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Geographic location

Canada is a country with more than thirty-seven million inhabitants that occupies the northern half of North America.

Canada is a federal parliamentary state of North America; its capital is Ottawa, bordered on the north by the Arctic
Ocean, northeast by Baffin Bay and the Davis Strait, which separates it from Greenland, east by the Atlantic Ocean,
south by the United States and west by the ocean Pacific and Alaska.


Canada is the second largest country in the world in net area after Russia, covering approximately forty-one percent of
North America. On land surface it is the fourth largest country in the world after Russia, China and the United States.


Records show that the region now known as Canada has been inhabited for thousands and thousands of years by
various indigenous peoples. At the end of the decade of fourteen hundred

, the British and French colonial expeditions explored the region, and later settled on the Atlantic coast of Canada.
During the Franco-Indian War of seventeen sixty-three, France gave almost all of its colonies in North America to the
British. In the following decades, the population grew steadily, the territory was further explored and other autonomous
colonies were established under the British crown. On July 1 of eighteen sixty-seven, three of those colonies came
together to form a federal domain that constituted Canada. Today Canada is a federal parliamentary democracy and a
constitutional monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth of England as Chief Official of the State.


Historically, Canadian culture has been influenced by the traditions and customs of English, French and indigenous
cultures. Throughout the national territory, you can find various forms of distinctive cultural, linguistic, artistic and
musical expressions of each region.

Canadian culture has been greatly influenced by immigrants from all over the world, which is why most people perceive
Canada as a multicultural nation. However, the country's culture also has many characteristics of American culture, due
in large part to its proximity and the high rate of migration between the two countries.

In the gastronomy Among the typical foods of Canada, we find the Poutine (fries with special cheese and sauce), is also
popular smoked salmon with Maple syrup.

Canadians in general, love life and like to have fun. It is a society that feels proud of its citizenship. When they travel they
usually wear a national badge as proof of their patriotism.


4. Canadians move around on polar bears, live in igloos and love ice hockey.

We can assure that only some Eskimo peoples live in igloos, like the Inuit, and that the great majority of the Canadian
population has not seen a polar bear in their lives.

On the other hand, hockey is the national sport in Canada, but that does not mean that each and every one of the
Canadians likes this sport or that they practice it, as happens in other countries with football.

5. All Canadians are lumberjacks and love reindeer and elk

Dressed in checkered shirts (red and black, obviously), they look for life cutting wood in the forest and, in passing, they
make friends with docile animals such as reindeer, elk or beavers. As expected, the occupation of Canadians is not based
on being a lumberjack. There will be some, but ... and some lumberjack will be. When it comes to being friends with
reindeer and elk, it would not be a good idea since they have little and are quite dangerous.

6. Canadians are very polite and friendly

This stereotype is very close to reality, since, as a social norm, Canadians must be respectful and ask for forgiveness
when necessary. Although of course, there are always exceptions.

Important data

7. Number of visitors per year: fifteen million.

8. Ten percent of the world's forests are in Canada.

9. Eat at twelve and dinner at eighteen: traditional schedules for lunch and dinner for Canadian families.

10. Vancouver, Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal are in the ranking of the ten cities with the best quality of life in the

11. It is the second country with the purest air.

13. Seventy-nine percent of Canadians say they are satisfied with the education of their country.

15. Eighty-eight percent of children in Canada have are in school.

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