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Tomato Plaki

2 to 2 1/2
1kg Half-ripe tomatoes or green tomatoes halved crosswise lb
4 large onions, halved lenghtwise and thinly sliced 4
10 cl olive oil 4 fl oz
60 g rice 2 oz
1 tsp sugar 1 tsp
1/2 tsp ground allspice (optional) 1/2 tsp
salt and pepper
1/4 Litre water 8 fl oz
2 tbsp chopped parsley 2 tbsp

1 saute the onions very linghty in the oil for about 5 minutes.
2 place the halved tomatoes, cut side up, in one layer in a large sauté
3 drain the onions and spread them over the tomatoes, reserving the oil
4 spread the rice over the onions. Add the oil from sauteing onions
5 sprinkle sugar allspice salt pepper over everything
6 add the water,cover and cook over a medium heat about 30 minutes,or
until the tomatoes and rice are tender
7 remove from the heat, cool, and transfer to a serving dish
8 garnish with the parsley before serving
9 serve at room temperature

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