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AVB0010.1177/1758155919866550Avian Biology ResearchPeñuela et al.


Avian Biology Research

Transcontinental genetic inference of urban 2019, Vol. 12(4) 152­–162

© The Author(s) 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
pigeon populations using phenotypic markers
DOI: 10.1177/1758155919866550

Mauricio Peñuela,1 Fernando Rondón,2 Ranulfo González1

and Heiber Cárdenas1

Domestic pigeons have high polymorphism in plumage morphs and colours. The genes that affect colour and coat
patterns can be used to estimate genetic profiles that allow us to deduce the structures of populations, establish whether
they are in a population equilibrium and learn the genetic similarity among them. This article tested these population
components and the existing relationships among cities in northern South America, Western Europe and Singapore
(Southeast Asia) through the inventory of phenotypic frequencies and the estimation of allele frequencies for the Pattern,
Grizzle, Background colour, Spread, Crest, Recessive white and Feathered feet loci. The Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was
evaluated based on the Pattern and Grizzle loci. The results showed a higher genetic diversity in populations from
northern South America with respect to the one from Western Europe, although the differentiation among cities
was low (GST = 0.0759). Several populations were not in the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium for the evaluated loci, and a
significant correlation between genetic and geographic distances was not found. The relatively small home range of the
pigeons and the dispersion carried out by humans are discussed as possible explanations for the current genetic profiles.

Allele frequencies, Columba livia, population equilibrium, structure, transcontinental analysis

Introduction lifestyles, being responsible for the great variety of col-

ours and plumage patterns present in modern cities.
The pigeon Columba livia is common in the Middle East, C. livia have probably the greatest variation of plumage
North Africa and Europe.1 Most likely, the species is native compared to all other birds.4 It is worth remembering that
to the Middle East and was dispersed to other territories by urban pigeon populations that live out of the ancestral range
civilizations such as the Babylonians, Sumerians, Egyptians of the species have originated from domestic pigeons.4–6
and Greeks, who have records of their proximity to the spe- The colour variety and patterns displayed by urban pigeons
cies, and included them in religious stories.1 From the time can be the result of interactions between common muta-
of the Romans until the late 19th century, pigeons have tions in escaped domestic pigeons and selection pressure.7
been bred for human consumption or as an effective inter- The variations of the plumage polymorphism of urban
mediary in communication. Generally, the current urban pigeons come from their domestic ancestors.1,4,8 Generally,
populations of C. livia are the descendants of escaped pigeons of large cities show more melanic plumages and
domestic birds and erratic specimens of homing pigeons.2 less blue-barred plumages (wild) than pigeon from small
The largest numbers of feral C. livia live in urban towns, farms and ranches.1 However, the pattern and colour
areas. Two circumstances can explain this phenomenon: range of wild pigeons are considered reduced compared to
(1) the similarity between their natural environment those of domestic pigeons.9 Recent genomic analysis
(rocky cliffs) and the structure of the city (where build- showed that urban pigeons clustered with homing pigeons,10
ings and monuments rise vertically above the ground)
and (2) the food supply provided by food waste of diverse
origin (marketplaces, stores, etc.) and the voluntary baits
1Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas,
provided by some citizens.2 Studies on pigeon density
Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia
have been conducted in some European cities, conclud- 2Grupo de Investigación en Microbiología y Genética. Escuela de
ing that the largest concentrations usually appear in the Biología, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga - Colombia.
centre,3 coinciding with the historic district. Pigeons Apartado Aéreo 687 Bucaramanga (Santander).
preferably colonize these ancient neighbourhoods. It is
probable that group size and the number of groups vary Corresponding author:
Mauricio Peñuela, Posgrado en Ciencias-Biología, Facultad de Ciencias
depending on the food supply at the locations, the nesting Naturales y Exactas, Universidad del Valle, Apartado Aéreo 25157 Cali,
places and the deficient dispersion of nestlings.2 It is evi- Colombia.
dent that human proximity has moulded the pigeon’s Email:
Peñuela et al. 153

supporting the idea that escaped breeding individuals are for the analysis. For the cities with more of one group of
likely the greatest contributors to urban populations.11 pigeons, the distance between groups was around 800 m,
In general, C. livia have a blue-grey body with two black and the pictures were taken the same day. Phenotypic mark-
bars at the end of the wings and a structural bright green- ers of plumage consisted of colour modifications, pigment
purple colouration around the neck and chest,12 which are distribution and coat characteristics as shown in Table 1.
important during the mating display.13 Nevertheless, this
species shows mutations that affect the wild phenotype by
Population equilibrium analysis
modifying the plumage colouration and common patterns.
These mutations present Mendelian and non-Mendelian The Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was estimated for the
inheritance, and some of them are sex linked.14 Studies in autosomal loci Grizzle and Pattern, using the exact test for
Europe and America have performed phenotypic invento- randomness of mating of Haldane31 for the Grizzle locus
ries for several cities.4,14–17 and a hierarchical dominance method for Pattern. This lat-
Although inheritance of plumage characters for this ter estimate was done with C+, C and CT alleles due to the
species was determined during the early 20th century,18–25 absence of the c allele in all samples. We developed an
subsequent population inventories that were published algebraic method to extract expected allele frequencies in
were limited to describing ratios of colour morphs and to Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium and evaluate the population
hypothesizing on why the frequencies changed. Only equilibrium for the Pattern locus (Supplemental S1).
Dunmore26 and Cole7 estimated gene frequencies through
the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium for their studied popula-
Estimation of allelic frequencies
tions. Papers published on C. livia have been presented
from an ecological and behavioural point of view. Allele frequencies were calculated using the phenotypic
Nevertheless, they have underused valuable information frequencies of recessive alleles for Mendelian loci with
by ignoring genetic population concepts, and just few two alleles: q = √q2 and p = 1 − q. The counting method
recent studies are beginning to use this information to for Grizzle where the heterozygous alleles are visible.
make genetic descriptions of populations.27–30 And the method previously described for the Pattern
In this study, we used the phenotypic information, apply- locus. Finally to estimate the allele frequencies for the
ing concepts of population genetics to extract allele fre- Background colour locus, we developed an algebraic
quencies and learn about factors such as random mating approximation (Supplemental S2).
and relationships among pigeon populations. To learn how
humans have interfered with feral pigeon populations, we
Structure analysis
sampled cities from two continents: Western Europe
because it is the ancient distribution range of the species To measure the structure at a continental level, fixing indi-
and northern South America because it was a colonization ces of Wright32 were estimated based on the loci:
territory of Western Europe ever since its discovery. We Background colour, Pattern, Spread and Grizzle because
also included the pigeon population of Singapore from these were the most polymorphic loci. The following
Southeast Asia to learn how allele frequencies vary in iso- parameters were calculated: (HS) the average heterozygo-
lated populations with an independent colonization history. sity expected within subpopulations and (HT) the expected
We used phenotypic data to extract allele frequencies from heterozygosity in the total population. For these calcula-
the populations, and through classical analytical methods in tions, ‘subpopulations’ in the first analysis refers to the cit-
population genetics, we tried to answer three big questions: ies within each continent, and in the second analysis,
(1) Are the inventoried populations in Hardy–Weinberg ‘subpopulations’ refers to continents with respect to the
equilibrium? (2) How do allele frequencies vary across total populations (Table 2). Singapore was excluded from
populations? (3) How are the continents being structured? this analysis because it was an isolated population. A prin-
Through this process, we provide an innovative methodol- cipal component analysis (PCA) was implemented to deter-
ogy to estimate the allele frequencies of two of the seven mine the relationships among loci. For this test, only the
loci with evident phenotypic expression in C. livia popula- recessive allele frequencies (B+, C+, s+, g+, zwt, cr and f+)
tions. We also evaluate the grade of diversity and the were used. In addition, pairwise FST between localities was
genetic structure of studied populations at several levels, estimated and presented in a dendrogram for each continent
including the relationship among geographic and genetic using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic
distances. mean (UPGMA) algorithm. Finally, a Mantel test with
9999 repetitions was implemented to determine whether
the genetic and geographic distances were correlated.
Materials and methods
Marketplaces, parks and community spaces of Western
Europe, northern South America and Singapore visited by
the researchers between 2012 and 2013 were chosen for A total of 3261 individuals were sampled in 22 popula-
photographic sampling. One square of 9 m2 by site was tions: 2004 individuals in 13 cities from northern South
marked on the floor with chalk, and bread was spread inside America, 1082 individuals in eight cities from Western
to attract pigeon groups for taking several pictures. The pic- Europe and 175 individuals from Singapore (Southeast
ture with more individuals and better quality was chosen Asia). Twenty-nine groups (flocks) were sampled within
154 Avian Biology Research 12(4)

Table 1.  Description of loci and alleles that alter the plumage in C. livia pigeons.

Locus Alleles Description

Background colour b Mutant, brown colour, recessive to the rest
(sex-linked gene, Z B+ Wild, black colour, dominant for b and recessive for BA
chromosome) BA Mutant, red colour, dominant to the rest
Pattern (autosomal c Mutant, without bars, recessive to the rest
gene) C+ Wild, with bars, dominant for c, recessive to the rest
C Mutant, checkered, dominant for c and C+, recessive to CT
CT Mutant, T-pattern, dominant to the rest
Spread (autosomal s+ Wild, without colour spread, recessive to S
gene) S Mutant, colour spread, all coat pigmented, dominant
Grizzle (autosomal g+ Wild, without white spots on plumage, recessive
gene) G Mutant, white spots on plumage, incomplete dominant, heterozygous can be seen
White recessive (auto- zwt Mutant, (white colour) depigmented individual, epistatic for all other colours, recessive to Z+
somal gene) Z+ Wild, normal colour, dominant
Crest (autosomal gene) cr Mutant, with crest, recessive to CR+
CR+ Wild, without crest, dominant
Feathered foot (autoso- f+ Wild, without feathers on feet, recessive to F
mal gene) F Mutant, with feathers on feet, dominant (grouse type)

Table 2.  Model of hierarchical analysis of population genetic structure.

(N cities) Genetic structure for each continent Genetic structure for both continents

Within cities Among cities within conti- Within continents Among continents (GST)
within continents nents
ern South  n1   n1 
HSS. Ame   HT S. Ame − HSS. Ame  
America (n1) N N
HT total HT S. Ame

( HSS. Ame + HSW .Euro ) 2 HT total − ( HSS. Ame + HSW .Euro ) / 2
HT total HT total

Europe (n2)  n2   n2 
HSW .Euro   HT W .Euro − HSW .Euro  
N N
HT total HT W .Euro

HS is the average heterozygosity expected within subpopulations and HT is the expected heterozygosity in the total population.

cities. The distribution was as follows: northern South showed high correlations between some loci and made evi-
America (Bogota (2), Cali (2), Manizales (2), Medellin dent how populations respond spatially to their respective
(2) and Quito (2)), Western Europe (Barcelona (2), allele composition (Figure 3). Pairwise FST evaluated by
Florence (4), Madrid (3), Paris (2), Rome (3) and Venice continent did not show specific clusters among the South
(3)) and Southeast Asia (Singapore (2)). The respective American populations; however, two clusters were evident
phenotypic inventory was conducted according to the in European cities (Figure 4). Correlations between genetic
sample size by the locus and population. The allele fre- and geographic distances were not found in the Mantel
quencies, expected heterozygosity, equilibrium analysis tests performed for each continent.
and respective sample size per locus, population and
groups inside populations are shown in Figures 1 and 2,
as well as in the Supplemental material (S3–S12). Discussion
The structure analysis showed that European cities were Are the inventoried populations in Hardy–
more uniform within individual cities and more structured Weinberg equilibrium?
among the cities at a continental level in comparison with
the South American ones (Table 3), being the differentia- Most of the inventoried populations in this study were
tion index GST among continents of 7.59%. The PCA not in equilibrium for the Pattern and Grizzle loci
Peñuela et al. 155

Figure 1.  Allele frequencies of the loci (a) Pattern, (b) Grizzle and (c) Background colour of C. livia for populations in northern
South America and Western Europe. In the Western Europe graph, we included the Singapore population from Southeast Asia
for comparison purposes. For the Pattern and Grizzle loci, the colours of the population name indicates the population status. For
these same loci, the small circles on the left side of each frequency pie represent groups within each city. Green: Hardy–Weinberg
equilibrium; red: absence of Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium; and blue: absence of the alleles (the tests cannot be performed).
San. Quil. = Santander de Quilichao.

(Figure 1a and 1b; Supplemental S9–S12). If the allele groups, it was not possible to test for equilibrium due to
frequencies estimated deviate from equilibrium, it the absence of individuals with CT_ and G_ phenotypes.
means that any of the conditions of random mating and The substructuring present in some cities that had more
absence of selection, mutation or migration are being than one group sampled is due to the differentiation of
violated and are probably responsible for the population allele frequencies among groups. However, these groups
imbalance.33 It is difficult to know for each population behave independently, and some of them are actually in
and locus which condition is being violated; neverthe- equilibrium. A static behaviour of feral pigeon popula-
less, in populations that are in equilibrium, these condi- tions has been reported in rural and urban environments,
tions are met. For both loci, some groups inside cities showing little miscegenation among them.26 This popula-
were in equilibrium; however, in several cities and tion structure could be a product of the pigeon’s ability to
156 Avian Biology Research 12(4)

Figure 2.  Allele frequencies of the loci (a) Spread, (b) Crest, (c) Recessive white and (d) Feathered foot of C. livia for populations in
northern South America and Western Europe. In the Western Europe graph, we included the Singapore population from Southeast
Asia for comparison purposes. San. Quil. = Santander de Quilichao.

respond adaptively to dramatic changes in environmental For the Pattern locus, all populations and groups that were
conditions, such as the amount and accessibility of food not in equilibrium presented an excess of observed CT_ indi-
and nesting places,34 which can easily divide populations viduals. Although this was the tendency, the reasons for why
into several groups inside a city. this excess is present is not clear. For the Grizzle locus, we
Peñuela et al. 157

Table 3.  Hierarchical analysis of genetic population structure of C. livia in northern South America and Western Europe, from the
allelic frequencies of B+, C+, s+ and g+.

Continent (number of cities) Genetic structure for each continent Genetic structure for both continents

Within cities Among cities in Within continents Among continents (GST)

within continents continents
Northern South America (13) 0.5943 0.4057 0.9241 0.0759
Western Europe (8) 0.3699 0.6301

disadvantage for performing the tests. The Pattern and

Grizzle loci were concordant in many results; nevertheless,
the Pattern locus seems to be a better candidate to perform
an effective equilibrium test, as the frequencies of CT, C
and C+ were more constant in almost all cities and the
groups within them, thereby indicating that these alleles are
more ancient and stable in feral pigeon populations than the
G allele. However, if possible, we recommend carrying out
the tests for both loci.

How do allelic frequencies vary across

In regard to the phenotype morphs, two mutations are
known for the Background colour locus in the Z chromo-
some. Mutations affect the distribution, amount and
Figure 3.  Principal component analysis (PCA) performed with brown-black pigment ratio of eumelanin and the yellow-
the recessive allele frequencies of loci that affect the plumage red ratio of pheomelanin.35 The BA mutant (dominant red
in C. livia. Green: Populations of northern South America; or ash red) changes the grey-blue parts and the iridescent
violet: populations from Western Europe; and red: Singapore areas of plumage to ashen or a faint grey and the thick
(Southeast Asia). Populations are represented by the first areas of spread to a brown-red colour.14 The second
letters of the name, except for Cartago = Cgo.
mutant, b (brown), results in a brown colour on the bars of
the wings and the tail.35 No individual showing the brown
could observe both the homozygous and heterozygous indi- phenotype was inventoried in this study. This could be
viduals, which allowed us to review in detail each test and because it is an uncommon mutation and that it is the most
hypothesize about each of the genetic profiles. For example, recessive of them all.
in Bogota, the equilibrium evaluated for the Grizzle locus at In northern South America, the highest allelic frequen-
the city level was present in one of the two groups, where two cies for BA were registered in Santander de Quilichao, Buga
grizzle individuals were registered; the second group did not and Quito. One hypothesis to explain the high frequencies
present any G alleles. These same individuals allowed ascer- of the allele in Santander de Quilichao and Buga can be the
tainment of the equilibrium at the city level. In Madrid, equi- small size of these populations. It is probable that in small
librium was present in two of the three groups evaluated, populations, one dominant allele can rise randomly and
presenting heterozygous individuals for G. When these data generate relatively high frequencies. However, in Quito,
were evaluated at the city level, equilibrium was maintained; the population size is almost double, and the BA frequencies
thus, we can say that for the assessment under this locus, the remain high (Supplemental S3). These allelic frequencies
groups in Bogota and Madrid behaved in panmixia at the city of a mutant allele in a large group of individuals can likely
level. In groups such as Barcelona-b, Medellin-a and be due to past stochastic events, such as a founder effect.
Medellin-b, grizzle individuals were mostly homozygous. In The rest of the populations in northern of South America
the subpopulation of Cali-a, the amounts of heterozygous and showed low frequencies of this allele. In Western Europe,
homozygous individuals for G were very similar, which evi- the BA frequencies were really low, and in populations of
dently moves away from population equilibrium. Two cities such as Lisbon, Paris and Venice, individuals with the
hypotheses can explain this: a recent fusion of groups, where red phenotype were not registered (Figure 1c). This sup-
one had higher frequencies of G, and the sampling of two ports the previous hypothesis that more stable populations,
colonies in the same place being evaluated as the same group. in this case, more ancient ones, preserve their allelic fre-
The opposite occurred in Cali-b, where many heterozygous quencies and resist the introgression of foreign alleles. It is
individuals were observed, indicating the expansion process worth noting that Western Europe is the natural distribution
of the G allele in this group by random mating. of C. livia.1 These results agree with those obtained by
Although the Grizzle locus can be more informative Obukhova6 who reported that in the Iberian Peninsula, the
about why the population imbalance is occurring, its fre- colour ratio is different from the rest of Europe, with the
quencies in global populations are low, and this could be a blue pigeons being 60% more frequent.
158 Avian Biology Research 12(4)

Figure 4.  Dendrograms of pairwise FST based on loci that affect the plumage in C. livia. Top: Populations from northern South
America and bottom: populations from Western Europe.

For the Pattern locus, the highest frequencies of C In Venice between 2000 and 2001, pigeon groups con-
(checkered) in northern South America were found in sisted of 60% of melanic individuals and less than 10% of
Medellin, Palmira and Popayan. This allele was always blue-barred ones.6 Mayr36 noted that in Venice during the
present in South American populations and was distrib- years 1941 and 1951, there was a drastic increase in the
uted throughout the continent. In Western Europe, the ratios of dark-winged pattern mutants (both checkered
highest frequencies were found in Paris, Florence and and T-patterned). This was apparently a transitory case of
Venice and the lowest in Lisbon, Madrid and Barcelona, polymorphism, with a mutant allele tending to replace the
which suggest a continental structuring based on this wild-type allele. The real causes that gave rise to the par-
allele between the Iberian Peninsula and the east popula- ticular genetic profile of the Venetian pigeons are
tions (Figure 1a). The CT allele (T-pattern) presented the unknown. However, it is probable that a genetic bottle-
highest frequencies in Bogota, Buga, Cartagena, Cartago, neck had occurred.
Popayan and Loja. The CT allele, as with C, was present The S allele from the Spread locus generates a full
in all populations from the northern South America. pigmentation over the entire individual in all its feath-
Nevertheless, in Western Europe, there was the same ers.9 S is epistatic for every allele from the Pattern locus
zonal variation for CT that was reported for C, as Venice, due to the pigment spread (brown, black or red) around
Florence and Paris had the highest frequencies of CT, the coat. In northern South America, the S frequencies
contrasting with Lisbon, Madrid, Zaragoza and Barcelona. were low, with the greatest values in Medellin, Cartagena
Peñuela et al. 159

and Buga. However, the distribution continued to be uni- the European part of Russia (where melanic frequencies
form in the continent. In Western Europe, Lisbon, Paris are high), the first feral pigeons probably appeared in the
and Venice had the highest frequencies of the S allele, second half of the 16th century. This was related to the
and Madrid, Zaragoza, Barcelona and Rome, the lowest spread of pigeon breeding that flourished in Yaroslavl,
ones. The S allele is another structuring factor at the con- Novgorod and Moscow.42
tinental level (Figure 2a). Individuals with the pheno-
type spread S_ and T-pattern CT_ are commonly referred
How are continents being structured?
to as melanics as these are darker birds than the blue-
barred pigeons.9 The heterozygosities expected for all loci were higher for
The Spread and Pattern loci are found on the same populations from northern South America than for Western
chromosome. Nevertheless, their distance is large Europe, indicating that South American populations are
enough to allow for frequent recombination.23 Recently, genetically more diverse, probably due to the establish-
using whole-genome scans, Vickrey et al.37 identified ment of these populations by various races (Supplemental
NDP as a candidate gene for Pattern variation. The S5). The hierarchical structure analysis made with the
Grizzle morphotype is a product of pigment absence on most polymorphic loci (Table 3) confirms that popula-
the feathers of some body parts. In these pigeons, their tions from northern South America are more heterogene-
colour looks greyish white, and it spreads with points ous inside individual cities than Western European
and spots.6 For northern South America, the highest fre- populations. The South American continent, by being
quencies of the G allele were present in Santander de more heterogeneous, hides the differentiation between cit-
Quilichao, Cartago and Buga, and these frequencies for ies, and the European by being more homogeneous shows
the G allele were far higher in South American cities the differentiation between cities better. Protein analysis
than in any European city. In Western Europe, the great- has shown that feral populations from North America and
est frequencies were in Madrid, Paris and Florence. Italy have greater heterozygosity in comparison with wild
Thus, the frequency of this allele shows the genetic pigeons populations from natural territories of the spe-
structuring in each continent (Figure 1b). Pigeons with cies.5 The value of GST = 0.0759 matches the genetic dif-
white spots are rare in European populations. Many white- ferentiation values reported for 16 bird species (0.0760).43
spotted pigeons appear in dovecotes of non-professional This is attributed to the geographic interchange that occurs
pigeon breeders due to random crosses between races.6 in birds due to flight.44
This might reinforce the idea that the pigeons of northern The correlations obtained for the recessive frequen-
South America are a heterogeneous mix of different cies of every inventoried loci in all populations showed
races that formed feral populations. Other evidence that that three groups of loci were correlated. More specifi-
supports this idea is that cr (with crest), zwt(white pheno- cally, zwt was correlated with cr, s+ with C+ and f+ with
type) and F (feathered foot, grouse type) alleles were not B+ and g+ (Figure 3). It is very important to know the
registered in the European cities inventoried (Figure correlation level among variables as it can determine
2b–d). It is necessary to clarify that feathered foot phe- which variables provide the greatest differentiation
notype can be originated by two different genes;38 for among the populations studied, as shown by PCA (Table
this study, only individuals with grouse phenotype were 4). A biplot of the PCA from the two first principal com-
inventoried. ponents shows that the European populations are concen-
Selective advantages and distribution gradients have trated in a small space on the first factor, while the South
been conferred upon melanic individuals (Spread, American populations are spread out, indicating that
Checkered and T-patterned phenotypes). Johnston and South American populations are more heterogeneous in
Janiga1 concluded that a high frequency of blue-barred regard to their allele frequencies.
pigeons was correlated with low distributions and natural Note that the Singapore population from Southeast
lifestyles, while melanic birds were associated with high Asia is associated with the European cities of Lisbon and
latitudes and city lifestyles. Apparently, these authors Paris. This association with European cities could be
suggested an advantage for melanic individuals at lower explained by the occupation of this territory by
temperatures, which are common for higher latitudes. Englishmen in 1819, as local headquarters of the British
Colouration can be a key trait for thermoregulation,39 and East Indian Company.45 This allows us to hypothesize
because it is known that melanins affect the solar absorp- that C. livia would have come with the English. This
tion efficiency, non-melanic morphs can show a major study did not include London. Nonetheless, it is histori-
reflectance.40,41 However, there is doubt as to whether cally known that England and Portugal have had the old-
latitude is influencing the ratio of melanic individuals. est military and commercial alliance in Europe since
Another reasonable explanation can be that these higher 1386,46 so they probably share similar profiles in their
latitude populations are not in the original distribution pigeon populations. In addition, Obukhova6 presents the
range of the species, as these are recent populations in profile of morphotypes for London, which is very similar
comparison with those located in cities at lower latitudes. to that of Paris. These facts reinforce our hypothesis as to
Thus, the influence of melanic ratios may be reasonably why the Singapore profile is closer to Lisbon and Paris in
higher due to the possible foundation of these popula- the PCA biplot.
tions by escaped breeding individuals, who tend to be The genetic differentiation indices (FST) of Wright32 and
more polymorphic, as discussed above. For example, in the genetic distance (D) of Nei47 are not correlated with the
160 Avian Biology Research 12(4)

Table 4.  Eigenvalues, percentage of contribution and their accumulated values for the PCA performed with the alleles B+, C+, s+,
g+, zwt, cr and f+.

Allele Eigenvalue % Contribution Accumulated eigenvalues % Accumulated contributions

B+ 3.75 53.62 3.75  53.62
C+ 1.36 19.50 5.11  73.12
s+ 0.71 10.26 5.83  83.39
g+ 0.57  8.23 6.41  91.62
zwt 0.33  4.76 6.74  96.39
Cr 0.14  2.01 6.88  98.40
f+ 0.11  1.59 7.00 100.00

PCA: principal component analysis.

geographic distance matrices developed for each continent, for the difference among populations from Western
suggesting that populations have not followed a coloniza- Europe. The human interference hypothesis for pigeon
tion route. Dendrograms of FST do not suggest large differ- colour morphs can explain the high heterogeneity present
ences between South American populations, but they in South American populations and the similarity of pigeons
clearly show structure for two groups in Europe (Madrid, from Singapore with some European populations.
Zaragoza, Lisbon and Rome in comparison with Paris, For future studies, we recommend maintaining photo-
Florence and Venice) (Figure 4). This subdivision is pro- graphic sampling to minimize the sampling error in deter-
duced by differential allelic frequencies of the Pattern mining individual phenotypes, and we also recommend
locus, which shows more melanic morphs CT_ in the cities creating inventories focussing on the loci Background col-
of Paris, Florence and Venice. A similar structure was our, Pattern, Spread and Grizzle as these are the most poly-
observed between populations from the Iberian Peninsula morphic loci and are present in most of the populations.
and the rest of Europe by Obukhova.6 The detailed inventory of global population profiles will
help hypothesize possible allele migration routes and help
understand how the process of genetic structuring of the
species has been carried out. Finally, we propose using C.
Compared to others studies investigating colour morphs in livia as a model organism for the study of population genet-
pigeons, this study showed how it is possible to determine ics, and we promote the inventory of genetic profiles of its
the genetic diversity of pigeon populations by applying populations around the world.
genetic models based on colour morphs and patterns.
Separately, the study of allelic frequencies allowed us to Acknowledgements
obtain a detailed interpretation of how relationships are
Special thanks to Luz Clemencia Aristizábal, who financed most
spatially set up, showing that natural migration was not the of this research and provided support. Thanks to Anderson
main dispersing force of the feral pigeon allelic frequen- Arenas for sampling in Loja and to Carolina Peñuela for sam-
cies. The most likely explanation for the current genetic pling in Arequipa. Acknowledgments to the pigeon breeder
profiles is the influence of human interference. Oscar Jaramillo for his teachings on colour morphs and patterns
Several populations and groups within them were not of the plumage. Finally, thanks to Enrique Pardo, Yherson
in the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium for the Pattern and Molina, Jenny Gallo, Ronald Viáfara and Daniel Poveda for
Grizzle loci. On the Grizzle locus, it is possible to recog- their valuable comments on this paper. This work is dedicated to
nize homozygous and heterozygous individuals, which the memory of Carlos Alberto Duque Castaño, who always
can help to discover why the equilibrium is not present; showed his admiration for the project.
nevertheless, the G allele was infrequent in many popula-
tions and groups, which is why the tests could not be per- Declaration of conflicting interests
formed. Thus, the Pattern locus is the candidate to be The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
chosen in an equilibrium test due to its higher allele fre- to the research, authorship and/or publication of this article
quencies in global populations.
Colour morphs allow us to detect how populations have Funding
been structured at continental levels and which allele fre-
The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
quencies are contributing to the structuring. In general, authorship and/or publication of this article.
populations from northern South America were more het-
erogeneous inside the individual cities sampled but more ORCID iD
homogeneous when evaluated at a continental scale. A dif-
ferent situation occurred in Western Europe, where popu- Mauricio Peñuela
lations were homogeneous inside the sampled cities but
showed a marked structure when the comparison was Statement on the welfare of animals
made on a continental level. The melanic morphs of This article did not carry out experiments with animals; all of the
T-pattern, Checker and Spread were the ones responsible analyses were performed with photographic samplings.
Peñuela et al. 161

Supplemental material 21. Hawkins LE. Studies on inheritance in pigeons. X: relation

of Chocolate to black and dominant red. Genetics 1930; 16:
Supplemental material for this article is available online.
22. Steele DG. Studies on inheritance in pigeons IX: the

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