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Hello, today i have free theme, so, given the dates I will write about how to prepare

for a long-time trip on a bus (I travel very often since I am not from Santiago)
The first and the essential thing is to buy tickets with time, this because if you buy
tickets very close to the date you want to travel, you probably won't find or if you
find them they will be very expensive.
once you have the tickets it is important that you leave with plenty of time, that is, if
the bus leaves at 8:45, you have to be at approximately 8:00, because many times
unforeseen occurrences that can delay you
If the trip by bus is very long (which is mainly what I am talking about) it is
important that you always bring a bottle of water with you, many times it makes you
thirsty during the trip and the bath water is not very recommended to take it
and it is also important that you bring food but hopefully it is something light (like
cookies) or that does not have much smell because it could be annoying to others.
and I think that's all important, just a pair of headphones is recommended, you
never know when a child who cries the whole trip can touch you (sometimes it's
really annoying)

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