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Here I'll document some issues I've run into using MX Linux.

1. Won't open encrypted drives. Had to install <libblockdev-crypto2> and restart

(since I don't know how to restart services on non-systemd distros. Now it's
working fine.


Here are some first steps after installation, for reinstallations and beta-testing:

sudo apt install synapse tlp tlp-rdw virtualbox keepassxc

Download Ubuntu font family to /usr/share/fonts/truetype/

xfce themes: greybird; adwaita; adapta; <mate-themes>; nimbus;

icon themes: faenza; elementary-xfce

REMOVE touchpad-indicator

swap over featherpad for a gtk+ app

fileroller for engrampa/xarchiver
clipit for xfce4-clipman
nomacs for ristretto (or another gtk+ app)

Xfce addons: xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin; xfce4-calculator-plugin

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