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1.) Police power rests upon public necessity and self- protection.

For this reason,

it’s scope expands and contracts with changing needs.

Police power is the capacity of a state to regulate behavior and enforce order
within their territory. It depends upon the need to protect the state. Therefore,
the scope of police power changes as it meets the changing needs of the state.

0. Emotional immaturity and irresonsibility cannot be equated with

psychological incapacity.

Emotional immaturity is expressing emotions without limits. This may be simply put
as one taking all situations lightly. Meanwhile, paychological incapacity is a
conflict within the cognitive ability and thinking of a person making him incapable
of marriage. This may be in the state of being a retardate, or being habitually
quarrelsome and refuses to concede, or accept any wrong on his or her part. Hence,
Being emotionally immature is not the same as being psychologically incapacitated.

0. Unlawful aggression does not exist where the petrol to one’s life,
limb, or right is neither actual nor imminent.

Unlawful aggression is not applicable where one’s life is

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