Bahan Ajar DT

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Reading Activity

Losari Beach

Answer the question based on the text below!

1. What the text talking about ?


2. What is the main paragraph of paragraph 1 ?


3. What is the main paragraph of paragraph 2 ?


4. What is the main paragraph of paragraph 3?


5. Where is the location of Losari Beach ?


6. Why is Losari Beach is easy to access?


7. What the city that represent by Losari Beach ?

8. “Beach located in the western of Java”(paragraph 1)


9. How long does it take to go to the Losari beach from Makasar?


10. How long does it take to go to the Losari beach from Sultan Hasanudin Airport?


Borobudur Temple

Borobudur temple is one of the most beautiful tourist resorts in Indonesia. It is situated in
central Java. Borobudur temple is one of the seven wonders of the world which needs to be preserved
its circumstances. The people all over the world know that Borobudur is one of the greatest art works
that ever known since long time ago.
Borobudur temple was built by Syailendra Dynasty during the eighth century. It needed more
than two million river stones. It is the biggest temple in the world.
After going into some restorations, Borobudur is visited by more and more tourists, both domestic and
foreign tourists. Most of them admire Borobudur temple because of its beauty, its elegance and the
story of the relief on its walls.
Domestic tourists usually go there by bus or private cars, while foreign tourists like to join
travel bureau because they don’t need to think of the transportation, accommodation, and itinerary.
There are some money changers around the location. It makes them easier to change their money. But
some of them like to bring credit cards and checks.

Answer these statements by circling the appropriate choice !

1. Borobudur temple is one of the most beautiful tourist resorts in Indonesia (True/false)
2. Borobudur Temple is in West Java (True/false)
3. There is no tourism visit the Borobudur temple (True/false)
4. Borobudur temple was built by Syailendra Dynasty during the eighth century (True/false)
5. Borobudur temple is the smallest temple in The world (True/false)
6. foreign tourists like to use their private car in visiting Borobudur (True/false)
7. Borobudur is visited by more and more tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists (True/false)
8. The people all over the world don’t know that Borobudur is one of the greatest place in the world
9. Borobudur Temple is in east Java (True/false)
10. Borobudur Temple is in central Java (True/false)

Pair the picures below with the most appropriate word !

…………………………………… …………………………………… ……………………………………

….. ….. …..

…………………………………… …………………………………… ……………………………………

….. ….. …..
…………………………………… …………………………………… ……………………………………
….. ….. …..

a Tourism
b plane
c beach
d Ferry
e Traditional Dancer
f mountain
g Sunset
h tour buses
i souvenir
j Borobudur Temple

B. Speaking Activity

Practice the following dialogue with your friend and practice in front of the class !

Ayu : Do you really want to go to Bromo?

Uya : Yeah, my boss has given me a break.
Ayu : Why don't you visit Bali? You wanna go there, don't you?
Uya : Yes I really want to go there... (Uya stops talking, he thinks something)
Ayu : Hey.. What are you thinking about?
Uya : Sorry, I just don't wanna go to Bali, except...
Ayu : Except what? You said you want to go there... this is your right time.
Uya : No, no, it aint my right time. Bromo is as beautiful as Bali, isn't it?
Ayu : Yes, Bromo is. You always talk about Bali, I think Bali is your favorite place.
Uya : Hmm.. You're right, Bali is my favorite place. But I don't wanna go there right now, because...
Ayu : Because of what. . .
Uya : Because I don't wanna go to Bali without you...
Ayu : (Keep silent, smiling)
C. Writing Activity

Make a paragraph description of the tourist attractions in your place!

















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