causes and how to
address it better.
Unemployment is a term referring to employed individually and seeking a job out but one unable
to find a job. Furthermore, It is those people in the workforce or pool of people who are available
for work but does not have a job usually measured by the unemployment rate, dividing the
number of unemployed people, the total number of people in the workforce, unemployment
serves as one of the indicators of an economy’s status. Most of the unemployment in the
Philippines are fresh graduates with about 400,000 added to the labor force each year. But a
significant ratio of them also are workers who were not compatible from their jobs or whose
employment contracts were not reserved. Unemployment is the one of the problem of the
Philippines. So let’s identify the reasons of unemployment in the Philippines is high.
Government leaders are also concerned with the personal hardships of the unemployed for more
selfish reasons. When the voting public is unhappy. they tend to elect new leaders and toss old
ones out of office. There are few things with voters like less than suffering the personal
hardships comes with unemployment. Presidential elections deciding on a few million votes. A
typically business cycle contraction can add four to five million workers to the rooks of the
unemployed enough votes to change the “employment” status of any incumbent president
seeking reelection. Lost production unemployment also causes total production in the economy
to decline. If fewer resources are engaged in production fewer good and issues are produced.
Unemployment defined an international labor organization. occurs when people are without job
and they actively looked for work within the past four weeks. The unemployment rate is a
measure of the prevalence of unemployment and it is calculated as a percentage by dividing the
number unemployed individuals currently in the labor force. An economic condition marked the
fact with individuals actively seeking jobs remain unfired. Unemployment is expressed as a
percentage of the total individual workforce. The level of unemployment varies with economic
conditions and other circumstances. Unemployment has remained high in the Philippines, at
almost twice the level of neighboring countries despite relatively fast employment growth in the
past decade. The unemployed still unemployment if not resolved this crisis.
The more probable unemployment in the Philippines is the unavailability of jobs provided. With
a growing population of about 8 million. Millions needed jobs and only few can sure provided
one. The lack of investors and businesses could provide good jobs for the Filipino people is one
key factor in the growing unemployment in the Philippines. But probably, one of unemployment
in the Philippines may be lack of education. With the increasing demands of the fast developing
world, it is really hard to find jobs when not graduated in a particular skill or course. Through the
Philippines is a literate country, its not enough to be able to reach the qualifications of most in
demand jobs because even more sales ladies nowadays are required to have at least 1-2 years in
Unemployment creates personal hardships for the owners of the unemployed resources. When
resources do not produce goods, their owners do not earn income. The loss of income results in
less consumption and a lower living standard. One of the most noted programs is unemployment
compensation, specifically designed to relieve personal hardships providing workers with a
source of income when they are unemployed. While other transfer payments welfare and social
security are primarily designed to address other problems, they also provide a source of income
to the unemployed. The personal hardships suffered the unemployed one concern to government
leaders for reasons of both in the common good and somewhat more selfish. The unemployed are
members of society just like everyone else and deserve the opportunities to enjoy the fruits of a
Unemployment is magnified with the multiplier effect. An initial decline in the income,
consumption, and production associated with unemployment triggers further declines in income,
consumption and production as such, members of society, who might escape the direct
immediate personal hardships of unemployment, often multiplicative problems of last
production. This chapter is a comprehensive stocktaking of the data and literature on Philippine
labor markets. The exercise covers labor market trends and outcomes, as well as labor market
policies and key issues affecting the labor market. The main question behind the exercise is
whether the supposed rigidity of the Philippine labor market is the cause of unemployment, and
whether such rigidity is preventing the creation of employment. Hence, the question of labor
market reforms has been put on the table by different sectors: could reforms of the labor market
help spur growth? The reality is that, except in a few cases, governments do intervene in the
labor market to achieve some balance between the objectives of fairness, efficiency, and risk
allocation. In practice, however, labor market reforms tend to be an effort to reduce government
intervention. Labor markets are often not competitive because of the uneven market power
between the two main participants, workers and employers, resulting from the imperfect mobility
of workers, insufficient information, or discrimination.
Unemployment is a serious issue and a serious situation for any economy. It creates negative
affects to unemployed as they are jobless and suffer from worse prospects to find new job and
those who are employed feel less secure to keep their jobs in future. However for overall
development of economy, government and individuals has to take initiative steps in increasing
the productivity and improving the standard of living. So many of people do not have a work at
all and the other people have a work but they still maintaining their job for their family. Now the
populations of the Philippines are getting bigger. While the job in the Philippines are getting
lower. The lost production of unemployment causing of total production of an economy. the
government leaders should to action for this.
Unemployment is defining an international labor of an organization. The citizen who doesn’t
have a work within the past of a week has passed. and rating, calculating the percentage of
people has no job. The cause of unemployment is a lack of education and poverty as well as the
crisis who perch in the Philippines, these problems reflects on economy status. It shows that the
government must make an action on this matter. The some of the effect of Unemployment in the
Philippines are increase the property crime such as stealing and robbery; sometimes they commit
capital crime like killing and selling drugs. And should to action for this are inform to the local
government about the unemployment status related in education, crisis, and poverty problem.
The local government must offer some job that applying force.

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