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Abstract: This work aims to present and demonstrate the effectiveness of executive measures

in the actions of doing and not doing in compliance with judgment, namely: the imposition of
fines, search and seizure, removal of people and things, undoing of works and preventing
harmful activities. Its methodology is the deductive method, which arises from a logical
reasoning capable of reaching a conclusion about a certain subject. The review has the ideas and
excerpts presented by great legal scholars such as Fredie Didier Jr., Jose Miguel Garcia Medina,
Luiz Guilherme Marinoni and Flávio Tartuce. Initially, we seek to follow the path of compliance
with judgment by presenting the principles, the concepts of obligations to do and not to do, and
the jurisdictional competence, followed by a detailed presentation of the executive measures
and their practical use in compliance with judgment. Finally, it demonstrates to the reader the
real effectiveness of these measures.

Keywords: executive measures, sentence compliance, do's and don'ts.

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