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Text: Romans 5:6-11

Topic: Jesus our reconciliation

Q.How does Jesus reconciled to us?

Intro. The reconciliation God’s word speaks to us

Is of ultimately more importance than anything that

We possesed It tells about work of Jesus Christ

1. Our position without Christ ( Ephe.2:3)

A. Weak (v6)
*powerless..means we have no power
Within us to bring ourselves in line with God
 We are powerless to make ourselves right with God
B. Ungodly (v.6)
*hate to do something good that heaven’s desire
* our actions and our lives are marked that are opposed to what God desire in us

C. Sinners (v.8)

* the wages of sin is death ( we’re sinners and under the death sentence)

* We are constantly missing the mark

* we live in conscious opposition to God and His standards ( be holy because

He is holy

 We do wrong and continue to do wrong

D.We are God’s enemies (v.10)

* we are in opposition to God

* Jesus said whoever is not for Him is against Him

*we are opposing God in everything we do

E. We are separated and isolated

* we are separated from the one who created us and keep us breathing

* without Christ we don’t have God..ourselves is our god and we ate not able to do

2. Jesus Christ has made a way for us?

A.He died for us (v.6,8)

* this was the demontrations of God’s love and grace (v.8)

* even we don’t deserve He gave His life

* it was only the love and grace that God has for us that caused Jesus to come and die

*God’ love amd grace is there for all who will accept what Jesus has done

B.There is no.merit on our part

* we were still sinners

* there is absolutely nothing but within us to merit the cross

*God owes nothing but hell for how we live and treat Him

3. He provided a way for us to be revonciled to God( Luke 23:44)

A. We are no longer have to be separated from the love of God

And on the cross Jesus came between us and God

His blood can bring us in with God’s demands and requirements

B.We can be reconciled together with God

*we are no longer have to be isolated from God

* qe can have a real relationship with the King of kimgs and Lord of lords

* we can come to knnow God personally by the reconciliation that Jesus provides

4.We have the security now and forever

A.the reconciliation by Jesus is binding eternally

It is one deal

What He does can never be changed or annulled

B.He gives us the opportunity to be saved

* what we were powerless to do Jesus did for us

* the ungodly can be reconciled to God

* the enemies before are now His friends and children

* we are saved through the finished work of Jesus



A.turn the way you are headed

B.turn to Jesus Christ


A.confess our sins to God

B.confess that we need a savior


A. Believe


A.Thank Him

B.share His gospel..teach what we have learned and spread the good news

C.stay focus on serving the Lord our God not stop learning so that we may continue to grow by feeding and

Fertilizing our spirit through the word of God

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