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NAME: ________________________________________________

DATE: _____________________________

Fundamentals in Music Theory

Mock Examination

I. Give the value (number) of each note below every note.

II. Give the equivalent note below each value (number).

3 2 4 1½ ¾ ¼ 8

III. Give the name for each Musical Symbols.

ff ppp mf fff fp rit.

cresc. dim. accel. rall. mp

ten. aug. sfz

IV. Write the correct order of the following terms for tempo. (from fast to slow)
Largo Allegretto Vivace

Presto Prestissimo Allegro

Andante Adagio
1. (fastest)







8. (slowest)

V. Give the correct KEY of the given Key Signature (Relative/Minor Key)

VI. Give the correct KEY of the given Key Signature (Major Key)

VII. Give the corresponding So-Fa syllable for each note below the staff

VIII. Give the CHORD below each triad of notes.

IX. Give the correct SCALE for each staff.

(write the name of the scale near the staff)
X. For every given scale write the these 4 scales:

(Major, Relative (Natural) Minor, Harmonic Minor, and Melodic Minor)

1. A Major

2. B Major
3. C# Major
4. F# Major
XI. Identify if the given scale is chromatic, minor, major

God Bless!!

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