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The debate about veganism: how to change one's opinion

It is a debate about veganism and how it is sometimes a difficult choice. What a vegan is eating eats , but
what about a lacto-ovo-vegetarian.

In the UK, there are now about 3.5 million full-time vegans, and their number increases.

Veganism lawyers say their healthy lifestyle would free up space and resources for food growth and help
reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

A diet without meat means that we may not get all the nutrients we need.

But people dispute whether it is right or wrong to eat meat, they actually discuss beliefs about what is
moral or immoral about it.

Even if we do not want to be vegan, we should respect one's choice.

A lacto-ovo-vegetarian is a person who eats vegetables, eggs, but does not eat meat. No meat, no steaks.
And they can enjoy food!

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