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Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

The first, let me to introduce my self. My name is Lidya Sabilla Firdaus. Iam a sixth
term Medical Student at Islamic University of Indonesia. I would like to take part on student
exchange program at Asia University 2019 Summer Programs with healthy aging and anti-
aging theme. In this letter I would like to express my strong interest to be participant on this
student exchange program at Asia University 2019 Summer Programs . I would like to
experience the academic atmosphere in Taiwan which has a high standard in research and
innovation about medicine. Learning is a never ending process, more over related to the
importance of human health that has correlation with health aging and anti-aging. Anti-aging
is an progressive and proactive effort to prevent degenerative processes and it applies the
advancement of medical science and technology to detect, prevent, treat and restore age that
had related with dysfunctions, disorders, and disease. So, by taking part on student exchange
program at Asia University 2019 Summer Programs which is very useful for the advancement
and renewal of medical science in Indonesia that has purpose for increase quality of life
Indonesian people.

Joining the student exchange is an excellent step to be able to share the most recent
knowledge about healthy aging and anti-aging with all of friends in faculty of medicine, Islamic
University of Indonesia. So there will be more people who can benefit from Asia University
2019 Summer Programs and moreover they can develop knowledge about healthy aging and
anti-aging. So, I am giving a try to my self to be part of this program and I always think that it
is also a good thing if we have something knowledge and we can share it with other people in
our environment.

This program is an opportunity to gain international experience in one of the

most powerful country in the world. I think studying, living and having a good time with other
international students will broaden my horizon and enable to build friendships with other
students from all over the world. And then, as a medical student that want to be a good doctor,
I must to be able to socialize and can communicate well with other people, so be taking part on
the student exchange make me also enjoy doing cultural exchange such as learning new
languages, making friends, and other activities that will improve my self both personally and
professionally. In this opportunity, I used to interact and cooperate with different kind of people
and it always becomes an interesting challenge for me to adapt with new environments and I
am ready to learn all of the positive things in order to adapt to the new cultures.
Thank you very much in advanced for this opportunity and considering me. I hope, I
can be given trust and the opportunity to be able to joining this student exchange program. I
hope by take part in this program will make me become a better medical’s student and get most
recent knowledge about healthy aging and anti-aging that can be useful for many people when
I come back.

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Lidya Sabilla Firdaus

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