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In here I want to talk about indonesia independence day.

At august, 17th is indonesia independence day and also it is my birthday. At the

date indonesia 74th years old . and usually the society celebrate indonesia
independent days with some event there are like eat kerupuk, run with sack,
areca climb and more.

In here im not a type person who wanna talk indonesia independence day
history like what, but you must know if august 17th is indonesia was stated of
freedom, also we should be greatfull for the sacrifices of the heroes for this
independent. They have been willing to sacrifice their wealth , labor, and
sacrifice their souls to gain independence.

As the nation that loves the homeland, we need to keep this independence in
our hands.

And I will tell my oppinion about this nation, how I am as a teenager, a student
and indonesian to seeing my country now.

Yes 74th years. In that leght of time indonesia should have grown up in many
situations. In that length of this time country should become one of fabulous
country and of the biggest nation with the richness of it’s cultures. But it’s so
sad to see our indonesia here nowdays where the civilians are poor, hunger’s in
everywhere, corruption is in charge, our economy is getting worst day by day .

Many said that all of this is the fault of the government. Clean the goverement
so that the nation will be cleaned. They were right, the government should be
cleaned from the corruption culture. Not only in the central goverment till its
roots. Meanwhile, the civilians these day are not really care about the
condition of their very own country, especially young generation like us.

Long time ago this country has felt it’s independence because of young
generation. This country have saved by the orde baru era because of young
generation. So as the young generation, don’t always think of your own
happines. People said that as long as we’re still young, just do as you want and
happy with it. That’s wrong ! as long as we’re still young, do everything useful
for our surroundings. Take example of indonesian youth long time ago where
their struggling spirit is extremely high, they have high dedicatin to pancasila,
and they have strong wills and visions

Maybe that’s all what can i say and the last thank u for you atanttion

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