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Course: Research Methodology (W 2019)

Assignment 1: Critical Review of a Journal Paper

Last Date of Submission: 11 September 2019 (Use A4 size paper only)
Problem Statement:

Refer a recent journal paper published after 2010, from SCI / ISI (SSCI or AHCI for
Social Science & Humanities) indexed journal in your field and read it carefully.
Based on your reading of the paper, answer the following questions.

Write: Your Name, Enrollment No., Department and Name of Supervisor at the

Write - Title of the paper, Names of Authors, Name of the Journal and year of
Publication in separate lines.

1. Does the title properly indicate the content of the paper? Write a short explanation
about how the title is justified or not justified.
2. Suggest some other suitable title for the paper under consideration.
3. Does the Abstract appropriately describe the contents of the paper and its
findings? Write a short explanation.
4. Arrange the reported work in the form of a flow chart or graph.
5. What is the main outcome reported in the paper?
6. Write your own conclusion for the paper based on your reading of the paper.
7. Is there any finding which you feel is missing from Conclusion? What is that?
8. What are the good points about the paper?
9. What are the shortcomings of the paper?
10. How do you think the reported work can be extended further?

Submission: Submit your assignment on A4 paper along with print of Journal paper
you have referred latest by 11 September 2019 in my office @ First Floor of
Mechanical Engineering Workshop.

Dr. A.B. Andhare

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