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Promotion of educational faculties in

every country is a most important factor.

Illirerate people are just like persons
finding their way in the darkness,
whereas education enlightens their
minds and makes then easy to find their
way in this huge fair of humanity. It is
unfortunate that we have not
concentrated on effective teaching in
general and primary education I
particular. First of all, it is the primary
scchools which demand proper attention
by providing required infrastructure and
sufficient number or competent teacher.
We should spwnd liberally on primary
schools in every respecr. If students at
primary school level possess adequate
knowledge, they will surely perform well
at high-svhool level and even at college
and university levels, It is strange, in our
country officers and political leaders at
the healm of affairs regarding education
of university level by establishing more
and more universities, whereas plight of
primary education is miserable. Proper
infrastructure in primary schools
specially in rural areaas is inadequate.
Most of these schools have inadequate
teaching staff and these schools are
without ecen black-board and proper
sitting arrangements. In most of the
village primary schools, even required
number of class-rooms are not available
and two classes are being conducted in
single room.
Health should get top priority in
attending all our works and duties. If
health of a person is good, he is in a
position to perform his duties and every
kind of hazard smoothly. A healthy
person always enjoys internal happiness.
Nothing can be done without good
health. So, health should her paramount
importance. It may be realized so, if all
of us must ve health conscious.
The world Health Organisation each year
focuses its attention on the current
global health problems through a
particular theme. The world Health
Organisation is always more concerned
avout the total health care than merely
the medical care of the body. Health
defines a state of complete phydical,
mental and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease and
infirmly. According to an estimate of
W.H.O. about 12 million people die
each year due to cardiovascular
diseases. Six million out of them are
from the developing countries. It is also
estimated that approximately half of
them are preventable. It is interesting
to note that there has been a decrease
in the incidence of heart attacks to
considerable extent over the last three
decades in U.S.A., Australia, New
Zeland Western Europe and Japan. This
is as a result of adopting preventive
measures such as cessation of smoking

It has become a general tendency, taste

and prestige to possess a car among
those who can well afford to have it.
Queation arises: is car a luxuary?
Answer to this question is an emphatic
No. Not at least in the context of the
present day socio-economic conditions
in India. True, there was a time when
the car could be considred a luxuary. In
those days, people used it more as a
show, srarus, symvol, a present, it is not
so. In most of the cases, car performs
an essential productive service. An
analysis of the car ownership shows
that there are basically four categories
of car-buyers : Government
Departments, Public Sector
Undertakings and companies,
businessmen and proffessionals and the
taxi trade. No body can deny their vital
importance to the national economy
and society. Try to imagine,
administrators, police ot military
personnel. To whom time is crucial,
cannot afford to waiting for an
indefinite period to avail themselves of
public transpory. Can industrialists,
business men, executives, doctors,
;awyers and engineers afford to do
without it? In fact, in modern life car
has become a neccesity raher than
luxuary. By providing speed and greater
mobility, it has become indispensable
for all those to whom time is money –
an important aid to efficient service.
May be, oin limited cases, a car is used
for pleasure trips, social calls wtc., but
their proportion is brty small. The
socialist counteirs too
How much policy of reservetion is
successful in our country. The main
object of reservation is to uplift the
poor and the down-trodden. But in
reality, thhe experience of the past
more than half a century shows that the
policy of reservetion has moserably
failed to achiece its objectives. It is far
from promoting harmony and spirit of
brotherhood among the people, which
from promoting harmony and spirit of
brotherhood among the people, ehich is
the goal of our Vonstitution. It is
appreciable that financial help and
other assistance is being given to the
needy through the policy of
reservation. But reality is that the policy
of improving their libing conditions, has
made them dependent on crutches
which mar their self-confidence.
On the other hand, policy of reservation
erpetures injustice and disservice to the
nation, because merit is thrown to the
winds and its place is taken by
inefficiency. In the lght of the
experience of reservation during the
long span of more than half a century, it
is quite ecident that if the present
policy of reservation is continued, the
condition s of Scheduled castes and
Scheduled Tribes will not improve muvh
and upto the desired target, because it
is absolutely not a right solution to
improce their living standard.
Moreover , reservation is creating
injustice of deserved personf who werk
hard from their childhood and when
time comes for selection showing
personal wworth andcapability, it is
ignored and in place, inefficient persons
are selected under reservation.
Here inefficiency under the garb of
reservation takes the place of

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