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Ultar Glacier Water is internationally recognized and reputed water which is

flowing form Ultar Glacier, Ultar Meadow in Hunza Valley. This extraordinary
water was discovered by world renowned scientists, Noble Prize Winner, Dr Henri
Conada (called father of fluid dynamics), Dr. Patrick Flanagan and many scientists.
Their research findings are summarized by Dr. Iztok Ostan in his book “Hunza
Water” published by Institut.O doo in 2018 “”. This
book covers the health benefits of Hunza Water.

More than eighty years of research leads to discovery of two very important
intertwined, key characteristics of Ultar Glacier Water:

1) Ultar glacier water contains quartz (silica) minerals in particularly

negatively charged very small colloidal form, called zeta partials.
2) The water has antioxidant properties with low rH value.

This Unique water has different minerals and physical properties, like boiling
point, melting point, freezing point, viscosity, surface tension, Ph and rH values.
Ultar Water is very beneficial and healthiest for human consumptions due to huge
number of essential minerals in which insures longevity, complete body
hydration, more hydrophilic, protection form free radicals, transport ability of
bodily fluids and many more.
This water is more closely resembles water found in living organisms for this
reason it is called ‘living water’. Scientists have prepared artificial Ultar Glacier
Water in laboratories and selling it as food supplements.

Ultar Glacier Water is high turbidity and silty water which can’t consume directly.
Hunza Natural Products (HNP) established State of the Art Ultra Filtration
Plant at the foothills of Ultar Glacier to clean this peerless water. HNP proudly
presents bottle drinking water (BDW) which is pure, natural, without any
additives and preservatives for healthy life.

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