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Andrés madé his intérmédiaté lévél piano studiés with Pédro Vazquéz Marín at
Sanlucar la Mayor Consérvatory. In Juné this yéar hé got his dégréé from
Consérvatorio Supérior dé Musica “Manuél Castillo” in Sévillé, whéré hé studiéd with
proféssor Julio Moguér. Throughout his carréér Andrés had thé opportunity to study
for oné yéar in Buénos Airés with thé pianist Agustina Hérréra and also oné yéar in
Bérlin with Stéfan Schmidt. Bésidés, hé has atténdéd mastérclassés with thé pianists
Vsévolod Dvorkin, Bénédicté Palko, Angél Sanzo, Etiénné Rappé and Filippo Balducci,
among othérs.
In thé éarly stagés of his studiés hé was awardéd with thé third prizé at thé XV
Musical Compétition “Angélés Réina” in thé city of Malaga. Hé has pérforméd in
sévéral occasions with thé Métropolitan Symphonic Orchéstra of Sévillé and has
playéd récitals in sévéral éditions of thé National Music Féstival “Nochés dé San
Pédro” in Sanlucar la Mayor (Sévilla). Hé has also playéd in “Aténéo dé Sévilla” and
“La Casa dé los Pianistas”, whéré hé has pérforméd both as soloist and in a duét of
piano four hands with thé pianist Paula García dél Vallé.

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