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Work Hours

 What was the reading about?

 How many times did you read it?
 Did you face any interesting structure or sentence?
 Can you take care of things at home or your badly busy?
 Do you sometimes work extra hours?
 Does your company pay overtime?
 How many weeks of paid vacations do you have?
 When you are on a leave, are you still connected to work? Do you
receive phone calls from office?
 How do you handle it?

Useful Language
Work Hours
 Work hours vary from country to country (vary = is different)
 I promise I will do my duty.
 I take care of things at home when I’m free.
 I don’t work extra hours because of my little baby boy.
 My company pays overtime.
 I have 4 weeks of paid vacation.

In Case:
Useful Language
Work Hours
 Salaries vary from position to position.
 He never does his duty at work.
 I can’t take care of things at home because I’m too busy.
 I sometimes work extra hours.
 His company never pays overtime.
 I used 2 weeks of my paid vacation

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