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 Opine: express an opinión/idea

 Awe: a feeling of great respect mixed with fear or surprise

 Racounter: who tells funny or interesting stories
 art market is largely run by
 she sounds, moves and looks like goddess
 unassailable true
 feasible: able to be
 made / done or achieve
 have a dry smile
 struggle with
 go straight to the point
 unforgettable: memorable: striking
 apper on stage

 start with a short introduction
 focus on aswering the task
 use phrases: im likely to say, honestly, i opine
 its not essential to agree, but dont forget to support your thought
 Vocabulary: phrases verbs-idioms
 Invent information, fluency, accuracy-grammar.

 Because
 Due to fact that
 In view of that
 Owing to the fact that
 Since

What are the beneficts of these type of tv programme?

 A wild life programme

 A thriller

 The news

 a sitcom

 appear on stage
 species on the verge of extinction
 for instance the polar bears
 cut down: reduce
 hábitat: natural enviromenment
 tribe
 global warming
 the iceberg has melt
 throughout the years
 marine creatures
 extended your knowledge regarding technology, science, medicine, social. Economic and political
 put stress away: get rid of stress release a stress
 solve a puzzle
 deal with/cope with/ grapple with criminals
 gain knowlegde about what to do or not do when you witness a crime
 as far as im concerned
 tydying up
 lead to
 enhance
 our habits define us
 deal with = cope with =grapple with
 im genz generation convey messages by using social networking sites such as FB
 convey written discourse by using social networking sites such aas FB
 People are likely to convey written discourse by using social networking sites such as FB so others are
aware of what their ideas are
 What mean of transport do you use everyday?
On my dailey basis I usually commute by bus because i have a shoestring Budget
 What type of art do you like?
Without a doubt listening chicha music is a feast to my ears. For instance my favorite Singer is
chacalon since the lyrics of his songd are touching and lovely …. Masterpiece

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