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Simulado – ENGLISH TEST - 300 / 301

1. Assinale a alternativa que

não corresponde à figura.

a. The boy is reading quietly

in the bedroom.

b. There are many chairs in

the room.

c. The dog is sleeping at the door.

d.There are posters on the wall.

e. There is a cat in the basket.

2. Complete with adequate prepositions.

“ John comes______São Luis _______car with a friend_____ Friday”.

a. at / on/ in c. to / by / on e. it / it / by

b. of / on / in d. on / by / in

3.The correct sentence is:

a. The dogs isn´t sick. d. The book are expensive

b. My parents are here. e. Is Sarah and Rebeca sisters?

c. Karen and I am good friends

4. Choose the correct answer.

A : Are you excellent singers?

B : ___________

a. Yes, she is b. Yes, you are c. No, I am not d. Yes, I am e. Yes, we are

5. Choose the correct answer to this question.

“ How old are you?’

a. I have ten years old c. I am twenty e. I´m ok

b. I am late d. she is 15

ANSWERS : 1ªB, 2ªC, 3ªB, 4ªE, 5ªC

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