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Balancing Equities: Dealing with Terrorism and Upholding Human Rights: A

Philosophical-Juridical Perspective Why Equities Need To Be Balanced

A. Terrorism and Human Rights Defined

1. Terrorism- violent or criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a
state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular
persons for political purposes, hence violating human rights.
2. Human Right/s- a right that is believed to belong justifiably to every

B. Pre-emptive Strike
A first-strike attack with nuclear weapons carried out to destroy an
enemy's capacity to respond. A preemptive strike is based on the
assumption that the enemy is planning an imminent attack.

C. Universal Declaration of Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Universal Declaration)
is an international document that states basic rights and fundamental
freedoms to which all human beings are entitled.

D. Narrative Identity
Ricoeur argues for a version of the human subject in which personal identity
is not fully stable or self-transparent, but is also not incoherent or self-
alienated. The human subject, since the “linguistic turn” in philosophy, has
been understood to have access to itself (and the world) only as mediated
by language. For Ricoeur, this self-relationship is essentially one of active
interpretation, rather than fully autonomous self-authoring.

E. Violence of Terrorism (Tyranny and Isolation)

Tyranny rests on isolation: the isolation of the tyrant from his subjects and
the isolation of subjects from each other through mutual fear and suspicion.
1. Power- allows the public real to exist, the space of appearance between
acting and speaking persons, and is susceptible to violence.
2. Strength- the will to live together.

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