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SQU Med J, August 2009, Vol. 9, Iss. 2, pp.

184-195, Epub 30th June 2009

Submitted - 25th Oct 08
Revision Req. 23rd Nov 08 & 21st Mar 09
Revision Recd. 30th Nov 08 & 15th Apr 09
Accepted - 10th May 09
C o n ti n u i n g M e d i c a l E d u c ati o n

Bacterial Keratitis: Perspective on Epidemiology,

Clinico-Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment
*Abdullah Al-Mujaini, Nadia Al-Kharusi, Archana Thakral, Upender K Wali

‫ التشخيصية‬،‫ املرضية السريرية‬،‫ األبعاد الوبائية‬:‫التهاب القرنية اجلرثومي‬

‫ أوبيندار والي‬،‫ أركانا ثاكرال‬،‫ نادية اخلروصي‬،‫عبد اهلل اجمليني‬
‫ وقد يكون‬. ‫ عابرا أو متكررا يصيب املناطق اخملتلفة من القرنية مثل الوسطية أو احمليطية‬،‫ التهاب القرنية اجلرثومي قد يكون حادا أو مزمنا‬:‫امللخص‬
‫ املعطيات الوبائية تشير إلى انتشارها بشكل‬. ‫ وتنتج عن عوامل مؤهبة أكثرها انتشارا استعمال العدسات الالصقة‬، ‫خطرها في تهديد البصر كامنا‬
‫ النسيجية واجملهر املتألق واملقايسة املناعية وعلم األحياء‬- ‫ مع التقدم احلاصل في عوامل اإلِمْراض والفحوص اخملبرية مثل املناعة الكيميائية‬. ‫شامل‬
‫ يجب االنتباه بشكل خاص‬.‫ كلها أثرت بشكل إيجابي على النتيجة النهائية اللتهاب القرنية اجلرثومي‬، ‫اجلزيئي ووجود اجليل الرابع من املضادات احليوية‬
‫ التشخيص املبكر وهو سريري بصورة‬. ‫ ساعة‬48 - 24 ‫لتلك احلالة وذلك الحتمال تطورها بشكل سريع مما يؤدي إلى تلف القرنية بصورة كاملة خالل‬
. ‫أولية مدعوما باملعطيات اجملهرية الدقيقة والعالج السريع مهم جدا لتقليل احتمالية فقدان البصر الدائمي والضرر البنيوي للقرنية‬
.‫ عدسات الصقة‬، ‫ السموم‬، ‫ التهاب القرنية‬: ‫مفتاح الكلمات‬

abstract: Bacterial keratitis is an acute or chronic, transient or recurrent infection of the cornea with varying predilection
for anatomical and topographical parts of the cornea like marginal or central. It is a potentially sight-threatening corneal
infection in humans that is generally found in eyes with predisposing elements, the most common of which is contact lens
wear. The epidemiological data reveals the universal occurrence of this disease. With advances in the understanding of its
pathogenesis, laboratory investigations like immunohistochemistry, fluorescent microscopy, enzyme immunoassays and
molecular biology, and the availability of fourth generation antibiotics, the overall visual outcome in bacterial keratitis has
improved with time. Particular attention should be given to this condition as it can progress very rapidly with complete
corneal destruction occurring within 24-48 hours. Early diagnosis, which is primarily clinical and substantiated largely by
microbiological data, and prompt treatment are needed to minimise the possibility of permanent visual loss and reduce
structural damage to the cornea.
Keywords: Keratitis; Toxins; Contact lens

acterial keratitis is an acute or due to corneal diseases. The aim of this article is
chronic, transient infection of the cornea to review the recently available perspectives on the
with varying predilection for anatomical, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentations,
topographical and geographic parts of the cornea. It diagnosis and treatment modalities of bacterial
can be of a slowly progressive or rapidly deteriorating keratitis.
suppurative type involving any part of the cornea.
A variety of pathogens like bacteria, fungi, viruses
and protozoa can infect the cornea, but bacteria
top the list in causing vision threatening keratitis. Since keratitis is not included in the five target diseases
As the number of contact lenses users increases of WHO for blindness prevention, most of the data
globally, the incidence of corneal infection increases regarding keratitis is from individual publications.1
proportionately. In spite of advances in clinical Bacterial keratitis is one of the most important
diagnosis, molecular laboratory investigations, and causes of corneal opacifications, which is the second
the availability of potent antibiotics, visual morbidity common cause of legal blindness world-wide after
continues to be high in underdeveloped countries. cataracts. The pattern of microbial keratitis varies
The importance of this disease can be judged by the with geographic region and according to the local
fact that bacterial keratitis remains one of the most climate. The bacteriological profile in keratitis
common global causes of irreversible blindness shows huge disparities amongst populations living

Department of Ophthalmology, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email:
Abdullah Al-Mujaini, Nadia Al-Kharusi, Archana Thakral and Upender K Wali

in both western2,3 and in developing countries.4 Pathogenesis

The incidence varies considerably between western
Several factors can be attributed to the onset of
and developing countries due to the fact that less
bacterial keratitis. Bialasiewicz et al. reported
industrialised countries have significantly lower
that trachoma, trauma and contact lens overwear
number of contact lens users, hence fewer contact
are significant risk factors for infectious keratitis
lenses related infections. For example, USA
in Oman.10 In almost all situations, it is the break
has an incidence of 11 per 100,000 persons5 for
in the continuity of the epithelium that starts the
microbial keratitis as compared to 799 per 100,000
bacteriopathological process of keratitis.
persons in Nepal.6 Ormerod et al. described the
staphylococcal species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa In penetrating keratoplasty, 12% of patients
and Streptococcus pneumoniae as major isolates in develop corneal infections.11 These eyes have
microbial keratitis in North America.7 In Sweden, predisposing risk factors like corticosteroids,
Neuman and Sjostrand found Staphylococcus sutures, epithelial defects and contact lens wear
aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis were the for developing post-operative infections. Both
most common Gram-positive bacteria in central Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms are
microbial keratitis while Pseudomonas aeruginosa involved.12,13
was the most common Gram-negative bacteria.8 g e n e r a l b a c t e r i o pat h o l o g y i n
Factors which influence the aetiology and m i c r o b i a l k e r at i t i s
pathogenesis of bacterial keratitis vary. They include: Eighty percent of bacterial corneal ulcers are
use of contact lenses, ocular surface diseases, corneal caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus
trauma, use of immunosuppressive medications pneumoniae and Pseudomonas species.
and postocular surgery especially corneal graft. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most frequent
Contact lens related corneal ulcers in the general and the most pathogenic ocular pathogen which
population have increased from almost 0% in the can cause corneal perforation in just 72 hours.
1960s to 52% in the 1990s. Erie et al. 5 in Minnesota, Bacteria causing keratitis may be Gram-positive or
USA, gave an incidence of ulcerative keratitis as 5.3 Gram-negative. The ability of an organism to
per 100,000 people per year, revealing an increase adhere to the edge or base of an epithelial defect
in incidence of 435% from the 1950s to the 1980s. signatures its pathogenicity. Such an organism has
Erie’s study revealed contact lens wear as the most the ability to invade stroma despite adequate host-
important risk factor. Epidemiology, regarding defenses.14 Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus
contact lenses as significant risk factor for bacterial pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa have
corneal infections, is very significant. The annual such an ability.15,16 Membrane appendages such as
incidence of ulcerative keratitis in contact lens fibrillae in Gram-positive organisms, fimbriae and
wearers is 4-21 per 10,000 daily wear and extended glycocalyx in Gram-negative bacteria help these
wear soft contact lens wearers.9 Extended wear soft organisms adhere to damaged epithelial cells14 and
contact lens users have a higher annual incidence stroma. Bacteria loose their glycocalyx envelope
of ulcerative keratitis than daily wear soft contact once inside the stroma. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
lenses. This was confirmed by Poggio et al.,9 who, and Neisseria gonorrhea utilise glycocalyx to
in a case control study of ulcerative keratitis in adhere to each other and to diseased epithelial
soft contact lens wearers, found overnight use of cells17 and contact lenses.18 The adhering quality
contact lenses as the most important risk factor of Pseudomonas aeruginosa19 is due to its pili
for ulcerative keratitis. The study provided the containing calcium and magnesium. Pseudomonas
interesting revelation that smokers are three times aeruginosa gets attached to both contact lenses
more prone to develop keratitis than non-smokers. and epithelial breaks17 due to its biofilm, a coating
The rate of ulcerative keratitis is 1 in 2,500 daily wear around the organism.
contact lens users as compared to 1 in 500 extended
During bacterial corneal infections, there is
wear contact lens users per year.
activation of plasminogen to plasmin which is active
proteolytically. Protease, chymase and tryptase
cause epithelial microlesions and healing is delayed

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Bacterial Keratitis: Perspective on Epidemiology, Clinico-Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment

due to the degradation of adhesive glycoproteins by aeruginosa and Staphylococci. Bandage soft contact
proteolytic enzymes.19 Some bacteria improve their lenses are more often associated with polymicrobial
chances of survival and become more pathogenic infections (Staphylococci, Streptococci, Serratia).
by producing a chemical slime which even resists Extended wear soft cosmetic lenses are more prone
phagocytosis and the bacteria can decrease their to Pseudomonas infections.25
metabolic demand.20 Proteases and certain lytic While Gram-negative organisms like
enzymes can help organisms like Neisseria Pseudomonas, Haemophilus and Moraxella cause
gonorrhea, Corynebacteium diphtheriae, and infectious keratitis in extended wear cosmetic
Listeria, Shigella and Koch-Weeks bacilli to produce contact lens users, therapeutic soft contact lens
keratitis even through the intact epithelium. wearers on the other hand are prone to corneal
Proteases attack peptide bonds to dissolve elastin. ulcers caused by Gram-positive bacteria especially
Certain bacterial strains like Pneumococci resist Streptococci.
ocular lysozyme and phagocytosis by forming
polysaccharide capsules around them.
There are certain bacterial toxins and enzymes, Clinical Presentation
including enzymes produced by polymorph nuclear The overall clinical course in bacterial keratitis is
cells, which help in the digestion and degradation acute in onset with features relating to visual and
of the corneal matrix. These include exotoxins sensory functions. Lid and conjunctival oedema,
produced by actively multiplying bacteria, reduced vision, pain, redness, photophobia and
endotoxins produced by organisms after their death, discharge form the commonly presenting signs and
proteases, collagenases, coagulases, lipases and symptoms.
fibrinolysins. Endotoxins are lipopolysaccharides
The severity of signs and symptoms depends
within the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria. They
on the virulence of the organism, the host
are responsible for corneal ring infiltrates which
immune status, any prior disease of the cornea,
are polymorph nuclear cells in stroma attracted by
any previous therapy with corticosteroids and the
C-pathway and properdin activated chemotoxins.
duration of the infection. The conjunctival reaction
Ring infiltrates are believed to be antigen-antibody
may be non-specific. Gonococcal, Haemophilus
precipitates and are also seen on viral, fungal and
and pneumococcal corneal infections may have
acanthamoeba infections. The immune response
associated moderate to severe conjunctivitis with
does not have an established role in suppurative
chemosis and sometimes pseudomembranes. The
clinical signs and symptoms in bacterial keratitis may
c o n ta c t l e n s a s s o c i at e d be altered or difficult to interpret if the cornea has
pat h o g e n e s i s had previous pathology like stromal inflammation,
Contact lens wearers are more prone to bacterial necrosis or opacification. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy
infection, especially with Gram-negative organisms. shows cells and debris in the precorneal tear film
The contact lens induces hypoxia, increases corneal and meniscus, absent corneal epithelium over an
temperature and decreases tear flow over the area of infection and focal suppurative process. It
corneal surface. The adhering 21 of microorganisms is important to document the size of any epithelial
(Staphylococci, Moraxella, Candida) to the contact and stromal defect in at least two meridians.
lens and epithelium 22-24 is aided by mucus Several authors have given grading systems
and proteins. The risk of developing corneal in corneal ulcers, creating some difficulty in
infections is 9-15 times greater with overnight following them on an individual basis. For the sake
use of contact lenses compared to daytime use. of convenience, the following overall guidelines,
Aphakic eyes are more prone to microbial can be employed for clinical diagnosis, treatment
keratitis with extended wear soft contact lenses. and follow-up: 1) mild reaction: focal, superficial
There is a higher risk of bacterial keratitis with suppuration; 2) moderate reaction: suppuration
disposable contact lenses used overnight.24 The confined to superficial two-third of the cornea; 3)
most common organisms associated with contact severe reaction: suppuration confined to posterior
lens related bacterial keratitis are Pseudomonas one-third of the cornea and may present as a
ring abscess, scleral suppuration and impending

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Abdullah Al-Mujaini, Nadia Al-Kharusi, Archana Thakral and Upender K Wali

perforation. appearance.
Overall Gram-positive cocci form localised, Gram-negative corneal bacterial infections,
round or oval, gray-white lesions with clear margins, on the other hand, are mostly rapid in onset and
minimal surrounding epithelial oedema and progress fast due to lytic enzymes like protease,
stromal infiltrates. Staphylococcal ulcers are more lipase and elastase. These infections can lead
often found in compromised corneas like bullous to corneal perforation and the loss of an eye.
keratopathy, dry eyes, chronic herpetic keratitis, The most common and virulent Gram-negative
atopic disease and rosacea keratitis. Staphylococcus ocular pathogens belong to Pseudomonas species.
aureus is found in 15% of cultures from lids of Pseudomonas can contaminate ophthalmic solutions
normal persons. This pathogen produces more like fluorescein, ocular cosmetics like mascara and
severe corneal infiltration than Staphylococcus any substance containing traces of organic carbon.
epidermidis. Both these strains frequently produce Transmission electron microscopy29 has shown
indolent lesions with distinct borders, non- that Pseudomonas can infect stroma within one
oedematous surrounding stroma and they tend to hour of adhering to an injured corneal epithelium.
be localised. Within 6-8 hours, it produces grayish superficial
Long standing staphylococcal ulcers dig deep epithelial and stromal microinfiltration with oedema
into the stroma producing intra-stromal abscesses at the edge of the injury. During the next 18-24
and sometimes perforation. Occasionally multiple hours, the stromal infiltration extends horizontally
satellite stromal microinfiltrates may be seen. There and vertically. There is a severe anterior chamber
may be radiating folds in the Descemet’s membrane reaction with hypopyon. The symmetric and
due to loss of stromal substance. Coagulase-negative concentric extension involves the whole width and
staphylococcal corneal infections are usually depth of the cornea. There is a characteristic diffuse
associated with surgical procedures, foreign bodies grayish, epithelial inflammation and infiltration
and intraocular prosthetic devices. away from the main corneal lesion. During the next
Streptococcal bacterial keratitis has a rapid 48-96 hours, if untreated, a ring infiltration develops
course. Streptococcus viridans keratitis is with scleral and corneal melting associated with
characterised by a distinct, non-inflammatory, greenish yellow mucopurulent discharge adhering
indolent crystalline keratopathy. This entity is to the ulcer. Within 2-5 days, an untreated corneal
typically seen after penetrating keratoplasty. ulcer may lead to descemetocele formation and
Clinically, one may find epithelial defects and loose perforation of the cornea.30
sutures and there may be history of contact lens use Moraxella species,30 a Gram-negative
and corticosteroids, resulting in a chronic infective diplobacillus, causes infective keratitis in debilitated
process of the cornea. patients with a history of alcoholism, diabetes
Bacillus cereus, a large aerobic Gram-positive rod mellitus and chronic malnutrition. Trauma is an
is extremely virulent. It causes rapid and devastating important predisposing factor. Typically, the location
bacterial keratitis, starting as a ring infiltrate in the is paralimbal or paracentral, involving the inferior
cornea away from the site of the injury and rapidly cornea. The lesion is oval, grayish white, shallow,
progresses to abscess formation often with corneal irregular and indolent with mild to moderate anterior
perforation. Other pathogens which produce ring chamber reaction. The inflammation often remains
infiltrates and ring abscesses in cornea are Proteus, localised, but if untreated, can spread to deep
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus and Listeria stroma 31 leading to endothelial decompensation and
monocytogenes. Most of the ring abscesses develop severe stromal and anterior chamber reactions.
following penetrating injuries at the limbus.26 Klebsiella, Escherichia coli and Proteus keratitis
Mycobacterium,27 Nocardia28 and Actinomyces are common in compromised corneas with chronic
species are Gram-positive branching filamentous epithelial disease, often without any history of
bacteria found in soil. The keratitis follows soil trauma. A typical lesion has an indolent course with
contaminated corneal injury and produces an mild anterior chamber reaction.
indolent ulcer with elevated hyphate edges, often The non-spore forming anaerobes like
with satellite lesions, mimicking a fungal ulcer. Peptococci, Peptostreptococci and Propionibacterium
The cornea has a typical cracked windshield form a broad group of Gram-positive and Gram-

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Bacterial Keratitis: Perspective on Epidemiology, Clinico-Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment

negative rods, found in mixed infections of stain and fluorescence microscopy. Immunological
the cornea. They are active and invasive under techniques available for the detection of bacterial
compromised conditions like trauma, surgery, antigens include direct immunofluorescence,
corticosteroids and antibiotics. immunoelectrophoresis, immunohistochemistry,
fluorescent microscopy, enzyme immunoassays,
agglutination, radioimmunoassay and molecular
Diagnosis techniques.
It is important to remember that the
collection and processing of
clinical samples topographical importance of the site of lesion chosen
for smear taking is important for an effective yield
Undoubtedly, microbiology remains the critical
of the bacteria, e.g. Streptococcus pneumoniae are
tool in the diagnosis of bacterial keratitis. Clinical
more active near edge of the ulcer while the crater
acumen, though valuable, may falter in cases
gives better yield for Moraxella.
where keratitis has atypical manifestations due to
In the presence of deep ulcers and abscesses
prior therapy or certain ulcers. The rule however
without surface suppuration, it may be necessary to
remains that wherever and whenever possible, a
obtain corneal fragments with a blade, microsurgical
meticulous microbiological workup of bacterial
scissors or a trephine. These fragments can be
keratitis should be done before therapy is initiated.
crushed on a glass slide for staining and also
Smears, culture and sensitivity to antimicrobials
inoculated in thioglycolate and brain heart infusion
form the three fundamental tools of diagnosis.
(BHI). All corneal lesions due to contact lenses
Cultures should always be preferred to smears as
should be presumed to be infectious in origin,
they are more specific and information yielding.
unless proved otherwise. It is mandatory to send
The culture positive rate in bacterial keratitis and
the contact lenses, contact lens solutions and the
ulcers is 40-73%31,32 as compared to 0-57% in Gram’s
carrying cases for laboratory cultures.
staining.31,33-34 Thirty-two percent of patients with
Preservatives in topical anesthetics may be
bacterial keratitis have two or more bacteria. In
bacteriostatic or bactericidal and may interfere with
polymicrobial keratitis,34-36 Gram’s staining is not of
the results, besides which the drops may also be
much value in identifying the causative pathogen.
contaminated. Proparacaine is the least bactericidal
An infection that is deteriorating despite antibiotic
and is recommended. Usually corneal specimens
therapy yields a poor bacterial count for examination
contain small numbers of organisms, especially with
and diagnosis. It is important to know that, while
prior antibiotic therapy. Under such circumstances,
positive cultures and smears are very useful for
it is mandatory to inoculate the specimen material
diagnosis, negative results may not rule out corneal
directly into the culture media and avoid carrier and
infection, especially where antibiotics have already
transport media. Debris from the corneal ulcer can
been given. In this situation, a corneal biopsy may be
be inoculated on the same blood agar plates which
mandatory to establish diagnosis or the suspension of
have the lid and conjunctival inoculates.
the antibiotic therapy for 72 hours to enable a repeat
The scraping from the advancing edge and
culture. It is wise to obtain cultures from lids and
center of the infected ulcer can be done using a
conjunctiva of both eyes, even if there is unilateral
modified Kimura platinum spatula. A large gauge
bacterial keratitis, and use blood and chocolate
disposable needle is a possible alternative. The use
agar plates. In spite of clinical evidence of bacterial
of a slit-lamp makes the procedure more scientific.
keratitis, a methodology for diagnosis should be
The material thus obtained is to be streaked on
used. This should include aerobic bacteria, anaerobe
blood agar in a C shape. Growth along the C
non-spore forming bacteria, filamentous fungi
streak is microbiologically significant while any
and yeasts. There are occasions when preliminary
growth away from the C streak is probably a
fungal ulcers are infected secondarily by bacterial
contamination. Additional specimens should be
pathogens. Mycobacteria (acid fast), Actinomyces
reserved for chocolate agar and Sabouraud agar
(non-acid fast) and Nocardia (variable) can be
without cycloheximide. Chocolate agar provides
identified by Carbol-Fuchsin or Ziehl-Nelson stains.
hemin (X-factor) and V-factor, essential for growth
Mycobacteria can also be identified by fluorochrome
of Haemophilus and is ideal for isolation of Neisseria

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Abdullah Al-Mujaini, Nadia Al-Kharusi, Archana Thakral and Upender K Wali

and Moraxella. For anaerobic pathogens, it is ideal coccus plus Gram-negative rod,35 followed by
to use chopped meat glucose broth or thioglycolate fungus plus bacteria.36 There are no established
medium with vitamin K. Thioglycolate broth also criteria for true diagnosis of corneal infections.
provides basic nutrients for aerobic organisms. Its One of the authentic criteria was put forward by
sulfhydryl (SH) compound acts as an oxygen reducing Jones35 which includes clinical signs of infection
agent which is suitable for anaerobic bacteria. BHI and isolation of ten or more colonies of bacteria on
is valuable if a poor yield of organisms is expected as one solid medium and one additional medium in
in patients on prior antibiotics. In patients with any presence of a positive smear.
signs or symptoms of dacryocystitis, fluid expressed It is unusual to find Gram-positive rods or Gram-
from the lacrimal sac should be cultured. negative cocci or when two or more organisms
Overall, Gram’s stain is appropriate for bacteria are found in smears or cultures, so one should
and can also show dimorphic fungi in the yeast be cautious when such a result is obtained. Such
phase; however, cellular details appear better with observations are not correct in 75% cases.
a Giemsa stain. Gram-positive bacteria appear The reasons for poor or negative results could
blue-purple and retain gentian violet while Gram- be prior antibiotic therapy; an insufficient sample;
negative bacteria lose gentian violet and appear excessive heat fixation; mechanical damage to cell
pink with safranin. If done meticulously, Gram’s wall architecture and a reluctance to examine the
stain can identify the pathogen (single organism) whole slide.
in 75% of cases and in 37% of cases having mixed
bacterial infections.37 Giemsa can distinguish non-
infectious keratitis by the type of inflammatory Management
cells. In indolent corneal infections, it may be
necessary to use acid fast stains for Mycobacterium, g e n e r a l c o n s i d e r at i o n s

Nocardia and Actinomyces species. In order to get Bacterial keratitis is a rapidly destructive form of
the maximum information, the sample should cover microbial keratitis. Any doubtful microbial keratitis
an area approximately 1cm in diameter on the glass should be treated as bacterial keratitis unless proven
slide. Excessive decolorisation should be avoided otherwise. Some preventive approaches would go
and immersion of the slide in 95% methanol or a long way towards minimising bacterial keratitis
cold acetone for 5-10 minutes is preferable to heat and its sequelae. Though the expanded range of
fixation in maintaining the morphology and staining antibiotics has made the treatment of bacterial
characteristics of the pathogens. keratitis easy, at times it may be devastating to loose
In addition to Gram’s and Giemsa stains, an an eye despite having dozens of anti-microbial
extra slide and some specimen material should drugs at our disposal. Eighty seven percent of
be reserved for special stains like periodic acid bacterial corneal ulcers are caused by four groups
Schiff, calcofluor, Gomori, acid fast bacilli and of organisms, but no single antibiotic is effective
methenamine silver. All refrigerated media should against all organisms.
be warmed to room temperature before inoculation Baum and Barza have provided a historical
to prevent fatal cold shock to the organisms. review of current therapy of bacterial keratitis.37 In
the USA, patients of bacterial keratitis are treated
i n t e r p r e tat i o n o f c u lt u r e m e d i a
on an outpatient basis, while in the UK such patients
Though pathogens can be identified within 12-
are usually admitted.
15 hours of inoculation, most aerobic bacteria in
Gram’s stain is a quick and helpful means of
microbial keratitis appear only within 48 hours
starting antibiotic therapy, however, there is a poor
on standard culture media. The plates should be
correlation between Gram’s stain and culture results38
examined on daily basis and liquid media observed
and hence one should not rely too heavily on Gram’s
for turbidity. Blood agar is best for isolation of
results. Gram’s and Giemsa stain results may be non-
aerobic bacteria. Anaerobes are slow growing;
diagnostic or inaccurate 30% of the time. It is ethical
therefore, cultures should be incubated for at least
to start with wide spectrum antibiotics in corneal
10 days. The most common combination found in
infections until culture reports and sensitivities are
polymicrobial keratitis is aerobic Gram-positive
available, keeping in view the seriousness of the

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Bacterial Keratitis: Perspective on Epidemiology, Clinico-Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment

disease and the few side effects of the drugs. An follow-up and frequent (up to 55 drops per day) drug
ideal antibiotic should be bactericidal, least allergic, instillation can take care of the patient satisfactorily.
and least toxic with good ocular penetration. The Clinical trials have shown that monotherapy with
main aims of treatment of bacterial keratitis should fluoroquinolones is as effective as combination
be bacterial inhibition, healthy epithelialisation and therapy, with less toxicity.47Alexandrakis et al. have
prevention of complications. reported that fortified antibiotic preparations may
One of the impressive antibiotics in the be helpful in situations like advanced bacterial
treatment of corneal infections has been keratitis and resistance to fluoroquinolones.48
ciprofloxacin (0.3%). It covers virtually all New generation broad spectrum penicillin drugs
common corneal pathogens and has an edge over such as ticarcillin and piperacillin are undoubtedly
a combination therapy of aminoglycosides and potent weapons against certain corneal pathogens.
cephalosporins in that ciprofloxacin is effective Ticarcillin is 2-4 times more active against
against many strains of aminiglycoside resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa than carbenicillin.
Pseudomonas39 and methicillin-resistant Piperacillin has very high activity against Klebsiella
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).40 The drug is and Pseudomonas, but should be combined with
also very effective against Neisseria species. aminoglycosides to avoid the development of
Ciprofloxacin eye drops are very well tolerated; resistance. The incidence of allergic reaction to
however, precipitate formation in the area of an ticarcillin and piperacillin is 3.5% in the general
epithelial defect occurs in 16% of cases, which usually population and 10% in penicillin treated patients.
resolves in spite of continued treatment.41 Ofloxacin Ten percent mortality during anaphylaxis has been
(0.3%) can be substituted for ciprofloxacin as a reported.49
monotherapy in situations of unknown organisms
b a c t e r i a l k e r at i t i s u n d e r s p e c i a l
or a new case or where there is no growth on
c i r c u m s ta n c e s
first culture. Increasing resistance to the fourth
generation fluoroquinolones has been reported There are moments when there is no response to
amongst Staphylococcus species in the USA, and first line of treatment, neither can any organisms
Pseudomonas species in India.42 New generation be identified. Here a second line of broad
fluoroquinolones like moxifloxacin and gatifloxacin spectrum antibiotics should be started including
have been introduced to treat such cases.43-46 vancomycin 5% (50 mg/ml), amikacin 5% (50
One of the best combinations in the treatment of mg/ml) and trimethoprim 0.1% (16mg/ml). This
bacterial keratitis has been that of cefazolin 5% and combination kills resistant Streptococci, Nocardia
tobramycin or gentamicin 2% fortified. Cefazolin and Mycobacterium as well. Erythromycin (0.5%)
(cephalosporin) covers Gram-positive cocci and or rifampicin (2.5%) ointment may be used at night.
some Gram-negative rods while tobramycin Mycobacterium chelonae used to be the cause of
(aminoglycoside) covers most Gram-negative rods severe and chronic keratitis after radial keratotomy.
including Pseudomonas and some Gram-positive The pathogen is sensitive to topical amikacin
pathogens. Tobramycin is three times more potent 5%. Nocardia can be responsible for refractory
than gentamycin against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, keratitis. It may respond to topical amikacin 5% and
has good corneal penetration and less epithelial and erythromycin 0.5% with or without vancomycin
conjunctival toxic than gentamycin. 5% and trimethoprim 0.1%. Surgical debridement
In vitro resistance to antibiotics may not hold of the lesion helps in early recovery. The role of
true under clinical conditions where a very high enzyme inhibitors like disodium edentate (0.05 M),
concentration of drugs is used in the form of topical acetylcysteine (20%), heparin (2%) has not been
drops. Acquired antibiotic resistance in bacterial proven clinically in bacterial keratitis.
keratitis is a problem with nosocomial infections in
corticosteroids in bacterial
intensive care units and burn units. k e r at i t i s
The availability of single, broad spectrum
At cellular level, corticosteroids can be accepted
antibiotics has made it possible to treat even
as damage reducing agents in bacterial keratitis.
moderate to severe infections of the cornea on an
Corticosteroids have two important actions:
outpatient basis due to better drug compliance. Daily

190 | SQU Medical Journal, August 2009, Volume 9, Issue 2

Abdullah Al-Mujaini, Nadia Al-Kharusi, Archana Thakral and Upender K Wali

first to decrease polymorphonuclear leukocyte before applying glue and a contact lens should be
activity at the level of ingestion and degranulation used over it. Cyanoacrylate is toxic to endothelium
and, second, to reduce inflammation initiated by and the lens.49 A patch graft can be an alternative
dividing bacteria and their toxins, host enzymes to cyanoacrylate glue, but it may be destroyed by
and hydrolytic enzymes from polymorphonuclear bacteria, hence it should only be used after effective
leucocytes. antimicrobial therapy. A conjunctival flap should
Overall, steroids have a conflicting role in never be used over active infected necrotic tissue or
bacterial keratitis.50 Davis et al.51 have reported the flap will become necrosed. The flap can be used
no adverse effect on bacterial status in keratitis to promote healing over a debrided corneal ulcer
due to Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus aureus bed, especially for peripheral ulcers.
when corticosteroids were given under cover of Penetrating keratoplasty (PK) is indicated
fortified bactericidal antibiotics. Smolin et al.52 in about 10% of cases of bacterial keratitis. The
reported delayed eradication of corneal infection pathogens frequently involved in such an indication
with combined treatment of corticosteroids and include; Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcal
antibiotics, while Harbin53 reported relapse of species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Moraxella, beta-
Pseudomonas keratitis in a corticosteroid treated hemolytic Streptococci55 and Pseudomonas species.
patients. The main indications for PK in bacterial keratitis49 are
It can be said that since there is no conclusive large corneal perforations; small corneal perforations
evidence about the efficacy of corticosteroids in with consistent bacterial growth and progressive
bacterial keratitis, they should not be used at the suppuration including scleral involvement despite
commencement of therapy and may be used with antibiotic therapy. The main objectives of PK in
caution under cover of antibiotics. One justifiable bacterial keratitis are to eliminate the infection
indication for steroids could be stromal necrosis due load, restore corneal integrity and preserve vision.49
to Gram-negative bacilli to reduce the destructive The outcome of PK in bacterial keratitis depends
components of inflammation. upon any previous Herpes simplex virus keratitis,
the severity of the stromal inflammation, the size
adjacent therapy in bacterial
and location of the graft and any prior therapeutic
k e r at i t i s
measures like contact lenses or glues. The best
Adjacent therapy includes treatment of those chance of success for PK is when the procedure is
extra-corneal factors which directly or indirectly done after a total bacterial kill has been achieved
initiate or enhance keratitis. Entropion, trichiasis, and before corneal vascularisation appears.
lagophthalmos and dry eyes should be treated Oral corticosteroids are given 24 hours before
meticulously. All of the following contribute and seven days after a PK to curtail inflammation.
significantly to effective treatment of bacterial To prevent suture erosion, a relapse of keratitis
keratitis: analgesics; control PF glaucoma; and wound dehiscence after PK, it is important
cycloplegics; patching for epithelial defects to prepare a healthy recipient edge by debriding
(only after elimination of bacterial infection); all necrotic corneal tissue. Bites should be taken
bandage soft contact lenses for indolent epithelial through healthy recipient corneal tissue and excised
defects; extensive stromal ulcerations and infected cornea sent for a laboratory workup to
microperforations. 54 guide post PK antimicrobial therapy.
Gudmundsson et al.56 have reported that
surgical management of
b a c t e r i a l k e r at i t i s a n d i t s
less than 50% patients treated by PK for bacterial
c o m p l i c at i o n s keratitis achieve a visual acuity better than pre-
graft vision. The University Eye Hospital Erlangen-
Small corneal perforations and descemetoceles can
Nuremberg evolved a triple therapeutic approach
be treated with cyanoacrylate tissue glue adhesive.
for the treatment of keratitis in 223 eyes: 1)
It helps to restore anterior segment integrity, but it
topical and systemic antibiotics; 2) antibiotics and
is not a permanent solution. The glue just supports
corticosteroids; 3) antibiotics, corticosteroids and
the eye to a later safe stage when surgery may
early tectonic penetrating keratoplasty. Patients with
help. The stromal ulcer bed should be debrided
keratoplasty had the shortest hospital stay while

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Bacterial Keratitis: Perspective on Epidemiology, Clinico-Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment

visual rehabilitation was better in the corticosteroid expansion of contact lenses wear has increased the
group and best in the keratoplasty group.57 worldwide incidence of bacterial keratitis, while,
on the other hand, newer methods of diagnosis,
aided by more specific laboratory investigations
Clinical Course and and newer antibiotics have revolutionised the visual
Prognosis outcome in these patients. Modern surgery has
Even with an armamentarium of highly selective also contributed significantly towards minimising
and broad spectrum antimicrobials in the therapy ocular morbidity. An early diagnosis, repetitive
of bacterial keratitis, 24% of patients develop vision cultures and smears, and professional management
threatening complications like descemetoceles, go a long way towards preventing the complications
perforations, endophthalmitis, atrophy and of bacterial keratitis.
disorganisation of the affected eye. An eye with
bacterial keratitis may heal with minimal or no
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Abdullah Al-Mujaini, Nadia Al-Kharusi, Archana Thakral and Upender K Wali

CME Quiz Questions

1. Which type of contact lens is responsible for the highest incidence of ulcerative keratitis?
A. Hard contact lenses
B. Disposable contact lenses used overnight
C. Day wear soft contact lenses
D. Polymethyl metha-acrylate lenses
2. The most pathogenic ocular pathogen which can cause corneal perforation in just 72 hours is:
A. Staph.aureus
B. Strep. pneumoniae
C. Pseudomonas
D. Neis. gonorrhea
3. The Ring infiltrates seen in the corneal ulcer are:
A. Damaged epithelial cells
B. Polymorph nuclear cells in stroma
C. Multiplying bacteria
D. Nothing but collection of the mucus
4. If the eye with keratitis has greenish discharge the most likely causing organism is:
A. Moraxella species
B. Klebsiella
C. E. coli
D. Pseudomonas
5. The culture positive rate of the bacterial keratitis and ulcers is:
A. 40-73%
B. 50 -77%
C. 20-30%
D. >80%
6. The most common combination of organisms found on culture in polymicrobial keratitis is:
A. Aerobic Gram-positive coccus plus Gram-negative rod
B. Fungus plus bacteria
C. Acanthoemeba
D. None of the above
7 The staining used for identification of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria is:
A. Gram stain
B. Hematoxylin
C. Eosin
D. NaOH (sodium hydroxide)
8 Corneal infections associated with surgical procedures, foreign bodies and intra-ocular prosthetic devices are usually
caused by:
A. Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus
B. Strep. pneumoniae
C. Pseudomonas
D. Neis. gonorrhea
9 The most potent antibiotic against pseudomonas is:
A. Ofloxacin
B. Gentamicin
C. Piperacillin
D. Cefazoline
10. The incidence of developing vision threatening complications like descematoceles, perforations, endophthalmitis, as a
sequel of keratitis is:
A. 24%
B. 10%
C. 30-40 %
D. <15%
Answers: 1 - b; 2 - c; 3 - b; 4 - d; 5 - a; 6 - a; 7 - a; 8 - a; 9 - c; 10 - a

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