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Journal of Andrology, Vol. 24, No.

4, July/August 2003
Copyright q American Society of Andrology

A Review of Androgen-Progestin Review

Regimens for Male Contraception

M. CRISTINA MERIGGIOLA,* TIMOTHY M.M. mia or severe oligozoospermia (sperm count from 0 to 1
FARLEY,† AND MICHAEL T. MBIZVO† 3 106/mL), contraceptive protection is provided to a Pearl
index rating of 1.4 per 100 couple-years (95% CI 5 0.4–
From the *Obstetrics and Gynecology Unit, S. Orsola
3.7; WHO, 1996). Therefore, induction of azoospermia or
Hospital, and University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy;
sperm suppression to ,1 million/mL can be considered
and the †UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank Special
an acceptable contraceptive goal.
Programme of Research, Development and Research
Studies performed in the last decade have shown that
Training in Human Reproduction, Department of
Reproductive Health and Research, World Health
testosterone (T) administration alone can provide almost
Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. universal azoospermia in diverse Asian populations, with
minimal side effects (WHO, 1990, 1996). Therefore,
phase II and III clinical trials are already being planned
with androgen regimens in the Asian population. The en-
It has been 40 years since the administration of steroids couraging preliminary results of these studies offer some
to women to prevent pregnancy was approved in many promise that an androgen-alone contraceptive may be on
countries, and finally the development of reversible hor- the market in those countries within the next few years
monal contraceptives for men seems to be within reach. (Zhang et al, 1999).
Surveys performed in recent years suggest that men are Testosterone-alone regimens are not as effective in the
willing to share the responsibility of family planning Caucasian population as they are in the Asian population,
(Glasier et al, 2000, Martin et al, 2000). Worldwide, about but small-scale clinical trials performed over the last few
30% of the couples that use contraception use a male years have suggested that if a progestin is added to the
method in spite of the evident shortcomings of currently androgen, profound suppression of sperm production can
available contraceptives for men. In 1994 at the Interna- be achieved in Caucasian men (Meriggiola and Bremner,
tional Conference on Population and Development, active 1997).
involvement of men in family planning was given a high In spite of the fact that all of these studies have shown
priority in the women agenda. that hormonal contraception for men is feasible and ef-
Thanks to public agencies like the World Health Or- fective, the lack of involvement of drug companies has
ganization (WHO) and the Contraceptive Research and prevented the transit of these concepts from small pilot
Development Program, the validity of the concept of the trials to large-scale studies aimed at the development of
hormonal approach to male contraception were proven in suitable products for the market. In 1997, a group of lead-
large-scale clinical trials. In these studies it was shown ing researchers promulgated a manifesto on male contra-
that hormones can provide contraceptive protection that
ception. The aim of this manifesto was to sensitize drug
promises to be as effective in men as in women (WHO,
companies, politicians, and research foundations ‘‘to com-
1990, 1996). Achievement of azoospermia has been sug-
mit themselves to the development of male contraception
gested to be the gold standard for this method in order to
for the sake of future generations’’ (Nieschlag and Behre,
confer optimal contraceptive protection (WHO, 1990,
1998). This appeal was finally received and in November
1996). Azoospermia achieved with weekly injections of
2002 when 2 major pharmaceutical companies committed
200 mg of testosterone enanthate (TE) provided a Pearl
themselves to the development of a hormonal contracep-
index (pregnancy per 100 person-years) rating of 0.8
tion for men (Schering AG, 2002).
(95% confidence interval [CI] 5 0.02–4.5]; WHO, 1990).
Large-scale clinical trials are now being planned with
However, various degrees of severe sperm suppression
also have been shown to provide acceptable contraceptive various combinations of progestins and androgens to con-
protection. When sperm count is suppressed to azoosper- firm and extend the preliminary results obtained in small
pilot studies and to eventually test the contraceptive ef-
fectiveness of these combinations. Advantages of this
Correspondence to: M. Cristina Meriggiola, MD, I Clinic of Ob Gyn, hormonal combination include the vast experience of
S. Orsola Hospital, Via Massarenti 13, Bologna, Italy 40138 (e-mail:
years of clinical use of both classes of compounds and
Received for publication February 3, 2003; accepted for publication their relatively low cost.
March 3, 2003. The purpose of this article is to review the literature
Meriggiola et al · Androgen-Progestin Male Contraceptives 467

Table 1a. Number of various androgen-progestin regimens tested in papers from 1960 to 2002*
Total Total
T Oral† TTS TE TP T Pellets Tpc/DHT TC TU (IM) 19 T Regimens Papers
CPA 1 ... 6 ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 4
DMPA ... ... 15 1 1 ... 6 ... 2 25 14
MPA 4 ... ... ... ... 2 ... ... ... 6 3
DSG‡ ... 3 6 ... 6 ... ... ... ... 15 6
LNG‡ 1 3 7 ... ... 4 ... 2 ... 17 10
NET/E/A 1 ... ... ... ... 3 ... 4 ... 8 4
* T indicates testosterone; TTS, transdermal testosterone; TE, testosterone enanthate; TP, testosterone propionate; Tpc, percutaneous testosterone;
DHT, dihydrotestosterone; TC, testosterone cypionate; TU, testosterone undecanoate; CPA, cyproterone acetate; DMPA, depot medroxyprogesterone
acetate; MPA, medroxyprogesterone acetate; DSG, desogestrel; LNG, levonorgestrel; NET, norethisterone; NETA, norethisterone acetate; NETE,
norethisterone enanthate.
† T Oral includes testosterone undecanoate and methyl-testosterone.
‡ Includes both oral and implants.

on androgen-progestin combinations, to understand les- time of the study maximal sperm suppression occurred. Only
sons learned from these trials, and to determine how these rate of azoospermia is considered for analysis in this paper, since
results can be applied to the design of large multicenter the degree of sperm suppression was not always clearly reported
clinical trials with the ultimate goal of developing an op- in the results sections of the various studies. Gonadotropin sup-
pression could not be considered in this review, since the dif-
timal hormonal male contraceptive.
ferent gonadotropin assays and their evolution throughout the
Methods years would not allow for a comparison among the studies.

This review includes all studies reporting the outcome of andro-

Statistical Analyses
gen-progestin regimens, in terms of sperm suppression, pub-
lished in the peer-reviewed literature between 1960 and Septem- The rates of azoospermia observed in each study were plotted
ber 2002. For this review, the database MEDLINE was searched. according to the regimen, and the mean rate of azoospermia was
English-only publications were included in the search, and sub- calculated. The total number of azoospermic men, as well as the
sequent bibliographies were cross-referenced. Where more than total number of treated cases, were also reported in the text of
1 publication reported the same study, the data were analyzed the figures. These numbers were used for the comparison be-
only once. For a detailed breakdown of the various studies, tween different regimens by evaluating the Yates corrected chi-
please refer to the tables. Because of the apparent ethnic differ- squared test and the odds ratio (OR) together with the 95% CI.
ences in responsiveness to steroids, results from clinical trials of Statistical evaluations were performed by the SPSS/PC1 statis-
potential hormonal contraceptive regimens have been analyzed tical package version 5.0 (Dixon et al, 1990; Norusis, 1992).
and reported separately in the Asian and Caucasian populations.
Healthy subjects of all ethnic groups, within an age range of 21– Mechanisms of Hormonal Suppression of Male Fertility
50 years and with normal seminal parameters, were included in
the studies. Only studies in which hormone administration lasted The mechanism(s) by which gonadal steroids inhibit male
longer than 12 weeks were included in the analyses. Maximal fertility is the suppression of sperm production achieved
suppression of sperm count (rate of azoospermia) was considered through inhibition of gonadotropin secretion. The various
for all studies. In most of the papers it coincided with the end progestins have different antigonadotropic potency: 19-
of the study, but in many papers it could not be detected at which nortestosterone derivatives have a stronger suppressive

Table 1b. Number of subjects treated with the different regimens*

T Oral† TTS TE TP T Implants Tpc/DHT TC TU (IM) 19 T Total Men
CPA 8 ... 36 ... ... ... ... ... ... 44
DMPA ... ... 136 6 10 ... 62 ... 57 271
MPA 23 ... ... ... ... 13 ... ... ... 36
DSG‡ ... 17 45 ... 100 ... ... ... ... 162
LNG‡ 4 11 90 ... ... 59 ... 30 ... 194
NET/E/A 13 ... ... ... ... 28 ... 54 ... 95
* T indicates testosterone; TTS, transdermal testosterone; TE, testosterone enanthate; TP, testosterone propionate; Tpc, percutaneous testosterone;
DHT, dihydrotestosterone; TC, testosterone cypionate; TU, testosterone undecanoate; CPA, cyproterone acetate; DMPA, depot medroxyprogesterone
acetate; MPA, medroxyprogesterone acetate; DSG, desogestrel; LNG, levonorgestrel; NET, norethisterone; NETA, norethisterone acetate; NETE,
norethisterone enanthate.
† T Oral includes testosterone undecanoate and methyl-testosterone.
‡ Includes both oral and implants.
468 Journal of Andrology · July/August 2003

cypionate; TU, testosterone undecanoate; CPA, cyproterone acetate; DMPA, depot medroxyprogesterone acetate; MPA, medroxyprogesterone acetate; DSG, desogestrel; LNG, levonorgestrel;
Azoospermic Total Men % Azoosper-

* T indicates testosterone; TTS, transdermal testosterone; TE, testosterone enanthate; TP, testosterone propionate; Tpc, percutaneous testosterone; DHT, dihydrotestosterone; TC, testosterone
effect on gonadotropins compared with the progesterone-
derived progestins.

The mechanism by which progestins suppress gonad-
otropins is still unclear. Although previous studies attrib-
uted the antigonadotropic effect of progestin to their an-
in Studies

drogenic activity, more recently a possible direct inhibi-





tory effect of these compounds on gonadotropin secretion
has been postulated (McEwen et al, 1983; Couzinet et al,
1996). The direct inhibitory effect of progestins on go-
nadotropins, independent of estrogens and androgens,






could also explain the additive and synergistic effects of

this compound when combined with other steroids, in this
case androgens. Progesterone receptors have been found
both at the hypothalamus and pituitary level in rats and
19 T



nonhuman primates.
After exogenous administration of sex hormones such
as androgens, progestins, or estrogens, Leydig cells de-

crease in volume; consequently, serum T production also


decreases (Flickinger, 1977a, b). T levels fall below phys-

iological levels both intratesticularly and in the peripheral
circulation (Morse et al, 1973; McLachlan et al, 2002).
Therefore, administration of androgens or androgen-like




substances to re-establish peripheral physiological T lev-

Table 1c. Number of subjects that became azoospermic with the different androgen-progestin regimens*

els is mandatory for non–T-alone hormonal contraceptive

regimens that act through this mechanism to maintain an-

drogen-dependent physiological functions. As a result of



FSH and intratesticular T suppression, studies in both an-

imals and humans have demonstrated that after hormone
administration, sperm development stops at the pachytene
T Implants

spermatocyte stage, whereas degeneration of later stage



NET, norethisterone; NETA, norethisterone acetate; NETE, norethisterone enanthate.



spermatids occurs (Terner and MacLaughlin 1973; Hikim

et al, 1995). This mechanism maintains spermatogonia
and thus implies the potential reversibility of the contra-
ceptive method. According to the degree of T depletion
† T Oral includes testosterone undecanoate and methyl-testosterone.


from the testis, remaining spermatids and spermatocytes


may complete their development or slough from the sem-

iniferous epithelium. This means that hormone regimens
require some time to be fully effective over the human
spermatogenic cycle of about 70 days. The mean time





reported to induce azoospermia ranged from 6 to 12

weeks in most clinical trials.
After stopping hormone administration, gonadotropin
secretion recovers, resulting in full resumption of Leydig


cell function and spermatogenesis. The time for sper-

‡ Includes both oral and implants.

matogenesis to resume normal levels has varied widely

among different studies, ranging from a few weeks to
T Oral†

several months, as the result of the long-lasting effect of




some steroids, which may accumulate in the subcutaneous

tissue. However, it should be emphasized that in all stud-
ies performed so far, full recovery of spermatogenesis was
always achieved in all subjects. This characteristic gives

to hormonal male contraception an important advantage



over other currently available forms of contraception such


as vasectomy.
Meriggiola et al · Androgen-Progestin Male Contraceptives 469

Figure 2. Rates of azoospermia following DMPA plus testosterone (T)

administered in a sequential or combined-continuous fashion. Full circles
indicate rate of azoospermia achieved with each different regimen. In
both groups the maximal sperm suppression was reported. Lines rep-
resent mean of the azoospermic rates in the 2 groups of studies. Odds
ratio of azoospermia was calculated comparing sequential vs combined-
continuous regimens. See text and Table 2 for details.

ception (WHO, 1990, 1996; Matsumoto, 1990). More-

over, high T levels may induce changes in some hemat-
ocrit and lipid parameters that may have potential long-
term adverse effects (Bagatell et al, 1994; Meriggiola et
al, 1995). The doses of androgen and progestin can be
adjusted to achieve maximal gonadotropin suppression
and, at the same time, avoid induction of supraphysiolog-
ical serum androgen levels, thereby improving the safety
of the regimen.
In addition to the effects at the hypothalamus-pituitary
Figure 1. Rates of azoospermia of androgen-progestin regimens in the
Asian and Caucasian populations. Full circles indicate rates of azoo-
spermia achieved with each different androgen-progestin regimen in the
two populations, respectively. Regimens were divided according to the
progestin that was administered in combination with injectable testoster-
one (T). Lines represent mean of the azoospermic rates in the 2 groups
of studies. Odds ratio of azoospermia was calculated comparing Asians
vs Caucasians.

Rationale for the Androgen-Progestin Combinations

The rationale for combining androgens with progestins to
suppress fertility in men is based on the additive and syn-
ergistic effects that these 2 steroids have on the suppres-
sion of gonadotropins, and thus spermatogenesis. Previ-
ous studies have demonstrated that when given alone at
doses that are safe for administration, currently available
progestins do not induce profound suppression of gonad-
otropins, and thus spermatogenesis, in men (Johansson
and Nygren, 1973; Morse et al, 1973; Koch et al, 1976; Figure 3. Rates of azoospermia following DMPA injections in combina-
Roy et al, 1976; Fredricsson, 1978; Fogh et al, 1979; tion with injectable testosterone (T: testosterone enanthate [TE], testos-
terone propionate [TP], T pellets, testosterone cypionate [TC], and 19-
Moltz et al, 1980; Wang and Yeung, 1980; Fredricsson nortestosterone [19-NT]) or medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) oral in
and Carlstrom, 1981; Kamischke et al, 2000a). Addition- combination with noninjectable T (oral or transdermal). Full circles indi-
ally, androgens alone, even when administered at high, cate rate of azoospermia achieved with each different regimen. Lines
represent mean of the azoospermic rates in the 2 groups of studies.
supraphysiological doses, do not uniformly induce a de- Odds ratio of azoospermia was calculated comparing noninjectable vs
gree of spermatogenic suppression sufficient for contra- injectable T regimens. See text and Table 3 for details.
470 Journal of Andrology · July/August 2003

Table 2. Rates of azoospermia with medroxyprogesterone acetate and various testosterone formulations*
Methyl Testosterone/DHT
Testosterone (Oral) (Percutaneous)
gesterone Azoospermia Azoospermia
Acetate Dose (%) Dose (%) References
20 mg/d 20 mg/d 0 ... ... Bain et al, 1980
20 mg/d 10 mg/d 0 ... ... Bain et al, 1980
20 mg/d ... ... 50/100 mg/T 60 Soufir et al, 1983
20 mg/d ... ... 125 mg DHT/250 mg T 62.5 Guerin et al, 1988
10 mg/d 10 mg/d 0 ... ... Bain et al, 1980
5 mg/d 10 mg/d 0 ... ... Bain et al, 1980
* T indicates testosterone; DHT, dihydrotestosterone.

level, there are studies that indicate the possibility of a tion (Table 1b). Altogether, 205 (67%) subjects achieved
direct inhibitory role of the progestins at the testicular azoospermia (Table 1c, Figures 1 through 3). Three of
level. A number of studies in animals suggest that pro- these studies were performed in Asian populations (Pang-
gestins may affect spermatogenesis by exerting a direct kahila, 1991; Lee et al, 1979; WHO, 1993).
effect at testicular and posttesticular levels. A variety of Like all other hormonal regimens tested so far, the rates
mechanism(s) have been suggested to explain this obser- of azoospermia achieved in the Asian population varied
vation. Progestins may reduce the androgen concentra- widely but were generally higher than that achieved in
tions within the testis by reducing androgen biosynthesis, the Caucasian population (Figure 1). One hundred twen-
altering androgen metabolism, and/or acting directly at ty-two of the 140 Asian subjects (87%) achieved azoo-
the receptor level by competitive binding, thereby reduc- spermia, whereas only 75 of the 131 (57%) Caucasian
ing the effective level of intratesticular androgens (Lobl subjects became azoospermic (P , .001). Preliminary
et al, 1983; Mauvais-Jarvis et al, 1974; Vreeburg et al, studies have hypothesized that genetic factors such as a
1976; Worgul et al, 1979). Studies in animals suggest that different sensitivity of the pituitary or of the testis to the
various changes in epididymal structures occur, although suppressive effects of steroids could be present between
their significance remains unclear (Srivastava and Mala- the Caucasian and Asian population (Suhana et al, 1999).
viya, 1980; Srivastava, 1981). It should be noted that the Another interesting hypothesis is a difference in the diet,
above described effects have only been reported in vitro which can result in a different steroid metabolism (Han-
and in vivo at high progestin concentrations, and their delsman et al, 1995; Johnson et al, 1998; Lookingbill et
relevance to the doses necessary for contraception in men
al, 1991; Santner et al, 1998; Sinha et al, 1998; Wang et
is unclear. The importance of the contribution of local
al, 1998). Whether this different sensitivity to the sup-
effects relative to the overall contraceptive effects of this
pressive effects of steroids will still be confirmed in future
regimen is still unknown.
studies, the mechanism needs to be thoroughly investi-
Studies With Androgen-Progestin Combinations gated.
Medroxyprogesterone Acetate—Medroxyprogesterone In the Caucasian population, the oral and the depot
acetate (MPA) was developed at the end of the 1950s, injectable MPA formulations were administered in com-
and in 1960 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ap- bination with oral or injectable T preparations, respec-
proved its use for regulation of menstrual disorders. Since tively. Oral MPA was given in combination with oral T,
then a vast amount of literature has been published on such as methyl-T, or with percutaneous dihydrotestoster-
this progestin, which is used in the treatment of a wide one (DHT; Tables 1a and 2; Bain et al, 1980; Guerin and
variety of conditions and for contraception in women. In Rollet, 1988; Soufir et al, 1983). Depot medroxyproges-
men, MPA has been used for the treatment of prostatic terone acetate (DMPA) injected every 4–6 weeks was
hypertrophy and hypersexuality and in experimental male given in combination with TE (Alvarez-Sanchez et al,
contraception. 1977; Brenner et al, 1977; Frick et al, 1977a; Melo and
Over the last 40 years, 17 papers were published de- Coutinho, 1977; Alvarez-Sanchez et al, 1979; Faundes et
scribing studies in which 31 different regimens using al, 1981; Frick et al, 1982; Wu and Aitken, 1989; Pang-
MPA were administered to healthy men for suppression kahila et al, 1991; WHO 1993); testosterone propionate
of spermatogenesis (Table 1a). These regimens consisted (TP; Frick et al, 1977a); testosterone cypionate (TC; Paul-
of either the oral or injectable form of MPA given in sen et al, 1980; Lee et al, 1979); 19-nortestosterone (19-
combination with different T formulations. A total of 307 NT); or T pellets (Knuth et al, 1989; Handelsman et al,
men completed at least 12 weeks of hormone administra- 1996; WHO 1993; (Tables 1a and 3). Oral combinations
Meriggiola et al · Androgen-Progestin Male Contraceptives 471

were less effective than injectable DMPA (Figure 3) in ogy was reported. Whether these changes, probably due
the suppression of spermatogenesis (P # .001). After ad- to a direct effect of CPA at posttesticular level, lead to a
ministration of DMPA plus injectable T, 57% (75 of 131) significant reduction of fertility potential of these sper-
of the volunteers achieved azoospermia compared with matozoa is unclear. However, major side effects of this
22% azoospermic (8 of 36) of the men who received the regimen included a decrease of both libido and sexual
oral preparation of MPA (Figure 3). potency that was so severe that, in many cases, volunteers
DMPA plus injectable T was administered in a com- were unable to produce an ejaculate for semen analysis.
bined-continuous or sequential fashion (Alvarez-Sanchez In 1983, Lohiya and Sharma proposed to combine CPA
et al, 1977, 1979; Frick et al, 1977b; Faundes et al, 1981; with T in order to avoid side effects due to androgen
Frick et al, 1982; Knuth et al, 1989; Table 2). Sequential depletion. They administered CPA 1 mg/kg IM and TE 2
regimens included an initial period during which the 2 mg/kg IM every 15 days over a period of 90 days to male
steroids were administered at higher doses, followed by Langur monkeys. All animals became azoospermic, and
a second phase in which lower steroid doses were ad- no significant changes of any biochemical parameters
ministered. With the sequential regimens, profound sperm were detected. Two years later, the same promising results
suppression was achieved by means of the high doses of were reported after administration of 20 mg/d of CPA in
DMPA and T. Sperm suppression achieved in this phase combination with 250 mg/fortnight of TE to 6 men (Roy
was more profound than that achieved with the combined- and Prasad, 1985). Five of 6 men became azoospermic,
continuous regimens (P # .012; Figure 2). Thirty-five of and 1 man had a sperm count ,1 million/mL after 20
46 subjects (76%) became azoospermic after an initial weeks of administration. In spite of these promising pre-
phase of high-dose hormone administration, whereas only liminary data, this hormonal combination did not receive
40 of 85 subjects (47%) achieved azoospermia at the end further attention, primarily for 2 reasons: 1) these data in
of a combined-continuous DMPA plus T administration men were never published in a scientific peer-reviewed
(Figure 2). However, in all studies the regimens used in journal, and 2) it seemed somehow illogical to combine
the second phase failed to maintain sperm suppression, an androgen with an antiandrogen. This regimen was ex-
and spermatogenesis recovered in most of the subjects in plored again 10 years later. The proposed rationale for
all studies. No major adverse effects were reported with testing this hormonal combination was based on the pe-
any of these regimens. culiar combination of progestogenic and antiandrogenic
Cyproterone Acetate—Cyproterone acetate (CPA) is a activity of the progestin. CPA may suppress gonadotro-
synthetic steroid with both progestational and antiandro- pins because of its progestogenic activity as well as act
genic properties (Neumann and von Berswordt-Wallrabe, at the testicular and posttesticular level, blocking the stim-
1966; Steinbeck et al, 1971). Because of this combination ulatory effect of residual or exogenous intratesticular T
of activities, CPA has been used in conditions in which on sperm development as the result of its antiadrogenic
a profound suppression of androgen activity is needed in activity. The lack of any suppressive effect of CPA on
men (eg, hypersexuality or prostate cancer). During these plasma sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels
treatments, a decrease of gonadotropin and T levels and could contribute to the avoidance of increased free T lev-
a dramatic reduction in sperm production was observed. els, which is different than other progestins like levonor-
These observations prompted researchers to test the pos- gestrel (LNG), which is known to decrease SHBG levels
sibility that CPA could be used for suppression of male (Meriggiola et al, 2002b).
fertility. Ten papers have been published in which CPA Four studies have been published (Meriggiola et al,
was given at doses ranging from 200 to 5 mg/d, orally, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2002b) in which CPA was given at
to test its effectiveness in suppressing spermatogenesis doses of 100, 50, 25, 12.5, and 5 mg/d in combination
and gonadotropins (Petry et al, 1972; Morse et al, 1973; with TE 100 or 200 mg/wk or with oral testosterone un-
Koch et al, 1976; Roy et al, 1976; Fredricsson, 1978; decenoate (TU) 160 mg/d to 44 subjects (Table 4). Over-
Fogh et al, 1979; Roy and Chatterjee, 1979; Moltz et al, all, 23 (52%) subjects became azoospermic, 14 (32%) se-
1980; Wang and Yeung, 1980; Fredricsson and Carlstrom, verely oligozoospermic (,1 million/mL), and in 3 (7%)
1981). These studies were also stimulated by the prom- subjects the sperm count remained above 3 million/mL
ising results obtained in animals, which suggested that after 16 weeks of hormone administration (Figure 4a).
CPA could inhibit fertility through a direct effect at the When the same dose of CPA (25 mg/d) was administered
posttesticular level. Among 76 men who received CPA with an oral (TU) or injectable (TE) androgen, the regi-
for 16–26 weeks, azoospermia was only occasionally men in which oral T was administered seemed to be less
achieved in a few men and not consistently maintained. effective than that in which IM TE injections were given.
In most of the men, sperm suppression was variable and One of 8 subjects achieved azoospermia with the oral
exhibited various degrees of oligozoospermia. In these combination vs 4 of 5 subjects in the CPA plus TE reg-
trials, a decrease of sperm motility and normal morphol- imen (Figure 4a). Comparing gonadotropin levels be-
472 Journal of Andrology · July/August 2003

Table 3. Rates of azoospermia with depot medroxyprogesterone acetate and various testosterone formulations
Testosterone Elanthate (IM) Testosterone Propionate (IM)
progesterone Azoospermia Azoospermia
Acetate Dose (%) Dose (%)
Sequential regimens
1000 mg 3 1 then 300 mg/mo 250 mg/mo 71 ... ...

1000 mg 3 2 then 150 mg/mo 250 mg/mo 88 ... ...

1000 mg/mo then 75 mg/biwk 250 mg/biwk 100 ... ...

1000 mg/mo then 150 mg/mo 500 mg/mo 100 ... ...
1000 mg 3 1 then 150 mg/mo 500 mg/mo 80 ... ...
400 mg/mo ... ... ...
250 mg/6 wk 200 mg/wk for 6 wk then every 3 96 ... ...
250 mg/6 wk ... ... ...

250 mg/6 wk ... ... ... ...

Combined-continuous regimens
300 mg single dose ... ... ... ...
200 mg/mo 250 mg/mo 100 ... ...
200 mg/mo 250 mg/mo 60 ... ...
200 mg/mo ... ... ... ...
200 mg/mo ... ... ... ...
200 mg/mo ... ... ... ...
150 mg/mo 100 mg/mo 50 ... ...
150 mg/mo 200 mg/mo 25 ... ...
100 mg/mo 100 mg/mo 100 ... ...
100 mg/mo 200 mg/mo 14 ... ...
100 mg/mo ... ... ... ...
100 mg/mo ... ... 4 capsule impl. at 18 inj. 67
100 mg/mo 100 mg/mo 0 ... ...
100 mg/mo 250 mg/mo 0 ... ...
100 mg/mo 250 mg/mo 88 ... ...
50 mg/mo ... ... ... ...

tween the 2 regimens, it is evident that reduced gonado- known to be potent in terms of gonadotropin suppression
tropin suppression was achieved with the oral combina- (Couzinet et al, 1996). Among this class of steroidal com-
tion (Figure 4b). Although the studies included a very pounds are norethisterone (NET), norethynodrel, and its
small number of subjects, it would appear that the less dextrorotatory isomer LNG (ie, the biologically active
profound gonadotropin suppression achieved with oral T form of this progestin). The progestins of this class are
may be due to the inconsistent serum T levels achieved known to be potent suppressors of gonadotropin secre-
after oral TU intake, which may not be able to maintain tion, and when administered to men these compounds in-
gonadotropin, and hence sperm suppression (Meriggiola duced a profound suppression of sperm production (Frick,
et al, 1997). No major side effects were detected with this 1973). However, a decrease of libido and sexual potency
regimen. No changes of sexual function or behavior were was also reported, presumably due to the suppression of
reported, with the exception of a significant decrease of T production secondary to gonadotropin suppression
morning erections in the group that received the highest (Kamischke et al, 2000b). Therefore, like other progestins
dose of CPA (100 mg/d). There was a decrease of red available thus far, nor-progestins should not be adminis-
cell parameters in all groups, which seemed to be depen- tered alone for male contraception because their residual
dent on the dose of CPA and was probably related to its androgenic activity is not sufficient to maintain androgen-
antiandrogenic activity. Further large-size clinical trials dependent physiological functions like libido or sexual
may be required to test the safety and efficacy of low potency (Kamischke et al, 2000a). Also, due to their es-
doses of CPA with T in multiethnic groups of men. trogenic activity or to inadequate androgen replacement,
19-Nor-Progestins—Based on animal studies and clin- administration of these progestins resulted in a high rate
ical studies in women, 19-norderived progestins are of gynecomastia (Paulsen et al, 1962; Kuhnz et al, 1997).
Meriggiola et al · Androgen-Progestin Male Contraceptives 473

Table 3. Continued

T Pellets (Subdermal) Testosterone Cypionate (IM) 19-Nortestosterone (IM)

Azoospermia Azoospermia Azoospermia
Dose (%) Dose (%) Dose (%) Reference

... ... ... ... ... ... Alvarez-Sanchez et al,

1977, 1979
... ... ... ... ... ... Alvarez-Sanchez et al,
1977, 1979
... ... ... ... ... ... Frick et al, 1982
... ... ... ... ... ... Frick et al, 1982
... ... ... ... ... ... Faundes et al, 1981
... ... 200 mg/mo 50 ... ... Lee et al, 1979
... ... ... ... ... ... WHO, 1983
... ... ... ... 200 mg/wk for 6 wk then 42 Knuth et al, 1989
every 3 wk
... ... ... ... 200 mg/mo for 6 wk then 98 WHO, 1983
every 3 wk

800 mg 90 ... ... ... ... Handelsman et al, 1996

... ... ... ... ... ... Pangkahlla et al, 1991
... ... ... ... ... ... Wu et al, 1989
... ... 250 mg/mo 56 ... ... Paulsen et al, 1980
... ... 200 mg/mo 60 ... ... Lee et al, 1979
... ... 400 mg/mo 40 ... ... Lee et al, 1979
... ... ... ... ... ... Frick et al, 1977a
... ... ... ... ... ... Brenner et al, 1977
... ... ... ... ... ... Pangkahlla et al, 1991
... ... ... ... ... ... Brenner et al, 1977
... ... 250 mg/mo 27 ... ... Paulsen et al, 1980
... ... ... ... ... ... Frick et al, 1977a
... ... ... ... ... ... Frick et al, 1977a
... ... ... ... ... ... Frick et al, 1977a
... ... ... ... ... ... Melo et al, 1977
... ... 250 mg/mo 25 ... ... Paulsen et al, 1980

Table 4. Rates of azoospermia with cyproterone acetate and various testosterone formulations
Testosterone Testosterone
Undecanoate (Oral) Enanthate (IM)
Acetate Azoospermia Azoospermia
(Oral) Dose (%) Dose (%) References
100 mg/d ... ... 100 mg/wk 100 Meriggiola et al,
50 mg/d ... ... 100 mg/wk 100 Meriggiola et al,
25 mg/d 160 mg/d 12.5 ... ... Meriggiola et al,
25 mg/d ... ... 100 mg/wk 80 Merriggiola et al,
12.5 mg/d ... ... 100 mg/wk 60 Merriggiola et al,
5 mg/d ... ... 100 mg/wk 56 Meriggiola et al,
... ... ... 200 mg/wk 0
474 Journal of Andrology · July/August 2003

Figure 4. (A) Rates of azoospermia following administration of cyproterone acetate (CPA) plus testosterone enanthate (TE) injections or oral testos-
terone undecenoate (TU). Full circles indicate rate of azoospermia achieved with each different regimen. Lines represent mean of the azoospermic
rate in the 2 groups of studies. Odds ratio of azoospermia was calculated comparing noninjectable vs injectable testosterone (T) regimens. See text
and Table 4 for details. (B) Mean serum FSH and LH levels after oral intake of CPA 25 mg/d plus weekly injections of 100 mg TE or plus oral intake
of TU 160 mg/d throughout the study periods. See text and Table 4 for details.
Meriggiola et al · Androgen-Progestin Male Contraceptives 475

These progestins have therefore been tested in combina- cluding weight gain, acne, and a decrease in high-density
tion with different androgens. Of this group of com- lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. Further large-scale stud-
pounds, LNG and NET, norethisterone enanthate (NETE) ies are required to determine both efficacy and safety of
and norethisterone acetate (NETA) were the most com- injectable TU in combination with NETE or LNG in
monly used progestins in clinical trials. Levonorgestrel multiethnic settings.
seemed to be most attractive because of its potency and Desogestrel—Since the intrinsic androgenicity of pro-
the large number of formulations in which it is available gestins like LNG or NET/E/A was thought to contribute
for women (oral, injectable, transdermal, subcutaneous, to the androgen-related side effects observed with these
intravaginal, and intrauterine), offering the prospect of progestins, the reduction of the androgenic activity in the
different routes of administration for men as well. Ten third generation progestins was thought to provide advan-
trials (Fogh et al 1980a, b, c; Bebb et al, 1996; Anawalt tages in terms of safety and possibly of sperm suppres-
et al, 1999; Buchter et al, 1999; Gao et al, 1999; Kam- sion. Six papers (Wu et al, 1999; Anawalt et al, 2000;
ischke et al, 2000b; Pollanen et al, 2001; Gonzalo et al, Kinniburgh et al, 2001; Morton Hair et al, 2001; Kinni-
2002) have been published in which LNG was adminis- burgh et al, 2002; Anderson et al, 2002; Table 7) have
tered to normal healthy men to test the effects on sperm been published in which the progestin desogestrel (DSG)
suppression (Table 1a). Oral LNG at doses ranging from at doses of 75, 150, or 300 mg/d or as an implant releasing
125 to 500 mg/d or LNG implants were given in combi- 68 mg/d of etonogestrel was combined with TE 100 or
nation with TE or TU injections, oral T or transdermal T, 50 mg/wk or with 400-mg T pellets (Table 1a). Overall,
or DHT for at least 6 months (Table 5). Overall, of the 162 subjects received 1 of these regimens for 24 weeks.
194 subjects treated with these hormonal combinations, Azoospermia was achieved in 75% of the subjects (122
80 (41%) achieved azoospermia (Tables 1b and c; Figure of 162; Tables 1b and c; Figure 7). With DSG 300 mg
5). As with other progestins, a combination of oral or plus TE 100 mg/wk, 13 of 16 subjects (81%) became
transdermal T/DHT with oral LNG (Fogh et al, 1980c; azoospermic, whereas when the dose of TE was reduced
Buchter et al, 1999; Pollanen et al, 2001) tended to be to 50 mg/week, azoospermia was achieved in 8 of 8 sub-
less effective in terms of sperm suppression compared jects (100%). Lower doses of DSG (150 mg/d) in com-
with oral LNG given in combination with injectable T bination with 100 or 50 mg/wk TE induced azoospermia
formulations (P , .001; Figure 5; Fogh et al, 1980a, b; in 79% (11 of 14) and 57% (4 of 7) of the subjects,
Bebb et al, 1996; Anawalt et al, 1999; Gao et al, 1999; respectively. In one study (Wu et al, 1999) when TE ad-
Kamischke et al, 2000b; Gonzalo et al, 2002). Fourteen ministration was delayed for 3 weeks to allow for the
of 74 subjects (19%) who received oral or implant LNG suppression of gonadotropins and depletion of intratestic-
plus oral or transdermal T/DHT became azoospermic ular T concentrations, no difference in sperm suppression
compared with the 66 of 120 subjects (55%) that became was found compared with the same regimen (DSG 300
azoospermic after oral LNG plus injectable TE or TU mg/d plus TE 100 mg/wk) administered from the begin-
(Figure 5). ning: percentage of azoospermia was 75% (6 of 8) vs
Four papers have been published in which NET, NETE, 88% (7 of 8), and time to azoospermia was 14 6 2.7
or NETA were administered to 95 subjects for 6–9 weeks in the 2 groups, respectively. Both studies with
months (Tables 1a through c). In these studies, 79% (75 DSG and TE reported a decrease of HDL cholesterol that
subjects) became azoospermic (Guerin and Rollet, 1988; seemed to be dependent on the dose of both the progestin
Lobel et al, 1989; Kamischke et al, 2001, 2002; Table 6). and the androgen (minimum DSG 150 mg/d plus TE 50
The combined administration of injectable NETE plus TU mg/wk, and maximum DSG 300 mg/d plus TE 100 mg/
was more effective in sperm suppression (91% azoosper- wk). These results suggest that DSG retains some andro-
mic, 49 of 54 subjects) compared with the oral adminis- genicity that, when combined with T, may be sufficient
tration of NETA plus oral TU or percutaneous T (63% to induce the HDL reduction.
azoospermic, 26 of 41; P # .001; Figure 6).
The progestins of this class retain varying degrees of Discussion
androgenic activity that possibly accumulate with that of In this paper we have reviewed published studies in which
the exogenous androgen. The reported decrease of androgen-progestin hormonal combinations were admin-
SHBG levels and displacement of T from its binding istered to men for the purpose of sperm suppression. In
sites caused by these progestins may further contribute the past 40 years (1960–2002) since the advent of female
to increased free T levels (Pugeat et al, 1981; Darney, steroid contraception, 41 articles in which 802 male vol-
1995). Together, these characteristics may explain the unteers received an androgen-progestin combination have
fact that the adverse effects induced by most of the 19- been published in peer-review journals.
norderived progestin when combined with androgens are Since the first progestins were administered to men, it
identical to those reported with high-dose androgens, in- has become clear that when administered alone progestins

Table 5. Rates of azoospermia with levonorgestrel and various testosterone formulations

Testosterone Testosterone Testosterone Didrotestosterone
Testosterone (Oral) (Transdermal) Enanthate (IM) Undecanoate (IM) (Transdermal)
Azoo- Azoo- Azoo- Azoo- Azoo-
spermia spermia spermia spermia spermia
Levonorgestrel Dose (%) Dose (%) Dose (%) Dose (%) Dose (%) References
500 mg/d ... ... ... ... 200 mg/mo 0 ... ... ... ... Foegh et al, 1980
500 mg/d ... ... ... ... 200 mg/mo 40 ... ... ... ... Foegh et al, 1980
500 mg/d ... ... ... ... 100 mg/wk 67 ... ... ... ... Bebb et al, 1996
250 mg/d ... ... ... ... 200 mg/mo 20 ... ... ... ... Foegh et al, 1980
250 mg/d ... ... ... ... 100 mg/wk 78 ... ... ... ... Anawalt et al, 1999
250 mg/d ... ... ... ... ... ... 1000 mg/6 wk 50 ... ... Kamischke et al,
250 mg/d 200–600 mg/d 0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Foegh et al, 1980
250 mg/d 3 ... ... 5 mg/d 18 ... ... ... ... ... ... Buchter et al, 1999
12 wk then 500 mg/d
125 mg/d ... ... ... ... 100 mg/wk 61 ... ... ... ... Anawait et al, 1999
30 mg/d ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 250 mg 0 Pollanen et al, 2001
125 mg/d ... ... 5 mg/d 33 ... ... ... ... ... ... Gonzalo IT, 2002
150 mg n82 implants ... ... ... ... ... ... 250 mg/mo 38 ... ... Geo E, 1999
100-30 mg n81 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 250 mg 0 Pollanen et al, 2001
200-60 mg n82 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 250 mg 0 Pollanen et al, 2001
400-120 mg n84 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 250 mg 0 Pollanen et al, 2001
160 mg/d Norplant II ... ... 5 mg/d 35 ... ... ... ... ... ... Gonzalo, 2002
(4 capsules) 32
160 mg/d Norplant II ... ... ... ... 100 mg/wk 93 ... ... ... ... Gonzalo, 2002
(4 capsules)
Journal of Andrology · July/August 2003
Meriggiola et al · Androgen-Progestin Male Contraceptives 477

ed noninjectable androgens was consistently observed.

Thirteen papers have reported on the combined adminis-
tration of oral progestins with noninjectable androgens
(Table 1a). Sperm suppression induced by these nonin-
jectable androgen-progestin regimens is significantly low-
er compared with that achieved with regimens in which
the 2 compounds have been given through injections or
implants. The lower levels in serum T levels or wide fluc-
tuations, as in the case of oral T preparations, can explain
this low effectiveness. These lower and fluctuating levels
may be unable to induce or maintain consistent gonado-
tropin suppression, as has been suggested by the com-
parison of gonadotropin levels between 2 groups in which
CPA was given in combination with TE or oral TU (Mer-
Figure 5. Rates of azoospermia after oral administration of levonorges- iggiola et al, 1996, 1997).
trel (LNG) in combination with injectable testosterone (T: testosterone
enanthate [TE] or testosterone undecenoate [TU]) or noninjectable T A few early studies proposed the idea of using a higher
(oral or transdermal). Full circles indicate rate of azoospermia achieved hormonal load to induce profound sperm suppression that
with each different regimen. Lines represent mean of the azoospermic can be eventually maintained with lower doses. In these
rates in the 2 groups of studies. Odds ratio of azoospermia was calcu-
lated comparing noninjectable vs injectable T regimens. See text and preliminary trials, profound sperm suppression was in-
Table 5 for details. duced with the initial high dosage. However, the steroid
regimen administered to maintain suppression failed to do
so (Alvarez-Sanchez et al, 1977, 1979; Frick et al, 1982).
induce symptoms of androgen deficiency due to gonad- More recent studies in which different hormonal combi-
otropin suppression and possible direct effects on T me- nations have been used both in primates and in men have
tabolism. Even nor-progestins that are known to have a shown that it is indeed possible to maintain sperm sup-
strong residual androgenic effect in women cannot main- pression for as long as 32 weeks with lower hormone
tain androgen-dependent physiological functions in men doses than those used to induce the suppression (Wein-
if given without androgens (Kamischke et al, 2000a). bauer et al, 1988; Swerdloff et al, 1998; Costantino et al,
Therefore, for the purpose of male contraception all pro- unpublished data). However, even these recent reports
gestins available must be given in combination with an- have given conflicting results (Behre et al, 2001). The use
drogens. The theoretical possibility of inducing profound of inadequate regimens for maintenance of sperm sup-
gonadotropin suppression with the progestin alone would pression may account for the different ability to maintain
allow for the use of an androgen dose that is sufficient to gonadotropin, and thus sperm suppression, with the 2 reg-
maintain androgen-dependent physiological functions. imens. However, this concept remains potentially very in-
However, available progestins have not been shown to teresting and deserves to be explored further as the use
induce such profound gonadotropin suppression when ad- of a lower hormonal load for long-term maintenance of
ministered alone. Such a possibility remains open if new sperm suppression may increase safety and decrease the
progestins are formulated that are more potent in terms cost, as well as increase acceptability and decrease side
of gonadotropin suppression at doses that do not cause effects of the contraceptive.
adverse effects. None of these trials has reported major adverse effects
This analysis of the data published in the literature dur- that would discourage continuation of the hormonal com-
ing these 4 decades suggests that when a progestin is bination. However, only years of clinical use will permit
administered in combination with an androgen, a pro- evaluation of the potential risks of hormone administra-
found suppression of spermatogenesis can be induced. tion for contraception in men. It is speculated that avoid-
Most studies suggest that the suppressive actions of pro- ance of supraphysiological T levels results in a lower in-
gestin are additive to T. A wide range of degree of sperm cidence of long-term adverse effects on health. When a
suppression has been reported in the various studies with progestin is added to the androgen for enhancement of
different doses and injection intervals. When optimal reg- sperm suppression, it must be administered at doses that
imens were tested, all progestins induced azoospermia or are sometimes higher than those used in women. There-
near azoospermia in all men. Therefore, based on the data fore, at these dosages some activities of the progestin that
published so far, no progestin seems to be superior to the are negligible in female contraceptives may reach physi-
others in terms of spermatogenic suppression. ological significance in male contraceptives. The choice
Throughout the different regimens, the low effective- of the progestin is also very important. The use of pro-
ness of the androgen-progestin combinations that includ- gestins with favorable biological and pharmacological

Table 6. Rates of azoospermia with desogestrel and various testosterone formulations

Testosterone Enanthate Testosterone Pellets Testosterone
(IM) (Subdermal) (Transdermal)
Azoospermia Azoospermia Azoospermia
Desogestrel Dose (%) Dose (%) Dose (%) References
300 mg/d 100 mg/wk 75 ... ... ... ... Wu et al, 1999
300 mg/d 50 mg/wk 100 ... .. ... .. Wu et al, 1999
300 mg/d 100 mg/wk 88 ... ... ... ... Anawalt et al, 2000
150 mg/d 100 mg/wk 57 ... ... ... ... Wu et al, 1999
150 mg/d 50 mg/wk 57 ... ... ... ... Anawalt et al, 2000
150 mg/d 100 mg/wk 100 ... ... ... ... Anawalt et al, 2000
150 mg/d ... ... 400 mg 75 ... ... Kinniburgh et al,
150 mg/d ... ... 400 mg 1 finasteride 5 mg/d oral 71 ... ... Kinniburgh et al,
75 mg/d ... ... ... ... 5 mg/d 0 Morton Hair et al,
150 mg/d ... ... ... ... 5 mg/d 50 Morton Hair et al,
300 mg/d ... ... ... ... 5 mg/d 57 Morton Hair et al,
300 mg/d ... ... 400 mg 100 ... ... Kinniburgh et al,
150 mg/d ... ... 400 mg 71 ... ... Kinniburgh et al,
Etonogestrel (1 3 68 mg) ... ... 400 mg (2 3 200 mg) 64 ... ... Anderson et al,
Etonogestrel (2 3 68 mg) ... ... 400 mg (2 3 200 mg) 75 ... ... Anderson et al,
Journal of Andrology · July/August 2003
Meriggiola et al · Androgen-Progestin Male Contraceptives 479

Kamischke et al, 2000

Kamischke et al, 2002
Kamischke et al, 2002

Kamischke et al, 2002

Guerin et al., 1988
Guerin et al., 1988
Guerin et al, 1988

Lobel et al, 1989




Undecanoate (IM)
Figure 6. Rates of azoospermia after norethisterone (NET), NET enan-
thate (NETE), or NET acetate (NETA) and testosterone undecenoate
(TU) injections or oral administration of NETA and noninjectable testos-
terone (T; oral or percutaneous). Full circles indicate rate of azoospermia

1000 mg/6 wk
1000 mg/6 wk
1000 mg/6 wk

1000 mg/6 wk
achieved with each different regimen. Lines represent mean of the azo-
ospermic rates in the 2 groups of studies. Odds ratio of azoospermia

was calculated comparing oral vs injectable T regimens. See text and


Table 6 for details.

Table 7. Rates of azoospermia with norethisterone enathate/acetate and various testosterone formulations
characteristics, which in this case means progestins de-
void of strong androgenic or antiandrogenic activities at

the doses used for induction of gonadotropin/sperm sup-
pression, will certainly increase the long-term safety of




these regimens.

Previous trials have shown that with the steroid for-

mulations currently available, long-acting and depot for-
mulations are more effective in inducing sperm suppres-
sion compared with the noninjectable formulations. Pre-

250 mg/d
250 mg/d

100 mg/d

vious surveys reported that the majority of men from dif-


ferent countries agreed that injectable contraceptives
would be more convenient compared with the currently
available male contraceptives (Ringheim, 1999) There-
fore, these long-acting androgen-progestin combinations
promise to be welcomed by many men as a favorable

alternative to currently available methods. A recent sur-






vey reported that men of different cultures find the pill

Undecanoate (Oral)

more convenient to use compared with injections (Glasier,


1999). As with female contraception, the availability of a

wide range of formulations of hormonal male contracep-
tives will allow for increased acceptability and compli-
160 mg/d

ance in men. Therefore, the task of developing nonin-






jectable formulations that can be delivered orally or trans-

dermally will remain a high priority in the male contra-
ceptive agenda.

After so many years since the introduction of the female

200 mg/6 wk
400 mg/6 wk
200 mg/6 wk
Acetate (Oral)
Enathate (IM)

hormonal contraception, results of the latest studies have

5 mg/d
10 mg/d
10 mg/d
10 mg/d

5 mg/d
Net (Oral)

demonstrated that male hormonal contraception can be-

come a reality. A recent cross-cultural survey has indi-
cated that the majority of men would be willing to use
480 Journal of Andrology · July/August 2003

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