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Ecclesiology and the Marks of the Catholic Church Within the church there are many gifts and

e are many gifts and charisms that

people have. That is the beauty of unity.
What is Ecclesiology?
One person may be good at administration, another in teaching,
The Study of Ecclesiology is interesting in that it raises a and yet another may be able to speak in tongues. In this way
dichotomy that ripples through the very fabric of Christianity. the church has a valuable lesson for society.
Ecclesiology is the branch of theology that deals with the study Every gift that a person possesses is useful in the building up
of the church. of the church. This is another way that the church is one.
In Christian theology, ecclesiology is the study of the Christian The individuals in the church come together to build each other
Church, the origins of Christianity, its relationship to Jesus, its up and proclaim the faith that was proclaimed by the apostles.
role in salvation, its polity, its discipline, its destiny, and its
leadership. The Vatican II document titled Lumen Gentium states in
Paragraph four,
These are questions that are often discussed in the field, but the
root of Ecclesiology is the Greek word ekklesia. When this “He leads the church in all truth, and he makes it one
word is translated into our own language we get the word fellowship and ministry, instructing and directing it through a
“church” (McMahon 1). diversity of gifts both hierarchical and charismatic, and He
adorns it with His fruits.”
The roots of the word ecclesiology come from the Greek
ἐκκλησία, ekklēsia (Latin: ecclesia) meaning "congregation, Why is the Church holy? Is It? Are you?
The second mark of the church is that it is holy.
λογία, -logia, meaning "words", "knowledge", or "logic", a
combining term used in the names of sciences or bodies of The church is holy based on Jesus Christ who is its founder.
knowledge. This can be seen in the salutation of Saint Paul to the
Four Marks of the Catholic Church Corinthians where he writes, “to those who are sanctified in
Christ Jesus, called to be saints (1 Corinthians, 1:2, RSV).”
The church proclaims the Gospel of Christ, and spreads his
message across the world to all peoples. The church is sanctified, or made holy, by virtue of its call and
mission. The church is made up of sinners who, by the grace of
The church is tasked to be a beacon of hope, and all who enter God, carry out the great commission of teaching and baptizing.
through her doors are taught the ways of salvation. How?
The church is the bride of Christ, and just as a husband and
The church finds its foundation from Christ in Matthew 16:18 wife are one flesh, so is the church holy because of the
when our savior says, “And I say unto thee: That thou art bridegroom.
Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates
of hell shall not prevail against it (Douay-Rheims). This is seen in paragraph 824 of the Catechism which states,
“United with Christ, the church is sanctified by him; through
Saint Paul calls the church the bulwark and pillar of truth in 1 him and with him she becomes sanctifying (Catechism 237).”
Timothy 3:15.
The church acknowledges that the people within are not
The church is categorized by the four marks of being One, perfect, but are in need of God’s saving grace.
Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. These four marks, along with
why the church is more Marian than Petrine in her nature, will Like a loving mother, the church holds those souls closely and
be elaborated on in this article. provides them the means of which to be saved.

Why is the Church one? The church, through its liturgy and sacraments, provides the
means of grace which Christ instituted fully and perfectly.
The first mark of the church is that it is one.
Why is the Church catholic?
One is more than just a number, it also conveys unity.
The third mark of the church is that it is catholic, but this
This unity comes from her source which is the eternal Godhead means so much more than the name of the Roman Catholic
itself. Church.

This is seen clearly in the Catechism of the Catholic Church The word first came into use by St. Ignatius of Antioch in the
which states, “the highest exemplar and source of this mystery second century. Saint Ignatius writes in his epistle to the
is the unity, in the Trinity of Persons, of one God, the Father Smyrneans,
and the Son in the Holy Spirit (Catechism 233).”
“Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude [of
This does not mean that disagreements do not exist, but it does the people] also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is
mean that doctrinally we have a united front. the Catholic Church.”

Why is the Church one? In using this word, St. Ignatius tells his readers that the church
is universal.
It is a church not just for the Jews and gentiles, but for all In addition to the four marks, the church also has Marian and
people. Petrine charisms.

It is for the rich, the poor, slave, or free because we are all In the Petrine charism, we see the church linked with the
children of God and his message is to be taught to everyone. apostles. As an example, Pope Francis is Saint Peter’s
successor, and thus the church today has the historical link to
The church is also Catholic because the full deposit of faith, the apostles. Each bishop can trace their ecclesial heritage to
sacred scripture and sacred tradition, have been given to her. one of the twelve apostles, and history shows that there was an
Through these deposits she can fulfill the final command of early understanding of Papal primacy. This fact is often
Christ laid out in Matthew 28:19-20. disputed with our Protestant brethren

How does this relate to other ecclesial communities? Mary’s Influence on the Church

The church is also Catholic because of its structure of Bishops, The Marian charism is no doubt a very significant area of
Priests, and deacons. disagreement with other Christian churches.

Of course, the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, has authority. This, As Mary was a mother to Christ, the church is a mother to the
of course, is a big hurdle for some Protestants. However, this faithful.
does not mean that they are not Christians and are not Regarding Mary and the church the catechism states, “The
somehow part of the universal church. faithful still strive to conquer sin and increase in holiness. And
They are just not in full communion with the Church that was so, they turn their eyes to Mary: In her the Church is already
established by Christ. all-holy (Catechism para 829).”

Why is the Church apostolic? There are many sources in sacred scripture that allude to the
Marian influence.
The church is apostolic because the apostles were given the
authority from Christ to establish it. One such passage is John 19:26-27 “When Jesus saw his
mother and the disciple whom he loved standing beside her, he
The Catechism in Paragraph 857 states, “the church was built said to his mother, “Woman, here is your son.” Then he said to
on the foundation of the Apostles, with the help of the Holy the disciple, “Here is your mother.” And from that hour the
Spirit, the Church keeps and hands on the teaching, she disciple took her into his own home (NRSV).”
continues to be taught, sanctified, and guided by Christ through
their successors (Catholic Church 247)”. Our Lord was giving his mother to John, and in the same way
he gave us Mary to be our spiritual mother.
Why is the Church apostolic?
By teaching and administering the sacraments the church acts
As previously stated, the Catholic church is made up of in this motherly role for her children.
bishops along with the Pope. This group of men have the great
honor of carrying on the teaching of the apostles. Though the Marian and Petrine charisms have their place, the
Marian has a larger significance.
This is known as the teaching office of the Magisterium.
Contrary to what some think, scripture is not self-interpreting
and interpretation can change based on one’s In Ecclesiology, we study the church and its doctrines.
presupposition. The church is apostolic because the teaching The four marks of the church make u the theological
office of the church, the Magisterium, was given the divine foundation that differentiate it from other religions.
task to interpret scripture. (
In John 17 Christ prayed for unity, and in Christianity this is
The apostolicity of the church is seen clearly in sacred hardly the case.
We have the promise of Christ that the powers of evil will not
In particular is Acts 1:24-25 which states, ““And they prayed overcome what he has established.
and said, ‘Lord, you know the hearts of all men, show which
one of these two you have chosen to take the place in this We should take great joy and courage in that as we participate
ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside, to go with the church in its mission to the world.
to his own place (New American Bible).”
The Catholic church can trace its lineage and doctrine to the
Since the apostles replaced Judas, it is only natural that this very foundations of Christendom.
was meant to continue. History shows that the apostles
appointed men who would take over their ministry (LG 20). As a result, the church is not only the body of believers as
Protestants believe, but is a visible entity in which the faithful
Peter’s Influence on the Church can go for comfort and guidance.

In the four marks, we see the church’s mission, structure, and

its establishment in scripture and tradition.

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