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 Both being trusting enough and not being trusting enough are damaging in organizational life. If
you are too trusting, you are at risk of being taken advantage of, or they can control you. Being
not trusting enough would make other to be reserved to ask for something. These specific
events can be harmful, but they are not likely to happen often, and can be fixed.

 Benevolence is the most important dimension in deciding whether or not to trust your boss.
This is because friendships are more emotional, and you should want what is best for your
friend, rather than being selfish. Both are different types of relationships. One is a professional
relationship in which it is all about getting work done. While the other is more of an emotional
relationship that consists of helping each other, and bringing out the best in one another.


 By putting myself in the shoes of a manager distributive would I find the most difficult to
maximize. All employees are different, and they have different skills, but when it comes to
allocate rewards that when the discretion come. Interpersonal justice would be the easiest for ne
as it would deal with treating other with respect. On contrary, interpersonal and informational
justice only require a commitment to engage in respectful communication.


 which component of ethical decision making do I believe best explains student cheating, all three
(mora awareness, moral judgment, or mora intent) vary. This society are making cheating normal
and parents at home are not doing nothing to change it. Ethical decision is what parent need to
teach at home because many students are lack of moral awareness. Family always pressure their
children to be the best, but I think that they forget that they need to learn and keep the
knowledge, they become moral judgment. Student cheat to have the best grade and they don’t
think about moral intent even though they know that is bad.


 how important would that be to me working in a corporate responsibility, very important

because is when my moral identity comes by emphasis on social responsibility raises its
trustworthiness. I can show my trustworthiness to the amount they give to their employees. I can
improve my social status in the society and at the same time I will try to improve to get a better
position with better payment in any given field.

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