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Coeducation- merits and demerits

III) Coeducation in Pakistan
1) economical system
2) scarcity of trained teachers
3) confidence
4) cooperation
5) development of respect and understanding
6) personality development
7) male dominance
8) educational level
9) better behavior
10) women of today
1) religious values
2) moral depravity
3) sexual impurity
4)western concept
5) urban concept
6) problem for teachers
8) will not raise educational standard
9) time wastage
10) why opposite sex

Coeducation is to educate both boys and girls the modern world of today,
coeducation is the new order of the day. Most of the countries in the world have adopted
this form of education. In Pakistan too, there are some schools where there is coeducation
whereas, in many institutes there is sex-segregation.
Coeducation finds its origin in Sparta, Greece at that time, there was no distinction between
boys and girls. They studied and played together. They were given academic education
along with physical training. Plato the great philosopher theorized that coeducation was
essential for the development of personality. He believed that coeducation was the only way
to make boys and girls beneficial to the society. Therefore west has acknowledged and
adopted the benefits of coeducation since long ago.

In the subcontinent, during ancient times, coeducation was present at a few places. But,
gradually girl’s education begin to be ignored. The educational system of that time was
quite different from that of today. Boys were sent to gurukuls where they spent most of
their educational period. They were imparted physical and academic education. The former
included warfare training while, the latter comprised of study of medieval
India, women and people belonging to lower caste were forbidden from reading the
scriptures. However, raja remain Roy, the great social reformer revolted against this
practice. His successors also played a pivotal role in revolting against the illiterate practices.
Islam has stressed upon the importance of education.infact the first word revealed was
“iqra” translated as” to read”. Islam has ordained both men and women to acquire
education. Holy prophet P.B.U.H said “acquire education from cradle to grave”. Similarly,
Islam also acknowledges that an illiterate and an educated man can never be equal. During
the time of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), mosques were the only educational institutions. There
are no instances recorded where holy prophet P.B.U.H forbade his wives from attending
semen (rhumba), the primary tool of education. Apart from this, there are many examples
which illustrate that Muslim women accompanied there men to mosques and even inquired
questions from Holy prophet in the presence of men.
Even today, many liberal Muslims acknowledge that morality emanates from heart. Quran,
time and again, has emphasized Muslims to guard themselves against says
“say to the believing men to lower their gaze and to guard their private parts….” many
Islamic scholars acknowledge the fact that Islam has not barred both the sexes from
acquiring education together as long as morality is not infringed.
Coeducation, in Pakistan has always remained a controversial issue. Some people want this
system to be adopted in all the institutions on the other hand, there is a sizeable portion of
population that is opposed to it. Both the schools of thought present argument supporting
their stance. Proponents of coeducation argue that it is the need of hour and that it has the
ability to eliminate the problems of the developing country. Nonetheless, the opponents
dare to them, the system does not confirms to the religious, social and cultural
values of the society.

Coeducation has the ability to cope with the problems of developing countries. For instance,
Pakistan is a developing will be difficult for a developing economy to maintain
separate institutions for both sexes. If coeducation system is introduced in all the schools
and colleges of the state, then the cost of separate infrastructure, stationary and
recruitment personnel can be saved.
A country can develop only by increasing the rate of literacy. Unfortunately, for developing
countries, there is a dearth of well trained teachers. If both girls and boys are taught
together in the same class, at the same time then this issue can also be resolved.
In coeducation, boys and girls get the opportunity to intermingle and to understand each studying together, they will develop mutual respect and understanding. Professor
Simon said “the only reason to support coeducation is that without it, boys and girls will not
be knowing about each other for many years”.
In a coeducational instate, boys and girls interact with each other freely. They become
broadminded and overcome their shyness. There is no hard and fast rule that if girls will
always interact with girls and boys with boys when they grow up .therefore coeducation will
boost their confidence level, which will be beneficial in their future life. Such individuals will
be more comfortable interacting with opposite sex be it at professional or personal level.
Coeducation will provide both sexes an opportunity to learn to cooperate with each other.
They will be working together in assignments and projects which will help them to
understand the way opposite sex works. This will help them in their respective role taking
when they enter practical lives. This cooperation will create a feeling a comradeship in both
the sexes.
Proponents of coeducation argue that such an educational system will be useful for their
personality a coeducation, boys will be free to interact with girls. Doing so,
will help them to understand opposite sexing a better way and allow them to develop a
healthy personality. They will, then not indulge in eve teasing. The students of today will be
the citizens of is the demand of today, to allow individuals to grow in a free
In addition, coeducation will allow both the sexes to treat each other on equal terms. Girls
will become more confident and responsive and the boys will develop more tolerance. The
relationship between them will be based on equality, respect and humanity. This will help
them to overcome the centuries old system of male dominance.
Researchers argue that coeducation has proved to be a better educational system as in such
colleges, the results of exams are far better than in sex segregated coeducation,
boys and girls compete with each other and try to remain ahead of the other one. This
results in better academic results. A research conducted concluded that presence of girls in
class prevents boys from indulging in unruly behavior. It also helps in fostering stronger
bondage between teachers and students. Generally, in coeducational classes, the number of
violent outbursts are fewer. Presence of more than 55% girls in class room has shown
better exam results. Particularly, at primary level, coeducation has shown exceptional
Boys and girls in presence of each other become more conscious of their habits, style and
appearance. They abstain from exhibiting immoral behavior they try their best to please the
opposite sex by showing best behavior. These habits become a part of the personality.
Women of today are entering every profession in large number. They are heading big
organizations. They face similar challenges as boys while finding jobs or in professional life.
Therefore, it is imperative that they should be given education on similar grounds as boys.
Although, it is a fact that both boys and girls have different ways of learning, but still it is
observed that their joint education has a positive influence overall.
Infect, the supporters of coeducation speak of its benefits as if it’s the only road to heaven.
Every coin has two sides. An impartial eye should focus on both the silvery sides rather than
adopting a biased attitude. The opponents of coeducation believe that in coeducation, boys
and girls are exposed to each other. The temptation of flirting appears more attractive than
the urge to open also destroys the relationship between teacher and student as
temptation cannot differentiate between teacher and student.
People against coeducation state that it is not the panacea to the problems of developing
countries, in reality it will sprout more problems. Anyone who has attended even a few
schools and colleges in Pakistan knows the fact that they are frightfully overcrowded. Even
girls only institutes present a similar picture. Therefore, new institutions are needed and if a
few are reserved for girls and boys separately, it will not be an additional burden on the
Perhaps, the greatest harm that coeducation can cause is to lead to moral
coeducation, boys are girls are free to interact with each other. Curiosity plays its role well
in this regard. The immoral standards promoted by media fill up the gap created from the
germs of curiosity implanted by Satan. This coupled with the fact, that the students are
deprived of sincere supervision, as the teachers themselves do not present an ideal picture
of morality and decency. As a result, they fall victim to sexual impurity.
Religious conservatives argue that coeducation will wreak havoc to the Islamic
boys and girls will be easily accessible to each other, this will promote development of
immoral relations between them. They support their view by stating that during the time of
Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) educational institutions were mosques where, though coeducation
was present, but the chances of going astray were limited. They further emphasize that the
present coeducational system are not at conformity with the Islamic approach to
coeducational system.
Supporters of coeducation believe that this system will promote understanding between
both sexes. However, the opponents say that if boys and girls cannot understand each other
in family and home then they will not be able to do so in coeducation. Why is it that a
person thinks he can understand the opposite sex only when he meets his neighbor’s
Further, it is believed that coeducation is a western concept. Many people want to adopt
coeducation because it is prevalent in west. They think that if west has it then they must
have it too. They want to be more western than the west. But they should bear it in mind
that a system should be adopted only if it goes along with cultural, social and religious
values of a society. Certainly, our society does not accepts the present coeducational
Antagonists of coeducation assert that it is an urban concept. Boys will grow up to earn
while girls will maintain their household. They emphasize that as both sexes will play a
different role, there is no logic in teaching them similar curricula in a similar manner.
Even teachers of some subjects such as biology hold opinion that it is easier to teach certain
chapters more thoroughly in presence of only girls or boys in the class room. They find
teaching certain topics embarrassing and difficult in coeducation. Nowadays, sex education
is becoming a part of the curricular. This further acts as fuel on fire.
Certain educationists believe that students do not remain focused in studies in the presence
of opposite sex. They remain more engaged in paying attention to opposite sex, than on
lectures. Therefore, it is feared that coeducation will not raise the standard of education,
instead will lower it.
In coeducation institutions, boys and girls are more consumed by how they appear to the
opposite sex. They spent countless hours contemplating what to wear, how to wear and
where to wear. This leads to the loss of precious time which should have been dedicated to
studies only.
The only solution that springs to mind in view of Islamic injunctions and logic of common
sense is that there should be sex segregated institutions. However, if a developing country
like Pakistan is not able to do so in current situation then it is the responsibility of
government to take measures to ensure that coeducation does not attacks the moral values
preached by Islam. Firstly, the curricula chosen should be such that does not risks morality.
Secondly, government should be careful in choosing faculty. The teachers recruited should
be an embodiment of decency and morality. Meanwhile, the religious conservatives should
adopt an attitude of tolerance. Nonetheless, it is also important that some girl doctors
should be educated in coeducation otherwise, our mothers and sisters will have compelled
to expose their private parts before male doctors under ailment. But still, it is the
responsibility of the government to ensure sex segregated educational institutions
whenever, it can bear the expenses.

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