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GE 4

Mathematics in the Modern World

Data Management
Instructions for the Research Proposal Requirement

While we have only barely touched the surface of this very important area of study called
Statistics, you are enjoined to begin thinking about its usefulness beyond the four walls of our
classroom. For this requirement, you are to work together in groups of 3 to 4.

Your task is to prepare a proposal for a study that will:

1. Contribute to or lead to a solution of a social, economic, or cultural (including
educational) problem;
2. Make use of statistical methods for data processing and analyses.

Your research proposal is equivalent to 30% of 2nd examination.

Your output is a document* of no more than 7 pages that details your proposed study. The
outline of your document is as follows:
1. Background and Statement of the Problem
2. Brief Literature Review
3. Proposed Study (cite where Statistics will be used)
a. Data to be collected
b. Methods of data collection and instruments to be used
c. Procedure
d. Method of analyses
4. Discussion of how the proposed study will address the problem identified.
5. Reference

*A4 Paper, 12 pt Arial or Times Roman font, 1.5 spaces throughout and in between
paragraphs, margin of 1” all around, page numbers on bottom right of the page, title page
included (but not included in the page count)

Your proposal will be graded according to the following criteria:

1. Soundness of the proposal
2. Appropriate use of statistical methods
3. Coherence

Some examples of problems to be addressed:

1. Is it viable for the University of Mindanao to set up a campus in Northern Mindanao?
2. How can we reduce human traffic in the school campus?
3. Could UM offer student loans at very affordable interests and easy payment schemes?

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