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Reference Notes: Numbers & Place Value Instructional

1. Natural Number system – starts from 1 onwards: 1;2;3;4

2. Whole Number system start from 0: 0;1;2;3 ...
3. Consecutive Numbers: Numbers that follow each other:
1;2;3 or 112; 113; 114 etc
4. Digits: the number of digits that make up a number: 345
has 3 digits
What is the largest 2 digit number: ________
What is the largest 3 digit number: _________
5. Words to know: before, after, between, more than, less
6. Expanded notation: 3 ways of expanding numbers
1 456 = 1 000 + 400 + 50 + 6
1 Th + 4H + 5T + 6 U
( 1 X 1000) + ( 4 X 100) + ( 5 X 10) + ( 1 X 6 )
OR build numbers in order:
200 + 6 + 70 = 276
2TH + 3 U + 7H + 9t = 2 793
7. Drawing a number: abacus stand / counters
8. What is the value of the underlined digit in the number –
is the quantity
eg 345 = 40 but the place value is tens
9. Comparing numbers: Using ˂ ˃ =

45 ˂ 67
123 ˃ 99
( 10 + 9 ) = 20 - 1
10. Arranging numbers:
Ascending order: smallest to biggest
Descending order: biggest to smallest
11. Rounding Off: Rounding UP or Rounding DOWN are key
word to use.
Nearest 5

Rounding to the nearest 10:

Discuss examples

Discuss examples
12. In the number 476
12.1 How many groups of 10 are there? ________
12.2 What is the value of the 4? _______
12.3 What is the place value of the 6? _____
12.4 How many groups of hundreds are there? ______
12.5 What is the difference in the values of the 4 and 7?
12.6 What is the sum of the values of the 4 and 6?
12.7 What is 5 less than this number? ___________________

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