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LK 1.

1 Modul H Profesional

Susunlah kalimat berikut menjadi satu paragraf yang benar.

A. They believe that using animal in cloning research is ethically acceptable.

B. Some people argue that human life is worth making any sacrifice for.
C. We should never attempt to lengthen our lives by shortening the lives of other
D. However, cloning animals may result in producing lots of deformed animals, It is an act
of cruelty
E. Using animals for cloning research may also cause genetic mutation which can in turn
lead to eco-disasters as well.

Setelah kalimat acak pada Latihan 1 Anda susun menjadi paragraf, tentukan:
a. gagasan utamanya
b. kalimat pendukungnya.
c. jenis paragrafnya (deduktif, induktif, atau campuran)

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