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title:2nd Installment: 6-Figure A Year Work-At-Home Opportunity

author:Paul Johnson
date_saved:2007-08-23 17:04:56
(This is the second in an ongoing series of articles chronicling my success with
the Prosperity Automated System (PAS) that passively generates a 6 figure yearly
income for many work at home business owners. Through this series of articles youll
be able to look over my shoulder and decide if this type of home business is for
Morning came, and after taking my morning walk I sat in Starbucks looking at the
brochure I had put to print. Pretty impressive. Testimonials up the yin yang.
Heartfelt testimonials. Testimonials from doctors. Was I missing something I needed
a little more time to think about it.
As September began, I had put together a list of over 30 questions about the
business opportunity. Finally, I decided to go to re-visit the website and enter my
name, email address and phone number in the spaces provided and hit the Please Call
Me Now button. Yes, I wanted answers to my questions, but I also wanted to test
their automatic phone follow-up, since this was the backbone of the PAS program.
In no less than 15 minutes later I received a call from a team leader who answered
one question after another about how this work at home system worked. I was
relieved that there was no hard sell whatsoever. My questions exhausted, I finally
decided to sign up. What was the alternative Besides, I had to admit that the
companys follow-up exceeded my expectations.
Instead of taking my money, the team leader I spoke to referred me to the owner (or
sponsor) of the website I used to generate the call. I contacted my sponsor by
email and paid her the $3,895 for the Premier Business Package. My storefront was
up and running 24 hours later. I also received an email from my sponsor offering a
number of relatively inexpensive ways to promote my site, which was very
Through my emails with her, I learned that she had generated $12,000 in July and
$21,000 in August! She also mentioned that her parents were so impressed with her
newfound wealth that they decided to become premier members too! In fact, my
purchase of the program was their qualifying sale! Hmmm, I thought. Maybe I had
made the right decision after all.
In having a successful sponsor, I began to realize that I had an incredible sales
tool namely, her success with the program. So I decided to include her Success
Timeline on the About Me page of my site (the About Me page is an area of the site
where you can include information about yourself, and any other information you
want to include). To me, it was one of the most important pages on the site.
I wondered how many others were lucky enough to get successful sponsors who offered
to assist them. I vowed to do the same for people that signed up under me. Id give
them everything my sponsor had passed on to me, as well as the low cost and no cost
internet marketing techniques that had worked so well for me. But first, I had to
become successful myself!
My first order of business was to change the site around and make sure my site
showed visitors how to reach me by email and phone. I wanted to be accessible. I
figured if someone was going to lay this much hard-earned money down, the least I
could do was make myself available. Then I added some sales copy about the PAS
program on the autoresponder emails that went out to all the opt-in visitors to my
other websites, including, of course, links to my PAS site.
Because I was familiar with how to distribute articles around the internet, I
decided to create an ongoing series of articles that chronicled my success with the
PAS program. Waiting had never been my strong suit, but even in the welcoming email
I received on the PAS system, they said it was important to be patient. SoI waited.
(Look for the next installment in a few days, as I await my first order and start
using other ways to promote my site.)
To learn more about the 6-figure work at home opportunity Paul is discussing,
please visit: <a href="" class="hft-
About The Author
Paul Johnson is an online author and publisher of stock, real estate, and work at
home income opportunities. To learn more about the work at home business hes
discussing, go to: <a href="" class="hft-

This article was posted on October 04, 2006


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