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Name : Aldiansyah Saputra

Class : C3
Semester :2
Cources : English

School Orientation
I want to tell about the activities during my school orientation. A few years ago,
when I first entered high school. It was something fun and full of memories. I joined the
school orientation. It was held 3 days from Monday to Wednesday. On the day First, we
held an opening ceremony on the school grounds. That morning was very cold. So, I didn’t
feel tired and thirsty for that time. After the opening ceremony was ove , we came to the
classroom to do activities like meeting and greeting, playing games, and singing. Damn for
me at that time on the first day of the school orientation I was punished, the sentence was
told to express love to a woman. To their homes to rest and prepare for tomorrow. The
second day was quite hot, we had the opportunity to hunt down the staff. Some teachers
gave several request before they signed, sometimes told to sing, to seduce and even to jog.
At that moment we new students knew the teachers who would teach us.
Finally the most eagerly awaited day, we do outbound activities. We walk around
schools and villages to find out the environment around the school, after we toured the
school environment, we immediately returned to the school orientation period. Our new
students were very happy to be part of the family of State 1st High School. Maybe that’s
a little story from my school orientation period about 4 years ago.

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