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Salus populi est suprema lex – the welfare of the people is the supreme law
2. Three compelling reasons
3. First point – necessity to lower murder rates
a. 473,068 crimes in 2018, 9.13% lower than 2017
b. 2018 Global Peace Index Report = PH 2nd least peaceful country in ph
c. Increase of murder rate = NOT SETTLE W STATUS QUO
d. Death penalty will lessen murder rates as it has deterrent effect
e. Execution leads to decreased murder rates
4. Second point – necessity to punish offenders of heinous crimes
a. Essence of our penal code is retribution
b. Sending of criminals is not retribution as it is not the right punishment
c. Imprisonment does not equate to changed life
i. Example: Bilibid Prison
d. People v Echegaray, “to ask what the rights are of the dying is to ask what the rights are
of the living.”
e. The lesser the criminals, the safer a community is
f. Death penalty for criminals committing the gravest offense
5. Necessity to reform ph justice system
a. Welfare of the people is the supreme law
b. Status quo shows how our current justice system is a failure
c. Commit crimes with wanton disregard of law and authorities because penalty only
d. Problem in our system cannot be solved by small legislative measures
ii. start of meaningful reforms that our country’s judicial system needs
6. Imprisonment does nothing to the minds of these cold-blooded criminals
a. It’s about time they fear
b. Maintain the status quo = nothing will change

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