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SITAF EARNING SYSTEM JEZYK ANGIELSKI _ IDIOMS 1 _ THE SPICE OF SPEECH 6 Faza III — UTRWALANIE z urzadzeniem SITA i bez urzadzenia SITA Po odstuchaniu lekcji proszg pozostaé nieruchomo jeszcze okoto 10 minut. Czas ten jest potrzebny, by umyst mogl przetworzyé i ,,za- pisa¢” uzyskane informacje w tzw. ,,dtugotrwatej pamieci”. Ta czesé nauki przebiega bez Swiadomego uczestnictwa Paristwa. Faza II i faza II sq nierozdzielne. Faza IV - AKTYWIZACJA z urzqadzeniem SITA i bez urzadzenia SITA Aktywizacja wiedzy polega na uzyciu przyswojonych stow i zwrotéw najpierw w éwiczeniach, a potem w potocznej mowie. Prosze posta- raé sig odegraé role wystepujace w dialogach. Bedg w tym pomocne tysunki wystepujace na koricu kaidej lekcji (tam znajda Paristwo wyrazenia, z ktorych nalezy zbudowaé dialog). Zabawa ta sprawia szezegolnie duzo przyjemnosci, jesli nagracie Paristwo scenke na ka- secie magnetofonowej. Przyswojony material mozecie Paristwo akty- wizowaé rowniez w trakcie wykonywania codziennych czynnogci (spacer, sprzatanie itp.). Prosze glosno powtarza¢ przyswojone siowa, zwroty lub zdania zawsze wtedy, gdy poczujecie Panstwo taka potrzebe lub gdy sprzyja temu sytuacja. Faza V —- POWTORZENIE Wading role w utrwalaniu materiatu odgrywa powtérzenie. Badania naukowe dowiodly, ze przyswaja sie dzieki temu o 20% materiatu wigce}j. Kazda lekeje nalezy jeszcze raz odsluché w stanie glebokiego odprezenia. Zalecane jest ponowne odstuchanie lekcji 1 po przerobie- niu lekcji 2, odstuchanie 2 po przerobieniu 3 itd. Faza V jest wiemym powtorzeniem fazy IL i IL. Kolejne fazy nauki (@wyjatkiem fazy IL i III) moga odbywaé sig w dowolnych odstepach czasu. Jesli bedziecie Paristwo postepowaé zgodnie z powyzszymi wskazow- kami osiqgniecie maksimum powodzenia i satysfakcji. Zyczymy wielu sukeeséw w nauce. a Spis tresci SEGMENT I In the Kitchen Idiomy Dialog Cwiezenie SEGMENT 2 Ata Railway Station Tdiomy ........---+ Dialog ..... Cwiczenie SEGMENT 3 In the Office Idiomy Dialog Cwiezenie cece SEGMENT 4 In the Living Room Idiomy Dialogi Cwiczenie ... SEGMENT 5 At the Bank ARNOTT crete rec cecperesseamerreaeeeemnersiiere oe Dialog ... Cwiczenie ... SEGMENT 6 Atthe Dentist’s Idiomy Dialog .. Cwiczenie SEGMENT 7 In the Living Room Idiomy Dialog .. Cwiezenie SEGMENT 8 At the Hotel Reception Idiomy Dialog .. Cwiczenie .... _ SEGMENT 9 We've just had a Road Accident Idiomy SEGMENT 10 In the Doctor's Surgery TiOIry, nestle. bot en lisutenls Dialog ...... Cwiczenie 8 Kasera 1A Segment 1 Segment 1 Segment 1 jak sig spato? 3 did you sleep well? jak kamief przygotowywaé $niadania nie mam czasu na pusty zoladek mndstwo do zrobienia tonie potrwadlugo # pospiesz sig | jakto brami? 3 brami znakomicie czy mozesz wySwiadezyé mi przystuge? zartowat z.. tylko zartuje moze byé? narzekaé na cos @ like a log make breakfast ¢ (|) haven't got time | onan emply stomach alottodo it won't take long make it quick how does that sound? that sounds great 4 could you do me a favour? oczywiscie 3 rezerwowaé bilely na Zasmakowaé w czym$ & No problem reserve tickets for develop a taste for make fun of i only joking ® is that alright? tu:dosmazone & well done § something to moan about Wielkie niebal § robié wiele halasu | mieé klopoty # méwié bez sensu bezpracy # dziefwolny | Good heavens! make a fuss land in trouble talk nonsense out of ajob day off In the Kitchen Kaseta 1A. 9 Segment 1 In the Kitchen Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Good morning. Did you sleep well? Very well, thanks. I slept like a log! Are you hungry? I’m making breakfast. I’m ina rush. I haven’t got time. Don’t be silly. You can’t go out on an empty stomach. But I must hurry, I have a lot to do. Come on, sit down. It won’t take long. Alright then, but make it quick. I'll make bacon and eggs. How does that sound? That sounds great. When you're in the city, could you do me a favour? Certainly. No problem. Could you go by the theatre and reserve tickets for Sunday? The theatre? When did you develop a taste for theatre? T’ve always liked the arts. Don’t make fun of me. Alright. I’m only joking. (ironic) Ha! Ha! Here’s your breakfast. Is that alright? The eggs are too soft. I like them well done. Oh, give it here, You always have something to moan about. Good heavens! Look at the time. I’ve got to go. Calm down, John. Don’t make a fuss. I can’t be late. Because if I’m late, I'll land in trouble. Land in trouble? Don’t talk nonsense. ~ It won’t be nonsense when I’m out of a job. But John. Today is Saturday. It’s your day off. What!?... Oh, no! Mary: John: Mary: John: John: John: Mary: John: Kascta 1A, Segment 1 So there we had our first segment of English Idioms. We'll go over them again. This time it will be your turn to use them. Good morning. (Jak sig spato?) a Very well, thanks, I slept (jak kamiemi) t Are you hungry? (Przygotowuje Sniadanie)........... Come on, sit down. (To nie potrwa diugo) Alright then, but (pospiesz sie) I'll make bacon and eggs. (Jak to brzmi?).............. ? (Brzmi znakomicie)..... 2... cece cece cece e cena When you're in the city, (czy mozesz wyéwiadezyé mi przy- SLUBE?) sass enrcrsacecusenctnsiea pe ReR ATW ERE TERY ? Certainly. (Oczywigcie) 0.0.00... cee ccc cee eeeeeueeeee Could you go by the theatre and (zarezerwowaé bilety na) (ironic) Ha! Ha! Here’s your breakfast. (Moze byé?) .....? The eggs are too soft. I like them (dosmazone) Oh, give it here. You always have (narzekaé na cog) Kaseta LA i In the Kitchen John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: (Wielkie nieba!) lppaeeee ! Look at the time. I’ve got to go. Calm down, John. (Nie réb wiele hatasu).............. Ican’t be late. Because if I’m late, P’ll (mieé ktopoty) ...... Land in trouble? (Nie méw bez sensu) It won’t be nonsense when I’m (bez pracy) But John. Today is Saturday. It’s your (dzieri wolny) ....... What!?... Oh, no! So there! Twenty-five idioms to spice your English. Twenty-five idioms to build on. And when you get them all correct — — it’s on to the next segment. Segment 2 ustaw sig staé w kolejce cog podabnego zlagcié sig robié z igly widty opéznienie strajkowaé co drugi dzieft polegaé na nie zniosg tego zqdaé wyjagnieh robié, co im sig podaba zwariuje, aszaleje cog nam powiedzieé czy méglbys mi poméc? to zalezy zlapaé nasz pociag w jakim kierunku? czy sig myle? jasne jak stofice jak dlugo to jeszcze potrwa? nie mam pojecia odebraé | | | | i 12 Kaseta 1B Segment 2 Segment 2 what's your game? what's the matter? get in line form a queue alikely story get annoyed make a mountain out of a molehill the holdup. go on strike every other day rely on (|) won't stand for it demand an explanation do as they please (I'll) blow my top fill us in could you help me? that depends catch aur train in which direction? am | mistaken? clear as daylight how much longer will it take? (I) haven't got a clue pick up Segment 2 Ata Railway Station Man: Just a minute, you. What’s your game? John: beg your pardon. What’s the matter? Woman: You can’t just walk to the front. Get in line. John: I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had formed a queue. Man: He didn’t realize. Hmmph —a likely story. John; [said I'm sorry. There’s no need to get annoyed. Woman: He's right. There’s no point in making a mountain out of a molehill. John: What seems to be causing the holdup? ‘Woman: Knowing British Rail, they’ve probably gone on strike. Man: They go onstrike every other day. John; You're right. You can never rely on them. Man: Well, I’m not waiting much longer. I won’t stand for it. Woman: That’s right. You go and demand an explanation. John: Quite right. They think they can do as they please. Man: If [have to wait another minute [ll blow my top. Woman: Here comes someone now. Maybe he can fill us in. John: Excuse me, Could you help me? Man 2: (laughing) Well, I don’t know. That depends. John: | When can we expect to catch our train? Man 2: Catch your train, eh? In which direction? John: To London, of course. This is the queue for the London train, or am I mistaken? Man 2: No, sir. That’s what the sign says clear as daylight. John: Look. ’'mina hurry. How much longer will it take? Man 2: [couldn't tell you. I haven’t got a clue. John: — Why not? Man 2: Because I’man ambulance driver. I’m just here to pick up my wife. 14 Kaseta 1B Segment 2 Right now! Let’s go back over the idioms used in this segment. And this time you fill in the idioms. Man: Just a minute, you, (Co jest grane?) ....0.... 0. cee z John: [beg your pardon. (O co chodzi?) ...........00 eee ee ? Woman: You can’t just walk to the front. (Ustaw sig)............. John: — I'm sorry. I didn’t know you had (staé w kolejce) . Man: He didn’t realize. Hmmph — (cof podobnego)............ John: — I said I’m sorry. There's no need to (zloScié sie) .......... Woman: He’s right. There’s no point in (robié z igly widly)...... John: What seems to be causing (opéznieni€)........0 0.000 ee ? Woman: Knowing British Rail, they’ve probably (strajkowa¢) ..... Man: They go on strike (co drugi dzien) ..............00e0 ees John: You're right. You can never (polega¢ na) . Man: —_ Well, I'm not waiting much longer. (Nie zniose tego)... . . Woman: That's right. You go and (zadaj wyjasnieh)............. John: Quite right. They think they can (robié, co im si¢ podoba) Man: If I have to wait another minute, (zwariuje, oszaleje)...... Woman: Here comes someone now. Maybe he can (cos nam powiedzied) John: Excuse me. (Czy moze mi pan poméc?)............2005 ? Kaseta 1B 15, Ata Railway Station Man 2: John: Man 2: John: Man 2 John: Man 2: John: Man 2: (laughing) Well, I don’t know. (To zalezy)....+++-++ 2-05 When can we expect to (zlapaé nasz pociag).........-- ? Catch your train, eh? (W jakim kierunku?).....-......05+ 2 To London, of course. This is the queue for the London train, or (czy sig myle?) ...-. 6 ee eee cece eee eee 2 No, sir. That’s what the sign says (jasne jak storice) Icouldn’t tell you. (Nie mam pojgcia) ... +... - seer ee eee Why not? Because I’m an ambulance driver. I’m just here to (odebra¢) seaigcemnseceumecnuarenseseien aa GE ee EN SE EEN my wife. So there! Twenty-five more idioms to spice your English. Twenty-five more idioms to build on. And when you get them all correct — — it’s on to the next segment. 16 Kaseta 2A Segment 3 co nowego? strasznie wéciekly uspokajaé sie ozywié kogo$, postawi¢ na nogach Zostaw to mnie Prosze pozosta¢ przy aparacie przeglada¢ cog w kazdej chwili podniecaé sig pracujgcy na swoim podwyzka odprawié mnie wziaé byka za rogi zameldowaé, ze jest sie chorym stawko do Pana, Ciebie Spotkad sig przechodzi¢ do rzeczy owijaé w baweing | liczyé na ciebie Mieé cog u mnie ,jak w banku” znalezé na to czas zdumiony aprzejs¢" kolo nosa wypadlo mi z pamigci Segment 3 * what's new? . hopping mad = cool down zajac sie swoimi sprawami © get down to business perk me up leave it to me hold the line look into something any minute get into a flap self-employed raise give me the sack take the bull by the homs report ill a word with you get together come to the point beat around the bush count on you bank on me fitit in al aloss pass something up slipped my mind In the Office Kaseta 2A, 17 Segment 3 In the Office John: Good morning, Helen. What’s new? Helen: Mr Potter’s called three times. He’s hopping mad. John: Oh, I'd better wait for a while then before I call him back... give him time to cool down. Helen: CanI get youa cup of coffee before you get down to business? John: Yes, please. A cup of coffee should perk me up. Helen: Right then. Leave it to me. (The telephone rings — Helen picks up the phone) Mr Jackson’ s office... Hold the line please. — It’s Mr Potter! John: Good morning, Mr Potter. Yes, sir. I’m looking into it now. — Yes, sir. Bye-bye. (John replaces the telephone) He’s coming over now. (Nervous) He’ll be here any minute. Helen: Take it easy. Don’t get into a flap. John: At times like these I wish I were self-employed. Helen: He may want to give you that raise. John: He probably wants to give me the sack. Helen: Don't worry about it. Take the bull by the horns. John: | suppose it's too late now to report ill. (knock the door) Come in. Potter: Oh, there you are, Jackson. I want a word with you. John: Yes, sir. | was hoping we could get together today. Potter: Good! Then I’ll come to the point. John: Well, I’m not one to beat around the bush. Potter: Fine. Excellent. Then I can count on you? John: Count on me, sir? You can bank on me, Mr Potter. Potter: Fine, Excellent. Glad you can fit itin. * John: Fit it in? I don’t understand, sir. I'm at a loss. Potter: The golf toumament at the weekend. Couldn’t pass that up, eh? John: (relieved) Oh yes. The golf tournament! It completely slipped my mind. Phew. 18 Kaseta 2A Segment 3 John: Helen: John: Helen: John: Helen: John: Helen: John: Helen: John: Helen: John: Right now! Let’s go back over the idioms used in this segment. And this time you fill in the idioms. Good moming, Helen. (Co nowego?) ..........--0066 ? Mr Potter called three times. He’s (strasznie wSciekty) Oh, I'd better wait tfor a while then before I call him back... give him time to (uspokaja¢ sig). eee ee eee Can I get you a cup of coffee before you (zaja¢ sig swoimi SPPAWEN )iss-es acces coe ERE Yes, please. A cup of coffee should (ozywic mnie) Right tien, ‘(Zostaw t to inte (The telephone rings — Helen picks up the phone) Mr Jackson’s office... (Prosze pozostac przy aparacie)..........--++-4+ — It’s Mr Potter! Good morning, Mr Potter. Yes, sir. (Przegladam to)... . credileieie els olomiibeta yon sania now.— Yes, sir. Bye — bye. (John replaces the telephone) He’s coming over now. (Nervous) He'll be here (w kazdej chwili).............+ 3 Take it easy. (Nie podniecaj sig)... 0.0... eee At times like these I wish I were (pracujacy na swoim) . He may want to give you that (podwyzke) He probably wants to (daé mi odprawe).... 0.0... 0.0.00 Don’t worry about it. (Wzigé byka za rogi) ..............5 I suppose it’s too late now to (zameldowaé, ze jestem chory)} anna ejnsa ge couecaureuarelo nie areenecniecetme morermsmcacn (knock the door) Kaseta 2A 19 Inthe Office — ee r— Potter: John: Potter: John: Potter: John: Potter: John: Potter: John: There you are, Jackson. I want (st6wko do Pana).......... Yes, sir. 1 was hoping we could (spotkaé sig). ......----- Good! Then I'll (przechodzi¢é do rzeczy)..........: ‘Well, I’m not one to (owijaé w baweing) . . Fine. Excellent. Then I can (liczyé na kagog).... . ? Count on me, sir? You can (mieé to u mnie ,,jak w 4 banku”) , Mr Potter. Fit it in? I don’t understand, sir. I'm (zdumiony) . . The golf tournament at the weekend. Couldn’ t (aprzeise koto nosa) ,eh? (relieved) Oh yes. The golf tournament! It completely (wypadto Miz pamigci).......... eee eee eee eee eee Phew. So there! Twenty-five more idioms to spice your English. Twenty-five more idioms to build on. And when you get them all correct — —it’s on to the next segment. 20 Kaseta 2B Segment 4 preechodzié, wpadaé w dobrym momencie przewerlowaé nic do roboty 3 rozgosé sig | polozyé moje nogi wysoko ‘ cigzki dzient taki jak 2wykle | dobrze Ci zrobi | wyrwaé sig stad wybierz cos wpadio miwoko § Zapomnij o tym ostatni krzyk (mody) | powinienes sig wstydzié tak tylko mySlalem amozeto? & zanudze sig na Smieré zajac sie czym§ (to) zabitoby mnie Zasugeruj cos to lezy poza naszymi mozliwoSciami dos!:: kazdy (2 przekasem) na Smieré (tu: byé przestraszonym...) zachwycona a i i : Segment 4 Segment 4 drop by just in time + browse through nothing on make yourself comfortable put my feet up + ahard day = the same as usual will do you good get away from it all take your pick catch my eye forget it all the rage you should be ashamed of yourself it was just a thought what about this one? I'd be bored to death ‘occupy your time (it) would drive me up the wall make a suggestion it's out of our price range every mother's son Out of my wits tickled pink Segment 4 In the Living Room Jonn, did you have time to drop by the travel agent's? Mary: Beets John: Yes. 1 made it just in time, ; Mary: Good! I thought we might browse through the brochures tonight. John: Sounds good to me. I’ve got nothing on tonight. Mary: Great! You sit down then and make yourself comfortable. John: (relaxing) Ahh! That’s better. I need to put my feet up. Mary: You look tired. Did you have a hard day? John: Just like every other day. The same as usual. Mary: Younceda rest. A holiday will do you good. John: You're right. I need to get away from it all, . Mary: (droppin: ig brochures on the table) There we are. Take your pick. John: 'l] take this one. It seems to catch my eye, Mary: (reading) Sunny Bottom Nudist Camp! Forget it! John: But it’s fashionable today. It’s all the rage. Mary: (disgusted) Oh! Really, John, you should be ashamed of yourself. John: Well, I’m sorry. It was just a thought. Mary: Well, think again. What about this one? John: Brown’s Family Holidays! I’d be bored to death, Mary: I’m sure you'll find something to occupy your time. John: Like what? Counting the days until it’s time to go home. It would drive me up the wall. Alright. You decide. Make a suggestion. Let’s go to Hawaii. Too expensive! It’s out of our price range. Spain! . Every mother’s son goes there. Let's go to Africa then. ‘With all those wild animals. I'd be frightened out of my wits. (exasperated) Where then? 22 Kaseta 2B Segment 4 We could visit my mother. She’d be tickled pink to see us. (horrified) No! No! Brown’s Family Holidays! Anything! Please! Not your mother. John: Right now! Let's go back over the idioms used in this segment. And this time you fill in the idioms. . the travel agent’s? John: Yes. I made it (w dobrym momencie ).... Mary: Good! I thought we might (przewertowaé) HPA oN SEU dare ecpeesspesmeseiniernare the brochures tonight. John: Sounds good to me. I’ve got (nic do roboty)............5, sitihiedntni antes wipe Nei Aiate ERM EEE . tonight. : ‘ou sit down then and (cozgo$é sie)... oe. ee cea John: (relaxing) Ahh! That’s better. I need to (potozyé moje nogi wysoko) Mary: You look tired. Did you have (cigzki dzien) . . a John: Just like every other day. (Taki jak zwykle)..... Mary: You needa rest, A holiday will (dobrze‘Ci zrobia) John: You're right. Ineed to (Wynwad sig stad) — Mary: (dropping brochures on the table) There we are. (Wybierz cos) inthe Living Room, John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Mary: John: Kaseta 2B 23 ‘Well, I'm sorry. (Tak tylko mySlatem) .......-2+-+------ : Well, think again. (A moze to?)...... etteteet tees sed Brown's Family Holidays! (Zanudze sig na Smierc!) ...-.. Like what? Counting the days until it’s time to go home. (Zabiloby mnie to) .....-....+-- Alright. You decide. (Zasugeruj cS) ........---5--2-00++ Let’s go to Hawaii. Too expensive! (To lezy poza naszymi mozliwosciami) .. . . = oe eau (Kasay) signin e:nrpnesaneceseyaeeerermpesnii eg OMNES goes there. Let’s go to Africa then. ; ; With all those wild animals. I’d be frightened (na Smieré) (exasperated) Where then? We could visit my mother. She’d be (zachwycona) ........ egos aayararcseraSa nasa a aya Ea ORT ar Lec aU eee spe tennceceroneieue to see us. (horrified) No! No! Brown’s Family Holidays! Anything! Please! Not your mother. So there! Twenty-five more idioms to spice your English. Twenty-five more idioms to build on. And when you get them all correct — — it’s on to the next segment. 24 Kaseta 3A Segment 5 Segment 5 Segment 5 byépomocnym + be of assistance Czy jest to mozliwe? is that possible? mieé spotkanie | have an appointment wolny moment ~ a spare moment ma Pani szczescie you're in luck oszczedzié mi klopotu ‘ Save me the trouble w zlym czasie i atabadtime © chetnie pomagaé 4 happy to oblige brakuje mi pienigdzy 4 I'm short of funds mie6 na mysli 4 have in mind poza kwestig @ out of the question jak wyglqda © how it stands Na minusie, pod kreska 4 in the red (to) nie wygigda dobrze | it doesn't look good stone" po szyje J I'mup to my neck Ponad miare | in over your head prostowaé sprawy Ff sort things out Ponownle stracié pienigdze i throwing good money after bad Zaspokoié (mnie) | tide me over prayplyw szezescia | ship comes in pleniqdze do wyrzucenia © za kogo mnie Pani uwaza? if what do you take me tor? ; zyé w granicach, nie ponad stan = within your means zyje na tym swigcie nie od wezoraj 3 | wasn'tborn yesterday wygladac lepigj | looking up # as Atthe Bank Kaseta 3A. 25 Segment 5 At the Bank Teller: Good morning. Can I be of assistance? Mrs J.: I'd like to see the bank manager. Is that possible? Teller: I'll just check. Do you have an appointment, Mrs Jackson? Mrs J.: No.1 was just passing and hoped he might have a spare moment for me. Teller: Justa second, Mrs Jackson, I'll see. (Teller picks up the receiver). Hello, Mr Goldberg... it’s Mrs Jackson to see you. Yes... Thank you, Mr Goldberg. (Teller replaces the receiver) You’re in luck, Mrs Jackson. Mrs J.: Oh, good. That will save me the trouble of coming back. Teller: You can go straight through. Mrs J.: Thank you. (Mrs Jackson goes through) Good morning, Mr Goldberg. I hope I haven't come at a bad time. MrG.: Not at all. I'm always happy to oblige. How can I help you? Mrs J.: I need to borrow some money. I’m short of funds. MrG.: A loan, eh? How much do you have in mind? Mrs J.: Would one thousand pounds be out of the question? MrG.: Let’s just look through your account file and see how it stands, Mrs J.: Oh, dear! Unfortunately I think I’m in the red. MrG.. (shuffling papers) Yes. I’m afraid you are. It doesn’t look good. Mrs J.: I’ve had a lot of bills lately. I’m up to my neck in bills. MrG.: I would say you're in over your head. Mrs J.: That’s why I came to see you: To sort things out. MrG.: But you already owe us two thousand pounds. We'd be throwing good money after bad. + Mrs J.: What about five hundred? Just enough to tide me over. Mr G.: (ronic) Until when? Until your ship comes in? Mrs J.: Three hundred! Things should be looking up next month. Mr G.: Three hundred! Do you think I have money to burn? 26 Mrs J.: Mr G.: Mrs J.: MrG.: Mrs J.: MrG.: Mrs J.: Teller: Mrs J.: Teller: Mrs J.: Teller: Mrs J.: Teller: Mrs J.: Kaseta 3A Segment 5 One hundred! Please, Mrs Jackson. What do you take me for? What can you give me, then? Advice, Mrs Jackson, advice, Take care of your money. Live within your means. Save it. But I do. Then how come you owe us two thousand pounds? I save my money with the building society. They pay better interest. I wasn’t born yesterday. Right now! Let's go back over the idioms used in this segment. And this time you fill in the idioms. I'll just check. Do you (mieé spotkanie)................. aol Olt delodicleseoosenacenn2Ancn ecahasSiecsinisck cea antacsea She » Mrs Jackson? No. I was just passing and hoped he might have (wolny MOMOHC) sassiciacsie viet ee tay aes Sea UE UNE eaidleo.e: 1 for me. Just a second, Mrs Jackson, I’ll see. (Teller picks up the receiver) Hello, Mr Goldberg... Mrs Jackson would like to see you. Yes... Thank you, Mr nei Gabe = the receiver) (Ma Pani szczegcie) . . , Mrs Jackson. Oh, eat That will inieesa mi —) . of coming back. You. can Go straight through. Thank you. (Mrs Jackson goes through) Good morning, Mr Goldberg. I hope I haven't come (w ztym czasie) Atthe Bank MrG:: Mrs J.: MrG.: Mrs J.: MrG:: Mrs J.: MrG.: Mrs J.: MrG.: Mrs J.: MrG.: Mrs J.: MrG.: Mrs J.: MrG.: Mrs J.: MrG.: Mrs J.: Kaseta 3A 27 Not at all, I’m always (chetnie pomagac) .....--...---06- sda acon a aoe yaverereemacnraten How can I help sam? I need te to ; borrow some money. wilesiall mi pieniedzy) . . I would say you're (ponad miarg) .. . . That's why I came to see you: To (prostowa¢ sprawy)...... But you already owe us two thousand pounds. We'd be (po- nownie stracié pieniqgdze) 0.0.6... eee eee eee ee cents What about five hundred? Just enough to (zaspokoi¢ mnie) (ironic) Until when? Until your (przyplyw szczeScia) Three hundred! = should be (wygladaé lepiej) ........ ists ov eataiaapedgy nig veunncaie eiionarsansnrpencenninne prarenten Mince led next month. One hundred! a . Please, Mrs Jackson. (Za kogo Pani mnie uwaza?)....-..- What can you give me, then? Mr G.: Mrs J.: Mr G.: Mrs J.: Kasera 3A Segment 5 Advice, Mrs Jackson, advice. Take care of your money. Live (w granicach, nie ponad stan) . cea SEG a Tareas abel Onl, oloier acorn, ere mrenuernsenve Save it. Then how come you owe us two thousand pounds? I save money with the building society. They pay better interest. (Zyje na tym Swiecie nie od wezoraj) So there! Twenty-five more idioms to spice your English, Twenty-five more idioms to build on. And when you get them all correct — ~ it’s on to the next segment, Atthe Dentist’s Segment 6 boli mnie zap to nagly przypadek bardzo napiety gralik ,umieram’, jestem w agonii zobacze, co moge zrabié to bardzo milo z Pana/Pani strony jezeli moze Pan/Pani poczekaé bynajmniaj, ,nic a nic” prosze usiasé prosze bardzo czy to migjsce jest wolne? zal migo to jeszeze nic krzyczal, ptakal jak dziecko nie méwi Pan/Pani powazniel przysiegam wykorzystaé, sprowokowaé mnie jak Pan uwaza (on) wygladal strasznie stabo mil badz mezczyznal wychodze stad czy straci Pan nerwy? mieé wyrwany zab sztuczne zeby, proteza Kaseta 3B. 29 Segment 6 I've gat toothache it's an emergency avery busy schedule I'm in agony I'll see what | can do It's very kind of you if you don't mind waiting not at all take a seat you're welcome |s this seat free? | feel sorry for him that's nothing screamed like a baby you're not serious! | swear put the wind up me Suil yourself he looked terrible | feel faintl act like a mant {I'm getting out of here have you lost your nerve? have a tooth pulled false teeth 30 Rec.: Jim: Rec.: Jim: Rec.: Jim: Rec.: Jim: Rec, Jim: Rec.: Jim: Rec.: Jim: Man: Jim: Man: Jim: Man: Jim: Man: Jim: Man: Jim: Man: Jim: Man: Jim: Kaseta 3B Segment & Segment 6 At the Dentist’s Good morning, sir. Hello. I must see the dentist. ’ve got toothache. Do you have an appointment, Mr...? Brown. James Brown, ... er..., no. It’s an emergency. I'm afraid, Mr Brown, the doctor has a very busy schedule. Please, Miss. I’m in agony. Alright, I'll see what I can do. Thank you. It’s very kind of you. We could fit you in, in half an hour, if you don’t mind waiting. I don’t mind, Not at all. Please take a seat. Thank you. You’re welcome. Good morning. Is this seat free? Yes. Thank you. You're welcome. Will the dentist be long? No. I don’t think so. His patient has stopped moaning. Moaning? Yes, you should have heard him. Moaning, real loud. (Man moans demonstratively) Ooh... Like that, was it? Yes. Oh, I feel sorry for him. But that’s nothing. You should have heard the last one. Why? He screamed like a baby. Go on! You're not serious! Acthe Dentist’s Kaseta 3B 31 Man: Iam. I swear. Jim: You're just trying to put the wind up me. ; Man: Alright. Don’t believe me. Suit yourself. But he looked terrible when he came out. Jim: — (weakly) Oh, God. I feel faint! Man: Stop moaning. Act like a man! Jim: I’m getting out of here. Man: What?! Have you lost your nerve then? Jim: Yes! But tell me, how come you’ re not afraid to have a tooth pulled? Man: [don’t have any left, I’m here to collect my new false teeth. Right now! Let’s go back over the idioms used in this segment. And this time you fill in the idioms. Rec.: Good morning, sir. Jim: Hello. I must see the dentist. (Boli mnie zab) ............. Rec.: Do you have an appointment, Jim: Brown. James Brown, ... er... no. (To nagly przypadek) Rec.: Jim: Rec: Alright, (zobacz¢, co moge¢ zrobi¢) ee Jim: — Thank you. (To bardzo milo z Pani strony) .....-...++++++ Rec.: Jim: Rec: -— 32 Jim: Rec.: Jim: Man: Jim: Man: Jim: Man: Jim: Man: Jim: Man: Jim: Man: Jim: Man: Jim: Man: Jim: Jim: Man: Jim: Man: Jim: _ Go on! (Nie méwi Pan powaznie!) Kaseta 3B Segment 6 Thank you. (Bard76 ptasae) sn icsiseacsectn vere a ese aencRe Good morning. (Czy to miejsce jest wolne?)............. svete grate at giAiG in ye case visea Meare LE SI a Suen 2 Yes Thank you. You're welcome. Will the dentist be long? No. I don’t think so. His patient has stopped moaning. Moaning? Yes, you should have heard him. Moaning, real loud. (Man moans demonstratively) Ooh... Like that, was it? Yes. Ob, Gal:mi go)... onesie guee sence iii But (0 jearC7e NIC). se ecrscceeee eer You should have heard the last one. Why? (Plakal jak d2iecko} ci. cvessarer cores coerce meen Dams (Preysiegatn ius. sss awa saieniu on amines You're just trying to (sprowokowac). Alright. Don’t believe me. (Jak Pan uwaza)............4- But (wygladat strasznie) when he came out. (weakly) Oh God. (Stabo mi!) .. 20.6.0 00sec cece ees t Stop moaning. (Niech Pan bedzie mezczyzna!) . (Wychod2e) 000... oe. cc cceeeceeeeecaseceeevees What?! Have you (stracié nerwy) ..----0. saree eee ss then? Yes! But tell me, how come you’re not afraid to (mieé wyrwany Kaseta 3B 33 ‘Atthe Dentists __Kaseta 3 ___ss Man: ZAD) occ ee eer eet eee tence nent eee e renee c tes a I don’t have any left. I’m here to collect my new w (proteze) So there! Twenty-five more idioms to spice your English. Twenty-five more idioms to build on. And when you get them all correct — — it’s on to the next segment. 34 Kaseta 4A Segment 7 Segment 7 wymagaremontu needs redecorating zmiefimy temat ., let's change the subject nie smué sig 1 don't make along face odiozyé to | putitolf tak szybko, jak to mozliwe . as soon as possible nie ma Ze mnie pozytku pray... | I'museless at... sprobuj | have ago nie cierpig tego robié = I hate doing it pomoge ci i I'll give you a hand to okropnie mito z twojej strony t that's terribly nice of you obrataé sie | get into a huff nie moge sig ad tego wymigaé = Ican't get out of it zaczaé, rozpoczaé. = make a start mam inne plany | I've made other plans cézzapech! = that’s bad luck! psuje méj weekend & spoils my weekend spéjrz na to z te} strony 2 look atit this way tylko dla preyjemnosei z tego plynace| just for the fun of it wmoichoczach 3 to my way of thinking tojestzakoriczone { it's over and done with szkoda it's a pity about zrobisz to 4 you'll get over it nie ma sensu ptakaé nad rozlanym no use crying over spilt milk miekiem 4 nie zadawaj mi zagadek : don't talk in riddles praca moze poczekaé {= the work can wait Segment 7 In the Living Room Kaseta $4 35 Segment 7 In the Living Room John, do you know, I think this room needs redecorating. Oh, it looks okay to me, Mary. Let’s change the subject. Tt has to be done, so don’t make a long face. Couldn't we put it off for a while? No, I want it done as soon as possible. But I can’t do it. I’m useless at decorating. You've never tried. Have a go. (reluctant) Alright, but I hate doing it, Don’t worry, I'll even give you a hand. (ironic) Really? Thanks! That’s terribly nice of you, There’s no need to get into a huff. Oh, alright. I can see I can’t get out of it. You can make a start at the weekend. But I’ve made other plans for this weekend. That’s bad luck! That certainly spoils my weekend. But, John, look at it this way. What way? Do it just for the fun of it. Redecorating a room can’t be fun to my way of thinking. You’ll be happy when it’s over and done with. (sighs) Still, it’s a pity about the weekend. Don’t worry. You’ll get over it. I’mnot worried... it’s just... well... no use crying over spilt milk. What are you trying to say? Don’t talk in riddles. It’s just that I booked a room at the Grand Hotel in Brighton for this weekend, but this is more important. Don’t be silly... I'll pack my case. The work can wait. (sniggers) Heh... heh... 36 Kaseta 4A Segment 7 ie PT I Eee Right now! Let’s go back over the idioms used in this segment. And this time you fill in the idioms. Mary: John, do you know, I think this room (wymaga remontu) John: It looks okay to me, Mary. (Zmieimy temat) Mary: It has to be done, so (nie smué sig) . John: Could’t we (odtozyé to) .. . Mary: No. I want it done (tak szybko, jak to mozliwe) .fora while? Mary: You've never tried. (Sprébuj)........ John: (reluctant) Alright, but (nie cierpi¢ tego) Mary: Don’t worry, Pll even (pomoge ci) .. 0.0.6... cece eer eee John: (ironic) Really? Thanks! (To okropnie mito z twojej strony) Mary: There’s no need to (obraza¢ sie) John: Oh, alright. I can see (nie mog¢ sie od tego wymigaé) Mary: You can (zaczq¢) .. .at the weekend. John: ButI’ ve (inne plany) . for this weekend. Diary: (EOE Za DOOM eye a ceccre eco escyecu wutcarane tceretigonterein roman ceseseseleiat= ll John: That certainly (zepsuje mi weekend) . ED Mary: But, John, (spéjrz na to z tej strony) 6.00.6... ccna John: What way? Mary: Do it (tylko dla przyjemnosci z tego Bn In the Living Room Kaseta 4A 37 John: (sighs) Still, (szkeda) Mary: Don’t worry. (Zrobisz to) . . John: I’m not worried... it’s just... well... (nie ma sensu plakaé nad rozlanym mlekiem) Mary: What are you trying to say? (Nie zadawaj mi zagadek) John: — It’s just that I booked a room at the Grand Hotel in Brighton for this weekend, but this is more important. Mary: Don’t be silly... I'll pack my case. (Praca moze poczeka¢) John: (sniggers) Heh... heh... So there! Twenty-five more idioms to spice your English. Twenty-five more idioms to build on. And when you get them all correct — — it’s on to the next segment. 38 Kaseta 4B Segment 8 Segment 8 Segment 8 witamyw... & welcome to zarezerwowaligmy | we have booked zwidokiemnamorze with aview of the sea czy to sig 2gadza? czy to jest poprawnie? potwierdzitem rezerwacje podpisaé rejestr (dziennik) dokument identyfikacyjny, paszport reczyé Za... nie watpie w to czy to wystarczy? tak, to wystarezy zgubitem to to niedobrze jak Pan woli nazwisko paniefiskie nie do zaakceptowania czy to niezbedne? nasze dobre imig co to znaczy? bra¢ (to) do siebie zlozyé skarge, Zazalenie zaufaé nam na slowo zrobié wyjatek po kolei placié czekiem is that correct? I confirmed the booking sign the register form of identification vouch for | don't doubt it will that do? that will do fine I've misplaced it that’s unfortunate if you like i i maiden name i i 1 | i a not acceptable is this necessary? our good name what does that mean? take it personally make a complaint take our word | make an exception e first things first i pay by cheque Atthe Hotel Reception Kaseta 4B 39 Clerk: John: Clerk: John: Clerk: John: Clerk: Mary: Clerk: John: Clerk: John: Clerk: Clerk: Mary: Clerk: John: Clerk: John: Cletk: John: Clerk: John: Mary: Clerk: Segment 8 At the Hotel Reception Good afternoon, Sir, Madam. Welcome to the Grand Hotel. Hello. We’ re Mr and Mrs Jackson. We’ ve booked for the weekend. We'd like a double room with a view of the sea. Hmm... Mr John and Mrs Mary Jackson. Is that correct? Yes. That’s right. I confirmed the booking yesterday. Fine, fine. Would you sign the register please. Certainly. (He signs) Do you have any form of identification with you? He’s my husband, alright. 1 can vouch for that. I don’t doubt it, but | still need to see some identification. What about my passport? Will that do? That will do fine. (rummaging through his pockets) I’m sorry. It seems that ’'ve misplaced it. Oh dear. That’s unfortunate, I can show you my driver's licence, if you like. Fine... madam, this licence belongs to Mary Jenkins. That’s right. That’s my maiden name. I'm sorry. This is not acceptable. Oh, come on! Is this necessary? We are a respectable hotel. We have our good name to protect. What does that mean? It means that I need to see some identification. Don’t take it personally, Really! Where’s the manager? I want to make a complaint. Jam the manager, sir. . Oh! (the helpless woman) Oh, please. I’m sorry we don’t have any identification with us, Can't you take our word? Hmm... Well, alright. This time I'll make an exception. 40 Kaseta 4B Segment 8 John: (ironic) Wonderful! May we have our key now? Clerk: Just a moment. First things first. How would you like to pay? John: ... Er... by cheque. I'd like to pay by cheque. Clerk: Ah, I see. Could you show me some form of identification? John: Ob no... not again! Right now! Let’s go back over the idioms used in this segment. And this time you fill in the idioms. Clerk: Good afternoon, Sir, Madam. (Witamy w)....-.....5..05 the Grand Hotel. John: Hello. We're Mr and Mrs Jackson. We've (zarezerwowalismy) BE ener ster areal etter erent tel teneetetets for the weekend Mary: We'd like a double room (z widokiem na morze).......... Clerk: Hmm... ‘Mr John and Mrs Mary Jackson. (Czy to sig suet!) John: Yes. That’s right. I (potwierdzilem rezerwacjg) ......-..-+ Ee erent tetra ert treat tert etean yesterday Clerk: Fine, fine. Would you (podpisaé rejestr)............--.6+ See a EAN WEN ALE A TREE Vive elebely please John: Certainly. (He signs) Clerk: Do you have any (dokument identyfikacyjny, paszport) ....- waa noua tare ster SER RLEPSE Tauren SPRUE RATNER YAS with you? Mary: He’s my husband, alright. I can (reczyé za). that. Clerk: (Nie watpi¢ WO) 6... ce eects ee eee bee sere eee ae ae but I still need to see some identification. John: What about my passport? (Czy to wystarezy?) .......- CIEE (Tak; to WYSHICTY) iene wer erence meee John: (rummaging through his pockets) I’m sorry. It seems that I’ve (zeubliemiea) scsriiiuasn ecu ea at Hotel Reception Kaseta 4B 41 Clerk: Oh dear. (To niedobrze) Mary: Clerk: Fine... madam, this licence belongs to Mary Jenkins, Mary: That's right. That's my (nazwisko panieriskie) Clerk: I m sorry. This is (nie do zaakeeptowania) . John: Oh, come on! (Czy to niezbedne?)..............0... ? Clerk: We are a respectable hotel. We have (nasze dobre imig).... John: (Co to znaczy?) : 7 Clerk: It means that [need to see some identification. Don't (braé cos do siebie) John: Clerk: Iam the manager, sir. John: Oh! Mary: (the helpless woman) Oh, please. I’m sorry we don’t have any identification with us. Can’t you (zaufaé nam na stowo) . . 9 Clerk; Hmm... Well, alright. This time I'll (zrobié wyjatek) ... : John: (ironic) Wonderful! May we have our key now? Clerk: Just a moment. (Po kolei) How would you like to pay? . by cheque. I'd like to (placié czekiem) . John: ... Er.. Clerk: Ah, I see. Could you show me some form of identification? John: Ohno... not again! So there! Twenty-five more idioms to spice your English. Twenty-five more idioms to build on. And when you get them all correct — ~ it’s on to the next segment. Segment 9 42018 5 Segment 9 patrz! § to byt wypadek totwojawina © celawo moglo byé gorzej to przez moja nieuwage dzwonié po policie zalatwit to wziaé wine na siebie nie mieé wyboru placié, zaplaci¢ za szkode nalegat bez szkody, uszezerbku pokryé Koszly przyznaé sie do wlasnych bledéw szezerosé najlepszq polityka obecnie, teraz znatury mito mi to slyszeé niech pomysle wyjasnié sprawy co sig tu dzieje? uderzyé w powinien byé ,zamknigty”, aresztowany ona oszukuje! Segment 9 look at that! it was an accident it's your fault on purpose it could have been worse it was careless of me call the police settle it take the blame have na choice pay for the damage insist on it no harm done foot the bill admit one's mistakes honesty is the best policy these days by nature I'm pleased to hear it let me think. straighten things out what's going on here? crash into should ba locked up she's making it up! We've just had a Road Accident We've justhad aRoad Accident ___asetaSA 0 John: Jill: John: Jill: John: Jill: John: Jill: John: Jill: John: Jill: John: Jill: John: Jill: John: Jill: John: Till: John: Kaseta SA 43 Segment 9 We’ve just had a Road Accident Oh, no! Look at that! I’m sorry. It was an accident. You broke my headlight. It’s your fault. I didn’t do it on purpose. Well, nobody’s hurt. It could have been worse. I’m really sorry. It was careless of me. I suppose we should call the police. Oh, dear. Couldn't we settle it ourselves? If you’re prepared to take the blame. Ihave no choice. Then you'll pay for the damage? Of course. I insist on it. Good. Then there's no harm done. No. You'll have your car repaired, and I'll foot the bill. It’s good to admit one’s mistakes. always say, honesty is the best policy. You don’t hear that a lot these days. Well, I suppose I’m just an honest person by nature. I’m pleased to hear it. Where should I send the bill? (hesitant)... Eh... well... let me think... eh... oh, no... (upset) Here comes a policeman. ‘There, there. Don’t get upset. I'll straighten things out. (Policeman approaches) Policeman: Alright then. What’s going on here? Jill: John: Till: John: (crying) Oh, officer. Thank goodness you're here. This terrible man crashed into my car... What?! But that’s not... i And then he started shouting at me. He...he should be locked up. But that’s not true, officer. She’s making it up- Policeman: That’s enough from you! You come along with me. John: No, officer! It’s a mistake... really... help... police! aa 44 John: Jill: John: Jill: John: Jill: John: Sill: John: Jill: John: Jill: John: Jill: John: Jill John: Jill: John: Kaseta SA Segment 9 Right now! Let’s go back over the idioms used in this segment. And this time you fill in the idioms. OR Ena Battersea crear trary eens nee ree terete ! I'm sorry. (To byt wypadek) You broke my headlight. (To Pani wina) I didn’t do it (celowo)...........00.0005 Well, nobody’s hurt. (Mogto byé gorzej) . Oh, dear. Couldn’t we (zalatwié) .. 00.0... cece e cee ourselves? If you're prepared to (wziaé wing na siebie).............. (Nie mam wyboru) . Then you'll (placié za szkode) . Of course: (Nalegat))s..i0 sawnecanes overs eeu eee Good. Then there’s (bez szkody, uszezerbku) ............. You don't hear that a lot (obecnie, teraz) Well, I suppose I’m just an honest person (z natury)........ (Milo mite shyszee) access eae y tial eee en cause Where should I send the bill? We've just had a Road Accident Kaseta SA 45 Jill: (hesitant)... Eh... well... (niech POMYSIE) scion sacs eee ssTeigie ae ety eh... oh, no... (upset) Here comes a policeman. John: There, there. Don’t get upset. I'll (wyjasnig sprawe) isa (elGig SPR Terstaet oo oe ne (Policeman approaches) Jill: (crying) Oh, officer. Thank goodness you’ re here. This terrible man (uderzyt w) John: What?! But that’s not... Jill: And then he started shouting at me. He... he (powinien byé »zamkniety”, aresztowany) .. 000. cece cece ee. John: But that’s not true, officer. (Ona oszukuje! , ! Policeman: That’s enough from you! You come along with me. John: No, officer! It’s a mistake... really... help... police! So there! Twenty-five more idioms to spice your English. Twenty-five more idioms to build on. And when you get them all correct — — it’s on to the next segment. 46 Kaseta $B Segment 10 In the Doctor's Surgery Kaseta 5B. 47 Segment 10 Segment 10 Segment 10 jak sie (Pan) czuje(sz)?_ - how are you feeling? In the Doctor’s Surgery ee ; an ee files alate Doctor: Come in, Mr Brown, come in. How are you feeling? stwierdzié hamacalnia, os3@2K samomu be the judge of that MrB.: Very well, doctor. I'm as fit as a fiddle. Wrnajlepszym zdrowiu in the best of health Doctor: I think you'll let me be the judge of that. udawaé preede mng pretend to me Mr B.: No, really, doctor. I'm in the best of health, macimiPanw glowie . you're confusing me w Twoim (Patiskim) stanie nigdy nie czutem sig lepie| zbadaé cig (Pana) 4 denerwowaé mnie zbierz sig (Pan) do kupy! czy 10. cos powaznego? migjmy nadzieje ze bedzie dobrze tonieduza pociecha = byé pod kontrola medyozng jaka jest Parska opinia? szezerze mawigc prosze powiedzie¢ ,proste z mostu” jestem zdziwiony mieé powdd byé (zdziwionym) nie widzialem nadziei dla Pana (Ciebie) powrdécié do zdrowia maj pierwszy pobyt tutaj czy to nie (jest) oczywiste? ktoudiabla Pan jest? = in your condition never felt better examine you make me nervous pull yourself together! is it serious? let's hope for the best that's small comfort to be under medical treatment what's your opinion? to be quite honest tell me straight I'm quite amazed have a reason to be saw no hope for you make a complete recovery my first time here isn't it obvious? who the devil are you? Doctor: Come, come, Mr Brown. You don’t have to pretend to me. Mr B.: (puzzled) 'm sorry, doctor, but you’re confusing me. Doctor: Yes. Yes. That often happens in your condition. Mr B.: What condition? I’ve never felt better. Doctor: Take your shirt off, please. Let me examine you. Mr B.: Please, doctor. You’re making me nervous. Doctor: Now, now, Mr Brown. Pull yourself together! Mr B.: I’m sorry, doctor. Doctor: Now, take a deep breath. (Mr Brown inhales)... Oh dear... tut, tut... tut, tut... hmm... hmmm... MrB.: (breathless) Well, doctor? Is it serious? Doctor: Could be worse. Let’s hope for the best. MrB.: Hope for the best? That’s small comfort! Doctor: You’re lucky to be under medical treatment. MrB.: Tell me, doctor. What’s your opinion? Doctor: I wish I knew, to be quite honest. Mr B.: Please, doctor, tell me straight. Doctor: Well, Mr Brown. I’m quite amazed. Mr B.: Why? Do you have a reason to be? Doctor: Last week I saw no hope for you. Mr B.: What? x Doctor: And now you’ve made a complete recovery. Mr B.: But, doctor, this is my first time here. Doctor: Pardon?... Er... you mean you're not Mr Brown of Willow Street? 48 Kaseta SB Segment 10 MrB.: Of course not. Isn’t it obvious? Doctor: Then who the devil are you? MrB. [I’m John Brown, the optician. I’ve brought your new spectacles around. Right now! Let’s go back over the idioms used in this segment. And this time you fill in the idioms. Doctor: Come in, Mr Brown, ccme in. (Jak sig Pan czuje?)........ MrB.: Very well, doctor. I'm (zdréw jak ryba) . Doctor: I think you'll let me (stwierdzié namacalnie, osadzi¢ samemu) Mr B.: (puzzled) I’m sorry, doctor, but you" re (mac mi Pan w glowie) Doctor: Yes. Yes. That often happens (w Pariskim stanie) . Mr B.: What condition? (Nigdy nie czulem si¢ lepiej) Doctor: Take y your ar shirt off, ‘please: Lett me e (cbiadak Pana) . oF ee Mr B.: Please, doctor. You're (denerwowaé mnie) . . Doctor: Now, now, Mr Brown. (Zbierz sig Pan do kupy!) .......-.+ Mr B.: I’m sorry, jrdgetor: Doctor: Now, take a deep breath. (Mr Brown inhales)... Oh dear... tut, ‘ut... tut, tut... hmm... hmmm... Inthe Doctor's Surgery Kaseta 3B 49 MrB.: (breathless) Well. doctor? (Czy to powazne?).............7 Doctor: Could be worse. (Miejmy nadzieje) for the best. MrB.: Hope for the best? (To nieduza pociecha) Doctor: I wish I knew, (aby byé szczerym) . MrB.: Please, doctor (prosz¢ powiedzieé _prosto zmostu”) .. Doctor: Well, Mr Brown. (Jestemrzdziwiony) - MrB.: Why? Do you (masz powdéd zeby byé Bere EM Caen Doctor: Last week (nie widziatem nadziei dla Pana) MrB.: What? Doctor: And now you've (powrdcié do zdrowia) . Doctor: Pardon? .., Er... you mean you're not Mr Brown of Willow Street? Mr B.: Of course not. (Czy to nie jest oczywiste?)............... Doctor: Then (kto do diabla) .. are you? MrB.: I’m John Brown, the optician. Trve brought your new spectacles around,

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