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Today everyone knows what the Internet is.

We talk about a computer tool

that has changed our lives. It is present or used in an immense number of
devices, serving not only as a means of immediate communication, but as a
service capable of providing huge amounts of information and making life
easier, through all kinds of functionalities, to millions of people throughout
the world. world.
The beginnings of the Internet date us back to the 60s. In the middle of the
Cold War, the United States creates an exclusively military network, with
the aim that, in the hypothetical case of a Russian attack, military information
could be accessed from any point. from the country
This network, which they called Advanced Researchs Projects Agency
(ARPA), was founded through the Ministry of Defense. The ARPA was
made up of about 200 senior scientists and had a large budget. The ARPA
focused on creating direct communications between computers to be able to
communicate the different research bases.
In 1962, the ARPA created a computer research program under the direction
of John Licklider, a scientist at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
In 1967 enough work had already been done for the ARPA to publish a plan
to create a computer network called ARPANET. ARPANET compiled the
best comings from the MIT teams, the Natinonal Physics Laboratory (UK)
and the Rand Corporation.
The network was growing and in 1971 ARPANET had 23 connected points.
Anyone for academic or research purposes could have access to the network
In the early 80's computers began to develop exponentially. That is when the
World Wide Web (WWW) appeared, a network of “sites” designed by Tim
Berners-Lee and some CERN scientists in Geneva that can be searched and
displayed with a protocol called HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
It was a program that was free. And although it is not very well known today,
many scientific communities started using it at the time. As of the publication
of WWW technology in 1993 and of browsers, such as Mosaic, the Internet
began to be opened to a wider audience, accommodating different
commercial activities, the creation of personal pages, the sending of emails
(e -mails), etc.
A graduate of the University of Oxford, BernersLee worked at CERN
(European Laboratory for Particle Physics) and, in the eighties, began to
design a program, Enquire, which allowed to store and
retrieve information through non-deterministic associations. Starting from
that program, in October of 1990 undertook the elaboration of HTML6,
which allows combining text, images and establishing links to other
documents. It is also his first creation
World Wide Web server and the first client program
World Wide Web.
The following summer, he put his work on the Internet7 and,
since then, the Great World Network (World Wide
Web) has been extending exponentiallyÖ and
It is not a metaphorical way of speaking, but something quite accurate from
the mathematical point of view, such as
You can see in the graphs of figures 4 and 5.

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