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Evidencia 5: “Using verbs to build customer satisfaction tools”

1. La empresa “My sweet candy” produce caramelos y chicles, y necesita conocer el grado
de satisfacción de los clientes. Ellos elaboraron una encuesta para medir la opinión de los
clientes, la cual se encuentra más adelante y necesitan conocer el resultado de ésta. Para
ello, lea los resultados de dicha encuesta, posteriormente, simule y escriba un informe en
inglés de ello, donde utilice verbos regulares e irregulares en pasado y presente.

“My sweet candy” was worried to know the opinion of clients because is important for the
continuous improvement in their processes and the techniques applied in each one of

With the results the company can achieve some goals: to know what need to improve, the
impression that people has, to know the points that most value have for the clients, to
understand the needs of the clients and to know what strategy can do to maintain

In the following analysis we can find the opinion of the questions surveyed:

The people surveyed is a satisfied with our product, they feel comfortable with the cost,
quality and sustainability to achieve their requirements.

The company must improve the value for money of the products doing small things to
increase the product’s value perception as like change flavors it could be a great
opportunity for improvement for the company.

The people is not very confident to recommend this company to a friend or colleague if
the company achieve a closer and longer relation with the customers, then they could be
more confident to recommend this company and purchase more products.

The people think that the company is not very responsive about their questions or
concerns about the products, maybe with a very smart service plan focused in a quick
attention to the customer requirements can improve this item.

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