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I. Plot
The short story “The Tomato Game” is about how NVM Gonzales
reminisce his experiences in Sacramento Valley – talking to the old man and
Sopi. He then also puts an emphasis on how the use of machinery in
harvesting tomatoes differ from harvesting with the use of manual labor.
However, the old man’s dream of becoming a lawyer wasn’t able to be
attained for he doesn’t suit that profession. Hence, Sopi did.

II. Setting
1. Summer
2. America
3. Sacramento valley
4. Transpacifica University

III. Character

1. Old man – Sopi’s grandfather

2. Sopi – lawyer
3. Alice – Sopi’s handiwork, a twenty-three year old woman
4. Tony – a young boy sent to school by the old man
5. Greg Padua – the one whom NVM Gonzales wrote the letter for

IV. Point of View

“… the signs were all over. The wooden bridge, the fork of the road,
the large track all around us which earlier had been a tomato field, the rich
crop as indicated by the harvesting machine to one side of the field, a
menacing hulk. . . . You can see how hard I try”.
V. Language style

Anecdotalism – the writing or telling of short narratives concerning an

interesting,amusing, or curious events

Figurative Language

Technological advancements can never replace the man’s power.

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