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Korver’s Baby Blessing February 1, 2015

Our Father in Heaven, by the power of the Holy Melchizedek priesthood, we take this
infant into our arms to give him a name and a blessing. The name that has been chosen
for him that he will be known by on this Earth, and on the records of the Church is
Korver Jason Darrington. Korver we’d like to bless you with the knowledge of your
loving Heavenly Father, and the knowledge that as trials and triumphs come throughout
your life, you’ll always be able to lean upon Him, and you’ll always be able to call upon
Him through prayer. We also want you to know of your loving family you have been
born into, and you can always come to us for advice and help in all that you do. We also
want to bless you with the ability to be able to not only grow in stature, but also to grow
spiritually that you will be able to have the desire to read the Book of Mormon and the
Bible and to grow closer to God through that and also to always say your prayers and to
one day be worthy to serve a mission and be able to go through the temple. We also bless
you with the desire to one day find a mate to be able to take through the temple and to be
able to start a family of your own. We want to bless you with the knowledge of the loving
family that you have around you and the good friends, and we want you to be an example
to all of us and strive to be a leader in your life. We also want to bless you with the desire
to do well in your studies and to strive to find a good job one day to be able to support
your family. Once again, we want you to know how much you are loved and how proud
we are of you already. And we say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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