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Module 4 Essay

1. The membrane structure is made up of a lipid bilayer. It consists of two phospholipid

layers. The phospholipid contains two ends. It is amphipathic meaning it has a
hydrophilic polar head and a hydrophobic non-polar tail. The head contains a
phosphate and the tail has a fatty acid. This lipid bilayer forms a barrier around the
cell. It is not covalently bonded but it creates this barrier by spontaneously arranging
themselves tail to ail to keep water out and they have their hydrophilic heads exposed
to water. The way the bilayer is set up makes it an impermeable structure. Large
molecules can not freely move in and out of the cell without the help of specialized

2. There are structures on the surface and embedded in the lipid bilayer. They are able to
transport the larger molecules that can not enter the cell without its assistance. Other
macromolecules associated with the membrane are carbohydrates, proteins, and

3. The structure of the biological membrane is classified as fluid because the integral
parts are able to move throughout the membrane. Since the phospholipids are not
covalently bound to each other, they can move laterally through the membrane.
Although it does not easily let foreign objects in, it is not a solid since proteins and
lipids are able to move around in the membrane. The membrane is also classified as
mosaic because it has many different macromolecules and structures in it similar to a
mosaic pattern. The membrane contains proteins, glycoproteins, phospholipids,
glycolipids, and cholesterol.

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