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Web Programming

State Handling

§ Aryo Pinandito, ST, M.MT

HTTP as Stateless
Stateless Protocol
§ Stateless protocol treats each request as an
independent transaction that is unrelated to any
previous request
§ that the communication consists of independent pairs
of request and response.
§ Stateless protocol does not require the server to
retain session information or status about each
communications partner for the duration of
multiple requests.
Stateless Protocol Examples
§ Internet Protocol (IP)
§ foundation for the Internet

§ Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

§ foundation of data communication for the World Wide
Web (WWW)
State and Session
§ Questions about user state:
§ How to keep facebook users keep logged in while
browsing friends profiles or other pages?
§ How to keep your shopping cart entries while you are
browsing another goods to add?
§ How to keep students previous question answers on an
online student examination system?
§ How do we keep user state?
§ Cookies
§ Session
§ Cookie is a small file that the
server embeds on the user's
§ Cookie is often used to identify a
user (or user’s session).
§ Variables stored on a cookie is
read when users access a
website who own those cookie.
§ Web sites can usually only
modify their own cookies.
§ Sets cookie using PHP setcookie() function
setcookie(name, [value], [expire], [path], [domain]);

§ Sets cookie example

setcookie("user", "Aryo", time()+3600);
variable expiry time in
name seconds
Retrieving Cookies
§ Retrieves cookies using $_COOKIE super global


$user = $_COOKIE["user"];
Questions About Cookie

§ Is it secure?
§ Is it OK to put sensitive data into cookie?
§ How to secure it?
§ With session, users are allowed to store
information on the server for later use (i.e.
username, shopping item, question answer, etc)
§ Session information is stored temporarily on the
server and will be deleted if it is destroyed or after
the user has left the website for a specified time.
Session (2)
§ Sessions work by creating a unique id
(PHPSESSID) for each visitor and store variables
based on this PHPSESSID.
§ While variables contained in a session stored
securely on the server, this PHPSESSID value is
stored on the client computer as a cookie in order
to be able to keep track with the client, if cookies
are disabled, PHPSESSID value is stored in the
URL as a query string.
Using Session
§ Starting session
<?php session_start(); ?>
§ Storing session
session_start(); // don't forget!
§ Retrieving a session variable (in another PHP file)
echo "User status " . $_SESSION['status'];
Using Sessions
§ Removing one session variable
session_start(); // don't forget!
§ Destroying the whole user’s session

§ Kembangkan file form yang dibuat dengan
menambahkan input untuk upload file gambar.
§ Tampilkan isian yang dimasukkan ke dalam form
melalui sebuah file tampil.php dengan format
tampilan seperti yang disepakati di kelas.
§ Silakan "percantik" tampilan dengan
menggunakan CSS
§ Simpan file form.html, tampil.php, dan *.css yang
digunakan ke dalam 1 file:
§ Kirim sebagai attachment email dengan subject:
PW: Tugas 4 - Tugas Post Upload
§ Kirim sebelum
Senin, 27 Maret 2017 pukul 20:00 WIB
§ Tugas ini adalah tugas perorangan.
Tugas A
§ Buatlah sebuah program berbasis web dengan
menggunakan PHP yang mencatat berapa kali
sebuah halaman web tertentu dibuka.
§ Buat sebuah program lain yang menampilkan
kapan saja halaman web tersebut dibuka.
§ Gunakan SESSION atau COOKIE.
Tugas B
§ Buatlah sebuah program berbasis web dengan
menggunakan PHP yang mencatat web browser
apa yang digunakan pengguna.
§ Tampilkan pesan ucapan selamat
pagi/siang/sore/malam sesuai kapan halaman
tersebut diakses beserta web browser yang
§ Gunakan SESSION atau COOKIE
Tugas A atau B
§ Subject Email: PW: Tugas 5 - State
§ Sebelum: 4 April 2017 02:00 WIB
§ Tugas ini adalah tugas maksimal per-2-orangan.
§ Kirimkan file:
§ PHP, HTML, dan CSS
§ Beserta screenshot-nya
§ Dalam 1 file ZIP:

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