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Ever since 1926 when Rolex created their oyster case the first water resistant watch water resistance has
been a concept that many watch enthusiasts take a really close look at before they're buying a watch.
This freedom of having the ability to jump into the water is a great feature that adds to the versatility of a
watch. However this term water resistance is incredibly misleading and I'm sure some of you might
actually be damaging a wash without even knowing it. What is going on everybody My name is Teddy
Ball this are in this video we are gonna be discussing water resistance.

What is the truth behind it. And taking a look at four key parts of this specific concept. First we're gonna
look at what is water resistance. The key terms to know how water resistance is tested and then going
through one by one. What are the different water resistance ratings and their meaning behind them. In
other words is 30 meters 50 meters 100 meters etc of water resistance mean. And before we jump into
this video I just want to thank all of you for not only 10000 subscribers but 11000 subscribers.

We have grown really fast in the last couple weeks and I just want to provide some updates in terms of
the giveaway. So please stick around until the end of the video. Are we saying kind of next steps there.
But without further ado let's jump in to the video. So first off we have to determine what is water
resistance so water resistance is the mark stamp on a watch that indicates how much water pressure a
wash can withstand the test and pressure of a watch can be indicated either directly in the units of
pressure such as a bar and atmosphere or most commonly the depth and meters.

I'm sure that you've often seen marks or notes saying the watches 30 meters or 50 meters water
resistance on the dial. I will get to why those classifications might not mean what they insinuate on the
surface in a little bit. First to understand why we need to look at the different tests that are conducted to
determine water resistance. The standard for watch water resistance is conducted by an organization
called the International Organization for Standardization a.k.a. ISO. They have two primary tests their ISO
2 2 8 1 water resistance rating Standard and their ISO 6 4 2 5 divers watch standard.

However let's first start with the ISO 2 2 8 1 standard test. This is the primary issued standard for water
resistance in watches and also prohibits the term waterproof to be used when measuring the water
resistance of watches. The use of this word has been banned in appearing on watches since the truth is
no wash is waterproof. There is always a limit to how much water pressure wash can handle. The term
waterproof implies that a watch can't leak under any circumstances which we all know is untrue. The
standard was introduced in 1990 but was updated in 2010 and was only designed for watches intended
for ordinary daily use.

Tests for these watches include water resistance temperature condensation testing and pressure testing.
This testing might sound intensive but is relatively straightforward compared to the diver ISO testing. This
testing does not include magnetic or shock resistant testing negative pressure test strap attachment test
or any corrosion test. In addition the testing does not require that every watch of the line is tested by the
manufacturer. Instead a sample size of the watches are tested at the appropriate depth rating. Now
moving on to the more strenuous tests the ISO sixty four or twenty five divers mark so many of you have
probably seen somebody say that watches ISO certified or you've seen the divers watch stamp on the
dial of a watch.

As an example the Seiko SCA acts as a popular and affordable watch that is in line with this standard.
An important note to make is that many watches even with the 200 meters water resistant rating do not
even pass this ISO divers standard. This test is not essentially an easy one to pass and I won't go
through all the tests that the watch undergoes. I will link to a couple resources that provide more
information on the testing below but just to give you a sense each watch is tested with 125 percent of the
rated water pressure.

Thus a wash with a 200 meter water resistance rating will be tested at two hundred and fifty meters in a
stationary static water and that is just the start. The wash will also undergo being submerged for 50 hours
straight under water to test its seals as corrosion tested shock and magnetic tested has to reach a certain
luminosity invisibility standard and needed has to pass a test of the bracelet by attaching forty five pound
waste each spring bar attachment and to ensure the ability that it can withstand any obstacles a diver
might face under water.

One last important note is that a lot of divers from this standard have moved away from quartz
movements. Most of these are going to be automatic mechanical movements because the worst thing
that can happen as a diver that are down at the bottom the sea or the ocean is for your watch to stop
working say a battery runs out of juice. So now that we know the two standards for these tests let's take a
look at what do all of these ratings specifically mean and what can you do with them. The first one we
have to address is the most controversial one the 30 meters water resistant mark.

Most would assume that 30 meters or three atmospheres of water resistant rating would be OK to swim
with. However this rating only constitutes being splash or rain resistance. So this is not going to be a
wash that you want to swim with and is probably one of the most misinterpreted concepts when it comes
to watches. Next we have the 50 meters water resistance rating. This is a watch suitable for light
swimming like jumping into the pool or doing light water activities. However this is not a watch that we
viable for diving or snorkeling.

Now we have the hundred meters water resistant rating. This is when a wash will be suitable for
recreational surfing swimming snorkeling sailing and other water sports. However we're still not at the
point where we should be diving with it yet. Now we have the two hundred meters water resistance rating.
This is suitable for professional and marine activity. Serious surface water sports and skin diving hover
like mentioned earlier. This is not technically a certified diver watch. So for those diver Mark watches
there are a few different standards underneath this classification.

So what you might seeing a little bit of some older divers are the divers rating of 100 or 150 meters. This
is a diver watch standard hover now for most contemporary divers. We're gonna be seeing a certified
rating of 200 meters or 300 meters. These are gonna be suitable for scuba diving at the depths described
on the dial and on the case back in are standard ISO certified divers. However there are different levels to
this. And because they're not very consumer grade I won't go into a lot of detail about divers for saturation
diving as it's something that I think most of us will never wear because we are not divers.

I'm now speaking to myself here. But if you guys do want to check out some more information about this I
will leave some references down below that you can take a look at. So as you probably guessed this is a
slightly controversial issue especially that 30 meters water resistance rating on the surface you probably
expect that to be totally viable to go in the pool with or jump in the water with. However that's not the
case. So I'll leave you with this. What you guys think of this. And also what is your favorite divers watch
league comments down below.

I'd love to see it. And before we go and give the update of the giveaway first guys be sure to give this
video a thumbs up. Be sure to subscribe. Also hit the bell icons you know when I release content. So now
for our update we are now well past 10000 subscribers and we did it pretty quickly. So thank you guys
again for that. So my thought on this guys was I was thinking about maybe doing a Q and A I don't know if
you guys would be interested in that and then partnering that from that be the first half the second half of
the video would be the giveaway.

So I have a lot of submissions to go through. I'm going to try to go through. Break it down to you know a
smaller batch and randomize it. And then once we get down to our final six or seven I'll do it on camera.
I'll pull out out of a hat. The people that have been selected and I'll match you up with one of the watches.
Stay tuned for that if you like the Q and A idea leave comments down below. What questions would you
have. I think part of me wants to just at least kind of tell a bit more about myself because I'm just right now
this Teddy the guy that talks about watches.

He hasn't a camera love for it to be more of a relationship than that. So if you guys like that idea leave
those questions down below as well. I can take a look at that and those can be things that I answer right
prior to the giveaway our guys. Well thank you so much for watching. And until next time be well and I will
see you all very soon.

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