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Benefits of

Doing These
Exercises in

Exercise in Pregnancy

01 Brisk Walking
One of the easiest way to keep yourself in shape
and healthy in pregnancy is brisk walking.

02 This exercise helps to balance the weight if
the ladies are overweight which also might be
lead to some omplications in their delivery process

Lunges and Squats

Well, the perks of these are not a secret, while you
get all these three in a combo Strengthens legs,
buttocks, pelvic floor and biceps.


It is the solution to all your problems and
apprehension. Doing yoga with ease during
pregnancy keeps you away from all kind of stress
and disturbing thoughts.

Less Tempo Aerobic

Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart and lungs
and helps maintain muscle tone. Low-impact aerobics
excludes jumping, high kicks, leaps, or fast running.
Click here to know more about Exercises in Pregnancy

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