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Class Name: Class 106

Student Name: Jeb Ner Flores    
Assessed On: 06/04/2018     Assessed By: Michael DelNegro
Score: 12 / 12    Percent: 100%

Beginning Developing Proficient Mastery

(1 Point) (2 Points) (3 Points) (4 Points)


Starting Position Student is unable to get into Students lies on their back, knees are Student lies on their back, knees While laying on their back, Students
Score = 4 / 4 beginning position for sit-ups not bent and their feet are against slightly bent and their feet against knees are bent, feet flat on the floor
the wall. the wall. with their toes touching the base of
the wall.

Arms/Hands Student is unable to keep their arms Student's attempts to keep arms Student's arms are crossed on the Student's arms are crossed on the
Score = 4 / 4 crossed or flat on the floor. crossed or flat on the floor but chest or their hands are flat on the chest or their hands are flat on the
-Student does not return to starting struggles to do so. floor for most of the sit-ups floor during all sit-ups
position -Student does not fully return to -Student returns to starting position -Student returns to starting position
starting position after completed a repetition after completed a repetition

Knees/Feet Student is unable to keep their knees Student exhibits difficulty keeping Student keeps their knees bent, feel Student keeps their knees bent, feet
Score = 4 / 4 bent and their feet on the floor. their knees bent, feet flat on the flat on the floor, and toes against the flat on the floor, and toes against the
floor, and toes agains the wall during wall throughout most of the wall throughout all the repetitions of
most of the repetitions of the repetitions of the exercise. the exercise.

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