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This study and as well as the aim is about the factors that causes stress and the impacts it
has on student’s performance and some possible management techniques. The main objectives
were to ascertain or identify the extent to which stress affects academic success, health and general
lifestyle, as well as to inquire and bring to light measures to counteract the effect of existing stress
in students. The possible limitation of this thesis is the collection of primary source of data sue to
the population size of the case study which is the Perpetual Help College of Pangasinan.

Stress is a fact of life, wherever you are and whatever you are doing. You cannot avoid
stress, but you can learn to manage it so it doesn’t manage you. Changes in our lives, such as going
to college, getting married, changing jobs, or illness are frequent source of stress. Keep in mind
that changes that cause stress can also benefit you. Moving away from home to attend college, for
example, creates personal development opportunities, new challenges, friends and living
arrangements. That is why it’s important to know yourself and carefully consider the causes of
stress. Learning to do this takes time, and although you cannot avoid stress, the good news is that
you can minimize the harmful effects of stress, such as depression or hypertension. The key is to
develop an awareness of how you interpret, and react to, circumstances. Stress is a part of day-to-
day living. In our daily lives, we are often exposed to situations that produce stress. The
interpretation and reaction to events that make stress are different for different people. For
example, speaking in public can be stressful for some people and relaxing for others. However if
our stress level is too high, it can result in serious medical and social problems. Any event or
circumstance that strains or exceeds an individual ability to cope is called stress. The term “stress”
can be defined in many ways. Generally, a layperson may define stress in terms of pressure,
tension, unpleasant external forces or an emotional response. In fact, layman definition of stress
and the range of stress are very confusing and very multidimensional. Stress is an abnormality in
behaviour, psychology, and emotional outburst, restraint in performing day-to-day routine work
or physiological changes in human being.

Stress is a complex concept. It can be routine stress at home, at school, and at work might
be fairly begun individually, but collectively they could create great strain. Different things cause
stress in different people. It is also a part of every student daily life. From the very start till the
university life, different styles of education and its diverse demands cause stress. A student’s life
is subjected to different kinds of stressors, such as the pressure of academics with an obligation of
success, uncertain future and difficulties envisaged for integration in to the system. These students
face, social, emotional and physical and family problems which may affect their learning ability
and academic.

Stress prevents university students from focusing and enjoying learning from behaving
harmoniously, and from unfolding their unique talents. Accumulate stress causes frustration;
depression and anxiety, and can lead to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, substance abuse,
antisocial behaviours and even violence. Stress has become an important topic in academic circle
as well as in our society. Now it has become common among the university student and it can be
controlled by stress management strategies because stress in academic institution can have both
positive and negative consequences if not well managed. Stress management is the ability to
maintain and control when situation, people and events make excessive demands. Stress in
university students can be traced by adopting different strategies. We must check and monitor the
abnormal or unusual behaviour of the university students. So that suitable measures should be
taken to eradicate the deficiency level of the students. This research evaluates all these factors,
signs of stress and also suggests suitable strategies to solve the problems.

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the respondents profile in terms of:

1.1 Year level

1.2 Gender

1.3 Course

2. In your own perception, should stress awareness be taught in Perpetual Help College of


3. What are the comparison of being a freshmen and the graduating college student?

4. What is the most possible source of stress in college students that they are exposed to?

5. What are the possible solution to overcome stress?

Scope and Delimitation
This research is to be focused on the comparative study on stress management of freshmen

and graduating College of Perpetual Help College of Pangasinan. This research’s respondents are

the freshmen and graduating in College of Perpetual Help College of Pangasinan. It will help the

researcher’s to know the possible comparison of stress management in freshmen and graduating

College of Perpetual Help College of Pangasinan. The researchers will pick randomly to their


Significance of the Study

The following are the beneficiaries of the study:

School. They will be aware of what are the causes of the student’s stress inside the school. Through

this kind of research, they will be able to prevent this kind of situation.

Teachers. They will be aware on every causes of student’s stress and will also help the teachers

to be notified and take some action.

Students. Students will also be aware in having a stress and by this research they can avoid the

struggles or difficulties that they might get through this situation.

Community. It helps the community to the share their ideas and feeling through this research.

Parents. Through this research, the findings of the study will help become aware of what their

child experiencing inside the school. And by that, they will motivate and help their child to become

a better person without stressed.

You as a Researcher. To find out what are the factors and causes of being stressed of the students.

Be able to have more knowledge about this research. And also to become aware in every students

having this kind of stressed.

Definitions of Terms
This part contains definition of words that are used in this study that will further help the readers.

College – a person who has earned a degree or diploma from a school, college or universities.

Comparative – involving the act of looking at the ways that things are alike or different.

Freshmen – a student in the first year high school or college.

Study – the activity or process of learning about something by reading, memorizing facts and

attending school.

Stress – A state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life, work, etc.

Management – The act of process of deciding how to use something.



This chapter presents various studies and literature both local and foreign about comparative
study on stress management of freshmen and graduating students of Perpetual Help College of

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