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1993; 10:341-347


Consumer Idealized Design: Involving Consumers in the Product
Development Process

Susan Ciccantelli and Jason Magidson

A considerable portion of the growing body of Introduction

literature devoted to the design process deals with the
A product or service is designed effectively if it
roles of internal marketing, production, and research provides consumers with what they want, rather than
and development teams and their interaction. Such merely remove what they do not want. But determin-
design methodologies could be greatly enhanced by ing what consumers need or will want is an effort that
focusing more attention on understanding consumer does not often meet with success. In fact, suppliers'
needs and behavior, especially in the initial stages of beliefs about consumers' wants have led to more
product development. Susan Ciccantelli and Jason product failures than successes. The main reason for
Magidson describe Consumer Idealized Design, a this is not hard to understand: Consumers' needs and
process for involving consumers in the actual design of desires are elusive because consumers themselves
a new manufactured good or service. They summarize generally have not consciously formulated what they
three case studies involving the application of the are or how to fulfill them.
process. Even when consumers are aware of what they want
and are willing to reveal it, their wants are likely to be
conditioned by what is available. And when the
product or service available is basically unsatisfying to
them, they are unlikely to reveal startling new desires
or concepts. At best, the typical ways in which
consumers are involved in product design focus
groups, surveys, and questionnaires--tend to elicit
mostly information about what they do not want, rather
than startling new insights about what they really want
or need. This is due in part to the fact that people often
attempt to provide answers that they think the inquirer
wants, rather than probe for their own preferences.
So the search continues, and product developers
continue to seek ways to help consumers (1) become
more aware of what they need or want, and (2) reveal
Address correspondence to: Susan Ciccantelli, INTERACT, The
Institute for Interactive Management, 401 City Avenue, Suite 525, Bala these wants as accurately as possible.
Cynwyd, PA 19004.
One such way, developed by Russell L. Ackoff, l is
Russell Ackoff is Emeritus Professor at the Wharton School of the
University of Pennsylvania and one of the founding partners of INTER- a process called Consumer Idealized Design (Con-
ACT: The Institute for Interactive Management, Bala Cynwyd, PA. sumer Design).

© 1993 Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 0737-6782/93/$6.00

655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010
1993; 10:341-347

However, we have found that the collective knowledge

B I O G R A P H I C A L SKETCHES of a group is generally sufficient to make decisions
Susan Ciccantelli is an independent researcher. As an Associate
regarding the inclusion of uncertain technological
Member of INTERACT, The Institute for Interactive Management,
her work has involved new product research and development capabilities.
processes for several Fortune 500 companies. Before joining
INTERACT Ms. Ciccantelli worked as a systems consultant with 2. The product or service must conform to the law.
the Mitchell Group in Los Angeles, where she was involved in the This constraint extends to any rules or regulations
planning and design of a series of innovative multimedia arts
programs and planned and executed the planning, selection, and
imposed by the government that limit the use of the
installation of automated systems for the organization's micro- product or service. For example, one cannot design
based computer systems. In addition, she served as a Project an automobile that emits a poisonous gas.
Manager for five years at First Pennsylvania Bank, doing research,
design, planning, and implementation of large, multiuser systems, Consumer design starts from the ground up and
where she specialized in user-interface design. Ms. Ciccantelli
began her career in publishing. She holds a Bachelor's degree from
ignores feasibility in the early stages of the design
Bryn Mawr College, and was a doctoral candidate in the Department process. This is because it is based on the belief that
of Social Systems Sciences at The Wharton School. the principal obstruction to creativity is a preoccupa-
Jason Magidson is a Project Manager at INTERACT and has tion with feasibility, a condition that is usually
worked with large and small corporations, assisting them in associated with self-imposed (rather than actual)
planning, research, and organization design efforts. Major emphases constraints.
in his work include consumer and employee involvement in
planning and design of products, services, and organizational Consumer design assumes that, given the proper
structure and strategy; quality of worklife programs; creation of tools and facilitation, average consumers are often best
shared vision and cooperation among members of teams; programs
equipped to design--from a functional standpoint--
to increase the responsiveness of organizations to consumer and
community needs and desires; and programs to promote realization those products and services that are required for
of organizational missions. Mr. Magidson received his Bachelor of situations with which they have become familiar. It is
Science from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylva-
this input from consumers early on in the product
nia, and is a candidate for a doctorate jointly offered by the Union
Institute and INTERACT. development process that differentiates consumer
design sessions from traditional focus groups and
surveys. (See Figure 1.)

Consumer Idealized Design

How Consumer Design Works
Consumer design involves actual or potential consum-
ers in an unconstrained design of their ideal product or Consumer design is similar to a focus group in some
service. general ways:
In consumer design, participants are told not to be 1. A small group is selected from a segment of the
concerned with the feasibility of the designs they market that the product developer has chosen to
create, only with their desirability. They are also target.
encouraged to specify ways in which the product might 2. The process takes place in a large conference room.
be made flexible enough to accommodate changes in 3. The event can be either taped or viewed behind
consumers' needs. In proposing the design, consumer one-way mirrors.
participants are free of all constraints except two:
At this point, the similarities end. Unlike focus groups,
1. The product or service cannot involve any technol- which are usually completed in less than three hours,
ogy that does not currently exist. For example, a
consumer design sessions generally require an entire
participant could say that she wants publicly
day. Participants are usually not required to prepare in
available drive-it-yourself taxis that are coin-
any way for the session. However, discussion by the
operated, because the technology exists to construct
client organization should provide an accurate descrip-
them. On the other hand, she cannot say that she
tion of the characteristics of ideal participants. It may
wants an automobile fueled with water, since this is
be desirable to have prospective participants complete
not possible using current (proven) technology.
a questionnaire before the session, to ensure that
In some cases, knowing whether technology exists to participants meet the client's profile of the ideal
realize consumers' designs may be difficult to assess. consumer of their forthcoming product or service.

DECISION the ideal. In sessions of over six people, participants

NEW PRODUCT then break into smaller groups to plan designs that will
incorporate as many of the specifications as possible.
This generally takes between one and two hours. The
entire group is then reassembled to present their
CONSUMER STORMING designs and discuss the advantages and disadvantages
~ DEVELOPERS of each. After this discussion, the smaller groups
reconvene to refine and change their designs, incorpo-
rating the ideas presented by the other group(s) as
desired. This process is repeated as many times as
possible until the end of the day, with the goal being to
arrive at one design that incorporates all of the
participants' idealizations.
If a facilitator is skillful, it seldom takes more than
three iterations to reach a consensus on a consumer
idealized design (i.e., all participants feel the end
product is better than anything else currently availa-
DEVELOP,DESIGN, AND MANUFACTURE PROTOTYPE ble). In our experience, several skills contribute to
success. First, if the participants refer to or complain
L about existing products or services, the facilitator
should immediately break in and remind the group that
1 for the purposes of this session these no longer exist
and they should stay focused on the objective of
t designing what they would like if they could have
MODIFY PROTOTYPE BASED ON MARKET TEST anything they wanted. Second, when disagreements
arise, the facilitator can handle them in several ways.
In some cases, the facilitator can ask the group to
assess the importance of the disagreement and con-
Figure 1. Consumer design involves end-users early on in the sider whether they should set it aside for discussion
product development process.
later, so that progress can be made in other areas.
Where agreement cannot be reached, the facilitator
should suggest an experiment or other research by
Assisted by a facilitator--someone who guides but
does not provide content to the session--the partici- which the better approach can be determined in
pants are asked to imagine that an existing product or practice (e.g., manufacture two types of roofing
service with which they are familiar was destroyed materials that consumers disagree on, offer them for
overnight, and that they are going to have the sale, and see whether one sells better than the other).
opportunity to create something totally new in its This is a resolution approach to which people often
place. They then engage in a brainstorming session to unanimously agree.
prepare a basic list of specifications for the ideal A third skill that contributes to a successful design
product or service to be designed. Specifications can effort is remembering to probe, when design specifi-
include any feature desired by the participants, no cations are contributed, by asking the question
matter how outrageous, as well as standard characteris- " W h y ? " . This can help eliminate redundancy in the
tics such as color, weight, function, size, speed, shape, final design, but, more importantly, it forces the
availability, cost, and so on. designers to articulate desires that are often not known
The facilitator records all suggestions and proposals to producers.
on a large flipchart so that everyone present can see Finally, facilitators of a successful design effort
them. At this stage, all specifications are recorded, should guide participants toward their ideal and away
even those that may be in conflict with each other. The from what they perceive as obstructions. In this
entire group then debates the merits of each point respect, the objection which is most often raised in the
raised and finally arrives at some decisions regarding group design effort is cost.
1993; 10:341-347

Interactive Design Versus Reactive "Focus" while another wanted a drive-up geared to speed and
A consumer design session is characterized by at least convenience. Their solution: a fast, fully automated,
three features that distinguish it from a focus group. express lane which could be either conveniently
located near the exit of a full-service station, or placed
1. It requires innovation and interaction from partici- in a smaller location as stand-alone (or "micro-")
pants. station. These units would utilize a credit or debit card
2. It is task-oriented, competitive and consensus- and personal ID code, thereby eliminating the need to
generating. leave the pump area. They would also provide an
3. It requires the articulation and design of the group's option similar to an automated teller machine's "Fast
notion of the ideal in a designated product or Cash" service, and allow consumers to select $2, $5,
service category. $10, or $20 worth of gas with a single entry.
The "combination design" was further refined by
the group at large to be adapted for both urban and
Innovation highway uses.
Even in those cases in which consensus is not
Focus groups generally begin and end with the product reached, information is revealed in disagreements that
developers' concept for a new or improved product or may be useful to the product or service provider.
service. Conversely, a consumer design session begins Generally, such situations suggest the desirability of
with a blank slate. When consumer design is success- providing options or conducting further research to
ful, the end result is a design that represents not only determine what is preferred by the majority of a target
previously unarticulated needs and wants of the market. Repeated attempts to meet all of the group
participants, but a record for the product developer of members' desired specifications often raise new
the underlying reasons for those design decisions. questions and issues, requiring revamped decisions
For example, in a design of the ideal men's clothing and subsequent discussion. In addition, consensus
store, participants--who had been selected from the provides the consumer design process with direction; it
store owner's targeted customer group--arranged also----in conjunction with the time constraint--pushes
different articles of similar types of clothing by size, participants to come up with imaginative solutions.
rather than by type. In their scheme, all available styles
of suit jackets, sport jackets, vests, shirts, and
outerwear for the upper body were grouped together by Designing the Ideal
size. The reason given was that the consumer designers Consumer design offers participants a chance to
did not like hunting all over the store to retrieve these become the designer. As such it places them in a
different articles. Armed with this new understanding position of power, if only temporarily and hypotheti-
of their preferred customer group, the store's owners cally. At the same time, they are faced with the
identified alternate ways to address this need: having a challenge of getting to the heart of what it is that they
salesperson select the desired articles in the appropri- really want. For example, the customers of an urban
ate sizes for VIP customers, and maintaining records of neighborhood grocery store and outdoor caf6 were
customers' clothing and size requirements. quick to trade off the occasional noisiness of people
and music during the summer months for the security
Task-Orientation, Competition, and Consensus provided along the block by the store's late-night
activity and lighting.
As anyone who has led or participated in a focus group A producer's notion of the ideal is generally very
knows, these groups can easily degenerate into "beef different from his customer's. In the case of the new
sessions." In some cases the group will become software product (described below), consumer partici-
polarized, or launch an all-out attack upon the product pants unanimously rejected the (sponsor's) idea of a
idea being introduced. A consumer design session hand-held tracking device. In addition, prior to this, the
eliminates this possibility since the group is itself group had agreed that the best system of all would
responsible for producing answers to the challenge involve no software or hardware at all, just a trusted
posed by a particular product or service need. friend or relative who would take all responsibility for
For example, in the design of an ideal service tracking household expenses. This ideal set the
station, one group designed a full-service facility, priorities in the minds of the sponsor: the product
!993; I0:341-347

would need to be simple, straightforward, and require They worked on 3' x 4' wood panels, and used a wide
as little interaction with technology as possible. variety of components, textures, colors, and so on.
Consumer design is similar to focus groups in that it Components were prepared in such a way that the
does not attempt to deliver finished product designs. designs need not resemble any existing type of roofing.
But unlike focus groups, the output of consumer Each participant prepared several designs. When each
design sessions is treated as a point of departure for the group had completed its design, they were asked to
remainder of the product development process. This is review each others' creations, those of previous
because effective consumer designs should give groups, and also a selection of roofs available on the
product and service providers information about what market at that time.
consumers want, and, even more importantly, they The effort produced a total of 120 different designs,
should increase their understanding of why they want prepared by nine different groups over the course of
what they want. several weeks. The designs were analyzed and catego-
rized according to twenty variables. The findings
deemed most useful by the client were as follows:
Consumer D e s i g n O u t c o m e s
1. Asphalt roofing materials do not have to be made to
Consumer design sessions have been conducted for a resemble slate, wood shingles, or clay tiles to be
wide variety of businesses: a major oil company; a considered attractive.
major manufacturer of roofing materials; a large 2. The narrow cut-outs--spaces that separate tabs on
supermarket chain; neighborhood grocery stores; a conventional shingles--are considered unattrac-
men's clothing retail chain; a computer software tive.
company; insurance and banking companies; health 3. Homeowners showed a preference for roofing that
care facilities; and national food producers. Three of appears three-dimensional.
these experiences are summarized here. 2 4. All participant groups except roofing contractors
showed a preference for strong patterning and
regularity. The contractors find such designs diffi-
The Ideal Roof cult to install.
A major producer and marketer of asphalt roofing 5. In general, homeowners' and architects' designs
shingles had a larger line of roofing materials than its were much more exotic than the conventional
major competitor, but one of the competitor's products designs produced by contractors who install roofs
dominated the market. Previous efforts to cut into the and material distributors who sell roofing products.
competitor's market share had met with little or no Several of the designs produced by customers and the
success. Consumer Design was selected as a way to analysis were subsequently used to modify the client's
explore potential new products that could take some of product line.
the dominant product's share.
One of the first facts recognized was that there are
many participants in the decision to buy a particular The Ideal Service Station
style of roofing shingle: homeowners, architects, roofing Two groups of consumers---one composed entirely of
contractors, material distributors, and retailers. But the men and the other of w o m e n - - w e r e recruited to design
answer to the question "Who makes the buying the ideal service station. In general, both groups
decision?" is important only if the different participants revealed a desire for more choices: a variety of service
have different preferences. With this in mind the facilities, product options, and auxiliary services. The
company set out to determine which type of roof designs groups acknowledged early on in the process that auto
and styles each type of participant preferred. service needs varied in a number of ways: long or short
To accomplish this, small groups of each type of trips; planned versus unplanned service; an urban or a
buyer were brought to a specially prepared room where highway setting; and the desire for personalized or
they were asked to design their notion of the ideal roof. completely automated service. Two representatives of
the sponsoring organization (a major oil company)
took part incognito in two day-long sessions.
2 These summaries are based on interventions designed and conducted
by Alan Barstow, Susan Ciccantelli, Ali Geranmayeh, John Pourdehnad,
Some interesting differences emerged between the
and Don Wilson. final designs produced by the two groups. Women
1993; 10:341-347

wanted the station to be a source of reliable, Participants were asked to supply information about
straightforward information covering all elements of themselves, including household income and esti-
what they referred to as "the total driving experi- mated home value. They were also asked to rate
ence." This included background, training, and refer- themselves on a scale of one to ten in two areas: (1)
ences for their car mechanics; information about fuel their knowledge and understanding of investments;
sources and composition; and information about and (2) the amount of control they felt they had over
insurance and maintenance options. They also ex- their money.
pected businesses to show some concern for the local In the first session, participants were asked to
community. Finally, women's designs addressed the imagine an ideal setup which would help them track
special needs of children and the handicapped by their personal finances. At this point, the sponsors had
including things such as changing tables in restrooms a preconceived notion of the new product which
and wheelchair access. incorporated a small, hand-held device (similar to a
Both men and women redesigned the pumps and pocket calculator) for tracking daily expenditures. This
nozzles to make them easier use and store. Other device would then plug into a personal computer,
design features common to both were: where a modular system of software programs would
organize, integrate, and analyze the data. They
• a selection of major brands available at every participated in this first session incognito.
pump; What happened during the first session caused the
• a fast, fully automated express lane which could sponsors to completely revise their ideas. Participants
be conveniently located and adapted either as a revealed that they would like better organization and
stand-alone "micro-station" or as part of the control of their finances, but that they were unwilling
super station design for both urban and highway to use a hand-held tracking device, no matter how
use; small or "cute." They also did not want any of the
"extra work" required to organize their finances.
• a commuter lot/station with "disposable" cars; Instead, they wanted a simplified "snapshot" of their
and total financial situation, as well as graphic representa-
• an emphasis on service--respect for and atten- tions delineating what they spent in certain categories.
tion to the customer ("like McDonald's"); and Other specifications were that the proposed system
include some type of imposed discipline on their
• a system for servicing cars when they are not spending, and the ability to see progress toward stated
being used. financial goals.
Both groups produced their own detailed drawings of The first session convinced the sponsors that the
what the stations would look like, including landscap- product would have to be aimed at households and
ing, lighting, and clearly marked approaches and individuals who regularly experience cash-flow prob-
exits. lems. To design software aimed at such a group, a
second session was organized with a different set of
participants. This group produced a complete set of
The Ideal Financial Software Product requirements for the new product. These included
Two sessions, involving different groups of people,
were held to have participants design financial- • ease of use;
planning software for household use. The goal was a graphics to show what today's dollars today will
new product that would appeal to a market segment be worth at retirement;
different from the company's existing (successful)
financial-planning software product. The existing savings plans for acquiring major purchases;
product had its largest market among persons with a
tax implications; and
relatively high level of financial sophistication. The
new product was intended to cultivate a new, less a variety of other consumer information sources,
sophisticated customer base, many of whom would such as credit card rates, travel options, vacation
then "graduate" to become users of the existing packages, and housing costs in different parts of
product. the country.
1993; 10:341-347

In addition, extensive specifications were provided for 1. get consumers involved in product and service
system outputs, such as monthly, quarterly, and annual development as early as possible and at all
(printed) reports; balance-sheets, household budgets, subsequent stages;
and long-term "snapshots." Participants decided that 2. encourage consumers to focus on what is wanted
the system should be geared to low-end hardware rather than what is not wanted;
(costing under $1000), and compatible with existing 3. encourage consumers to think beyond what is
popular word-processing and spreadsheet programs. currently available by focusing on what they would
Such a package, they said, should assist individuals like ideally (starting from a clean slate);
who purchased it by "demystifying the chaotic blur" 4. get consumers to go beyond simply telling what
of financial imperatives and options. Finally, the they would like by involving them in designing the
participants said that they would pay between $40 and product or service;
$60 for the product. 5. encourage consumers not to worry about likelihood
of implementation (feasibility) but to be concerned
with desirability; and
Conclusion 6. probe for the reasons why consumers want what
they want.
Many in upper- and middle-management know that in
today's complex industrial relationships, with many We have discussed how consumer idealized design has
middlemen, organizations can be very distanced from helped a number of companies in a variety of industries
their ultimate consumers, and they realize that this improve performance by following the above principles.
distance makes it easy to miss the big picture. Even companies that tried consumer idealized design,
Involving consumers in designing products and serv- although they felt confident in their existing marketing
ices can put the organization back in touch with its strategy, have often been surprised at how much they
consumers and infuse fresh ideas. learned, how it affected their beliefs and practices, and
However, customer involvement often has not how this led to improved performance. In a world where
produced the expected results. Six principles have successful performance is increasingly a moving target,
come out of examination of successful and failed companies would be wise to become partners with their
efforts. Companies should consumers in shaping it and pursuing it.

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