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face at I e r @) athe ana oe et 4nd yo, =/ lomo: ne , € 3. In 4 pituitary - _ tary tumor ; EXCEPT: A. Gonadotropic B. Thyrotrophic } €. Growth ho D. Corticotrpic Antidiv 4. In pituitary tumors the followings i : A. Cushing's disease. Y B. Acromegaly. . Secondary hyperparathyroidism. Prolactinoma. nm Non secreting tumor with visual disturbances, surgery is indicated as the first cho 5, In stenosis of cervical spine posterior decompression | A. Canal compromise <60% B, Older patients kere. C. Patients who are singets or speak D, Multilevel disease © Patients with kyphotic sp" Sil chs Ons aries" ming Hedy Nuids are media for the transmission of HIV-1 §. All the fallowings are opportunistic infections, that may complicate AID EXCEPT: A. PML (Progressive B. Toxoplasma gondi (Cryptococcu: HiV related Encephalopathy 2 Ppewmocystis carinii (jiro pneu! JC virus) yo 9. Tn brain abscess, all the followings delay thick (mature) capsule formati EXCEPT: A. Fungal & Anaerobic bacteria B. Diteclextension (from ear C. Corticosteroid. @ ots adjacent to ventric es israclii, —~ nd free in nature, w Gram-positive colonies with branching Sulphur gran nly occurs by direct extension from tes Usually in the form a! single multilocular abseess Ae ar bla rez fle: int ars old a “ictim of Ry A, br tive. Cyes didn. Open to an. “xed to Pain, lo ~/minute, Wh; at i Wer limbs Are exte 1S the in MLE Heh to the RR, uneonsel ear Vie muli. Upper in. BP is 20000 te IN Management: q- we Final W 14, The CT Sean was dor 1WORA) 16. © mec s 6. Th banish n 6 f this inju AW jy, euron is; 18. In what clinical senario would MCA ancurysm be more commonthany Aon aneurysm: associated risk factors of posterior fossa AVM'S EX 19. The following art : a 21. The most common | “x + 22, Hydrocephalus can be diagnosed by Ultra sonography as ently 9 J ‘ 24. The most common cause of congenital obstr hy avon r Haale A. INH 3. Di , < Int 34, The imbalance between CSF secretion and CSF absorption is due to all EXCEPT: A. Choroid plexus papillon Dehydration C. Meningitis D. Sagittal sinus thrombosi: iw B, SAH dys “hic Jeg; in ons ( ill these Pathonn Yl piaat igi abn nee ro ysraphism ) &=4* vw EXCEPT: AN ‘l bre Oc forme er oar ap during ine dura. or ¢ tra dura 42 months old child w child’s father was ¢ undergone severg The ith & head sha, red to yous Is abnormality (s relenee iad "sed with Crouzon's syndeumie ta iis vriance? “urBeries. What is the pattern of genetic inl edullary spinal tumors in 6 years old child ytoma He ‘Gangliogli ch C. Anaplastic astrocytoma . D. Ependymom E. He i E: 29, Which of the following is TRL xciated with 4 Citaneons nger pallents more: . to occur in the! Midling useful in differentige = C. Intracrar ania Noure-Sure Final WOU’ aan ymon cranisy nost Ostosis most com Trigonocephaly A sphaly Scaphor C. Anterior Plag D. Posterior P rice ycephal E, Oxycephily Final Written Exam, Seure.surg 32 oo 2 i C 32. Regarding brain stem glioma which of the following statements i F A. Brainstem glioma occurs rent slice is to biopsy ~ Tectal glic 1 . One of the features of Ne E. Cervico- medullary junction glio na commonly pre 33. Typical CT and MRI appearances of the low grade glioma statements below is CORRECT: 2 (Which of the A. TI-MRI: high signal — enhancing / T2-MRI: low signal / CT: low-density non enhancing TI-MRI: low signal — non enhancing / T2-MRI: High signal / CT low-density non-enhancing C. T1-MRI: Jow-signal non-en appear D. TI-MRI: high-signal non-enhancing / T2-MRE: density enhancing E. TI-MRI high signal - enhancing /T2-MRI: high signal / CT: low-density enhancing T2-MRI: Lo pnal / CT: Does not signal / Cl “ 35. Usually, each of these complications can be seen after remo medulloblastoma of the posterior fossa, EXCEPT: Val of g & owing vciny is NOT a deep brasin vein xo, whieh of A, Thalame § 1 sae f jaeal vein of Y @ inter y poroidal wi Gi fe ? 8 Seen of Galen . motor cortex (Vp VPMo) area is mapped on the in = yo, The ventral Pre Lor tt qferior part of th Superior long!t c Primary motor © ortex f D. Frontal cy¢ E. Subcallosal f iis NOT 38, On an axial» ene cord, which of the following fasei F to the pontine ete wo Iocated posterior y fo The pontine rcticulo spinal tract ; A, Teeto spinal tract 7 Fy (emer reticulospinal tract * C. Rubrospinal tract a D, Ventral spino cerebellar tract’ E. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract 39, Which of the following intracranial tumors doesnot present usually a clea no! s ally a cleat cleavage plan: A. Falx meningioma B. Tuberculoma ls . Metastasis Oligodendroglioma Epidermoid cys! 40. All these folloWing brain lesions could require a spine imagi A. Posterior fossa medulloblastoma < 4 Ependymoma 9 * 4 CPangleschwannoma ~ - 3 Single lung brain Metast: (\ E. Orbit Ewi Som iminution of £80 Fey. cranial lesions, EXCEp 7. ***! "mor ce, sin atthe fal A. Medulloblastoma “ Vestibular schwannoma ic 7 Dems D. Choroid plexus papilloma E. Brain metastasis 42. A 53 years old Woman w signs. Imaging explorati masses is NOT to conside: ‘BS hospitatiz., 7 PM Showed sing)” *Zures andl (OG! in this patien 2 lesion, SW A. Brainiabscess B. Meningioma C. Cavernoma Pituitary adenor E. Arteriovenc = 43. Which of the following signs NOT specie or A. Gait impairment —~ B. Incontinence of urine and stoi — Tactile ag: out. and groping tefl E. Neglect and memory deficits 44. In which of the following tumors, precocious puberty can symptom: Hypothalamic glioma Medulloblastoma C. Brainstem glioma D. Tectal glioma E. Corpus callosum glioma 4 45, Concerning the spinal hemangioma, all the following a A, Vertebral body ae the most common benign ver c Sette bleeding can be a surgical comp! & Se piney ab be a therapeutic option at ign vertebral neoplastits lication 3 secondary cerebr " ] sei) fe duc to all the fu, 49, Which of the following menizgi Al Chordoid cui ; B. Clear ( : : © Atypical me v k |. Rhabdoi Anaplastic 50, Concerning the pineal tumors, a! the! true ENCEPT: : 7 Co Occur more D. Meisuren Mh se ; EF Mhersipeutic decis PE eccrning te pi POT trac en : ae 7 - = ie => Whick . ty gland «anterior te Te — wore Ue Womas, all the f csutements are true, EXGEEE Qs in the li a =i s2py) showed an improved owing statements are true, AVM grading syst arteriovenous mi Be 3 CM, 3-6 cin, eo AdICEN! brain afdeep +e allgeates points for vari formations: Gem: 1-3 points), bi eerebral AVMs, uli ihe lollowing statements are truey fal br, ‘anches predominately the MCA ad from which Bask of hicn m sctated with AVMs (hat are ¢ fini Arteries “Urysmal Malformation all the owing. flow and’ result in E are the most common tyy ier from traumatic or anew is \ Tn ayaisd mal rupnire! 9/4 fa POSS se between the 2 dural layers of the lateral wall of ) t taal nerve (VE)! trigeminal nerve ( e triyeminal nerve (V ') él. The third cranial nerve pals, aneurysms: f 63. In treating A continues for: VMs with steF A. c Dp. Eightes ip “ ‘ orclinped? gle is around? f these intracranial Ures sophthalmes and jeans clipping f vais and aphasia Whar, the lett gj Pi SP Was most peal artery | arlery. 4 fis aocurac. in flow velor 1p. Values nf more g, Themtino! 66. The retrosigmoid APProae, i 7 Sit Ndicap ated . ‘wall the follwing EXCEPT: 67, In the sure treatment of ¢ ! T*RiOphaeyniionm, th I Slama, the least used ofthe followings A. Sub frontal translamina ; B. Terional @ Sub temporal PD.) Interhemispheric tra , Transcortical trans v 68, In the sub occipital Telovela following vessels is at-risk of injury A. The vertebra The anterior infe The posterior infer D, The lateral sinus. B. The transverse si 69, In which of the following appryashes 10 remove an ant xd to transpose — foramen magnumMeningi artery? A. Antétior approach. Hor approwclh Ad fre B. Midling pos! eral approach. C. Postery “ar Anlero-lateral approach. af Fa eal appronehs apn selateral trans CO Zinn vw plo Ae there ism ppale- pik ouch to the 4th ventricle which of the located he vertebral malin in the new-born, all the follow ings are true ? ~w bom. © 18 the most li ailp injury in the new B f cetor vitamin K deficiency, is u risk factor 0 blood Joss ; netally advised due to the risk ©! finfection 3. Tn skull fracture development of in children, all the followings are risk factors growing fracture EXCEPT: F fhe ww not 3.5 te sie of te Gace iver the site of the fracture sl deficit. = aa ological features of non-com, are radiolog si Mun ictting 74, All the followings # Be i pvdrocephalus EXCEPT Final Weliteo EXAM Neup, ee A, Surkery is in below Ms implantation of Syrin, hoy 76, In acceleration BT all thy, FE. c 77. All the followings are true oy A, This extra cellular, ~ B. Isassociated with ~ ©. Involves white matt fj localized 2 Rarely le: 78. 1a CSF fistula, all the followings aret @Meninvitis is mor B. The CSF flow inermiggn =~ © Thenon-traur D, The flow of CS! is scapty E. Anosmia is more ¢ we EVCE \CEF ral, or epid ratic ered bor vale Known case of 83, An 13 years old fen Wine Stain over Wel Dhawe, | ts sya mused 1 pace iit 1 fom infarct sdor Temporal 1, r Heard Ap igor enniZe’ ical | (Hr ae BOFAtYpical ijn coh Meu Hesiat willed you and éniil| # YOUT Hisgnogig th the MV mitigoment iy a ii OSS iy iy SOrteK, along with " Probaly) Wh matecuty [dysplasia Conical B. Mestal te? C. Ganglioglinma D. fialy nett E. Hamurter fo Pwo weck after discharge patien, spasticity he present to ER e dpa, hypotonia all this first line mang A. (ABC) Air w Disconnect thi CT brain Give Ph Aspirate 30-40 ml 87. The pillars of medical ethics are all, ENCERT: ~ A. Non-Male B. Beneficence L @ Crummy istice =e” its @) Confidentiat pst ving for 5. se Paral rate. Hews i : aad vox ole Peete ips ont of the surces ily orsented atts OT a oe father 1 ¢. Patient’ 28 oy at® mpept alive like s yeu, hat be the doctor to ines able” eas, Cranial nerve da lesion 90. A 40-year-old male patient b is. TE nv olved in RTA, His GCS stare 7 treatment include all EXCE C. Always req D. Because c E vs ache and stiffmeck with an e y of headache in the past and is hus photophobia, The etiology of ing is true ab ¢ fallowil an fthe fo itu gx, Which ©! sent with all of the following 95, An LS radiculupathy from a herniated dise pen rally | ciated with which of the following: w D. MRI demonstrat ruptured ¢! FE. Sensory loss over medi c Jocated int iry auditory cortex © 96. Thep A. Frotiloperculum B. Post-cuntrl gyrus ee Superior ral By! D, Suprama E. Angular fal Written Essen, Nuclei for all the 99. In The primary empty sella syndrome the followin 100. Catecholamin production can occur in which o (Choriocarcinoma. @ Glomus jugulare tumors , Oligodendrogliomas. D. Pineocytomas. E. Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma. f the following tumors? GOOD LUCK

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