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1. Who tested vegetable oil as fuel for his engine a one hundred years ago?
R// Rodolf Diesel
2. What are the main components of natural vegetable oils and animals fats?
R// free fatly acid, phospholipids, sterols, water and other impurities
3. Free fatty acids and water have a significant effect on the --------------------- of
glycerides with alcohol.
R// transesterification.

Leidy’s Opinion

I strongly consider that the biodiesel is important to the preservation of the

environment because this represents a cleaner alternative to fuel use. Also, this
symbolizes a source of heat and energy for supplying the humanity needs. The fuel
can be replaced by other substances or elements such as animal fats and vegetable
oils, which after chemical treatment are transformed to fuel by different methods, for
example transesterification and this is environmentally friendly.

Critical Point of View

The biodiesel can be obtained from vegetable and animal fats by different methods
such as microemulsion, pyrolysis, and transesterification among others, however
transesterifications the most accurate method in terms of the versatility of the method,
in terms of catalyst, temperature and time, as the biodiesel production article shows:
a review among others.

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