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Louis-Dreyfuss’ response

to Barr was historical

by Gladstone

irst of all, I have to explain why one of the best pieces of critic and
I’ve chosen to transcript an comedy (critical comedy?) you will
dialogue for my weekly read in a long time. And plus: Julia
commentary instead of writing Louis-Dreyfuss: marry me.
something genuine. Last week,
Roseanne Barr, star of the CBS sitcom LETTERMAN: What did you think
“Roseanne” told the “Entertainment about Roseanne Barr’s interview, when
Weekly” that NBC’s “Seinfeld” was “so she said that “Seinfeld” seems like a
intellectualized, like a Becket play in Beckett play and that the American
television” an that “the American audience doesn’t understand that?
audience don’t want to see that, they LOUIS-DREYFUSS: By saying that,
can’t understand, it’s not for them”. I she proves that she has never read
had thought about writing a column anything that Beckett ever wrote.
about that, giving my opinion in a
smart, funny and clever way, exposing I think it’s so funny that she looks at us
the ridiculous of Roseanne’s statements and thinks we are such “bright,
with irony, to make you laugh while at intellectual minds too smart to the
the same time you meditate about, common people to understand”, cause
questioning the mediocrity in television we’re NOT. I think people like
- represented, in my opinion, by the “Seinfeld” exactly for the opposite of
very show that, because they can
“Roseanne” - and “The simple fact that we feel connect and
why mediocre people have a different approach recognize themselves
feel offended when in that situations so
faced by something or in comedy makes her feel easily.
someone that is smart threatened.”
But, we laugh a lot
and fresh. But, after
when she said that…
Seinfeld’s star Julia
It’s funny to imagine the picture, she
Louis-Dreyfuss last Wednesday’s
watching us and saying “Hey, where
interview to David Letterman, I gave up
are all the fart jokes? They don’t make
the idea, for one simple reason: she did
Lindsay Lohan jokes? I can’t
exactly that. After her words, nothing
understand that, my brain is melting, is
better could be told about this topic.
too intellectualized.”
I put my favorite parts in bold
font, but, please, read the entire text, it’s
LETTERMAN: It was also like she was She truly believes that American
saying: “Intelligence? Eeew… audience is not ready for a thing that
disgusting!” simply presents something that is not so
usual. For her, this is enough to be a
LOUIS-DREYFUSS: It’s so funny that mental challenge.
she thinks we are such an intellectual
challenge, just because we don’t make By saying that, she’s doing two things:
fart jokes or fat people jokes. She thinks overrating us, which I thank her for,
we are too difficult to and underrating the
understand for that audience! She
“She truly believes that
reason. We’re not, believes people are
our show is about
American audience is not not ready for
day-by-day situations ready for a thing that simply “Seinfeld” like
reached at extreme presents something that is not “Seinfeld” was
proportions so usual. For her, this is anything but a sitcom.
sometimes, but by her enough to be a mental She believes that the
description of our audience is not ready
show, we shouldn’t for that, like if we
be running for an “Emmy”, we should were introducing a brand new,
be running for a “Pulitzer”! We read mysterious philosophy, too complicated
what she said and asked ourselves “Are for the common John Smith, which
we that genius?” requires a huge knowledge in western
literature to appreciate it. It’s just
I think people have the right to chose another type of comedy!
what they want to watch, and not have
Roseanne Barr telling them what to The simple fact that we have a
watch. It’s like she was saying “Hey, different approach in comedy makes
you people, watching this smart, well her feel threatened.
written not obvious show, you don’t
want this! It’s too academic for you to If she really thinks that we are too
understand! You want me, Roseanne difficult to understand for that reason,
Barr! You want fat people jokes; it’s there’s something wrong about her,
that what you want, I know that ‘cause not us!
can read your mind.” Case closed your honor.

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